越南共产党中央政治局(越南語:Bộ Chính trị Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam)是越南共产党中央领导机构,一般包括国家主要机构和党内主要部门的负责人,实际掌握越南国家大权。现为第十三届中央政治局,由在2021年1月31日越共十三届一中全会上当选的18名成员组成。
^The Central Committee when it convenes for its first session after being elected by a National Party Congress elects the Politburo. The Politburo members are ranked in an official order of precedence every time the body is elected by the Central Committee.[1]
^The Central Committee when it convenes for its first session after being elected by a National Party Congress elects the Politburo. The Politburo members are ranked in an official order of precedence every time the body is elected by the Central Committee.[1]
^The Central Committee when it convenes for its first session after being elected by a National Party Congress elects the Politburo. The Politburo members are ranked in an official order of precedence every time the body is elected by the Central Committee.[1]
^The Central Committee when it convenes for its first session after being elected by a National Party Congress elects the Politburo. The Politburo members are ranked in an official order of precedence every time the body is elected by the Central Committee.[1]