對加里曼丹達雅族傳統信仰做過最好,也是最重要研究工作的是瑞士傳教士Hans Scharer,[13]他的德文原著由英國學者羅德尼· 尼德翰(英语:Rodney Needham)翻譯為英文本《雅朱族宗教:婆羅洲南部群組中神的概念(Ngaju Religion: The Conception of God in a South Borneo People)》;(荷蘭馬丁努斯·奈霍夫出版社(英语:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers)1963年出版)。這種信仰方式因群體而異,但巫師的作用最為重要,這類人這是達雅族信仰的核心,他們可透過進入恍惚的狀態而轉移到不同的境界,把天堂(上層世界)和地球,甚至是冥界等領域結合在一起,例如通過召喚正前往天堂死者之地途中的靈魂來治愈病人,陪伴和保護前往上界途中死者的靈魂,主持一年一度的農業祭典等。[14]當尊貴人士(kamang)過世時,喪葬儀式最為繁複。[15]
荷屬東印度時期,在今日加里曼丹達成最顯著的成就之一,是1874年於中加里曼丹省達芒·巴圖(印度尼西亚语:Damang Batu, Gunung Mas)(雅朱族所在地)達成的“Tumbang Anoi村莊”協議。這是一次加里曼丹所有達雅族部落的正式聚會,以達成和平決議為目的。因為獵頭傳統會導致不同達雅族群之間的衝突和緊張關係,經歷長達數月談判後,全體最終決議結束獵頭傳統。[23]
^Avé, J. B. Kalimantan Dyaks. LeBar, Frank M. (编). Ethnic Groups of Insular Southeast Asia, Volume 1: Indonesia, Andaman Islands, and Madagascar. New Haven: Human Relations Area Files Press. 1972: 185–187. ISBN 978-0-87536-403-2.
^Adelaar, K. Alexander. Bellwood, Peter; Fox. James J.; Tryon, Darrell , 编. Borneo as a cross-roads for comparative Austronesian linguistics(PDF). The Austronesians: Historical and Comparative Perspectives online (Canberra, Australia: Department of Anthropology, The Australian National University). 1995: 81–102 [2014-06-29]. ISBN 978-1-920942-85-4. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2014-06-29).
^Baier, Martin. The Development of the Hindu Kaharingan Religion: A New Dayak Religion in Central Kalimantan. Anthropos. 2007, 102 (2): 566–570. JSTOR 40389742. doi:10.5771/0257-9774-2007-2-566.
^The most detailed study of the shamanistic ritual at funerals is by Waldemar Stöhr, Der Totenkult der Ngadju Dajak in Süd-Borneo. Mythen zum Totenkult und die Texte zum Tantolak Matei (Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff, 1966).
^Chalmers, Ian. The Dynamics of Conversion: the Islamisation of the Dayak peoples of Central Kalimantan. Vickers, A.; Hanlon, M. (编). Asia Reconstructed: Proceedings of the 16th Biennial Conference of the ASAA. Wollongong, NSW: Australian National University. 2006. hdl:20.500.11937/35283.
^Colfer, Carol J. Pierce; Byron, Yvonne. People Managing Forests: The Links Between Human Well-Being and Sustainability. Washington, DC: Resources for the Future. 2001. ISBN 1-891853-05-8.
Judith M. Heimann. The Airmen and the Headhunters: A True Story of Lost Soldiers, Heroic Tribesmen and the Unlikeliest Rescue of World War II. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2009. ISBN 9780547416069.
Norma R. Youngberg. The Queen's Gold. TEACH Services. 2000. ISBN 9781572581555.
Peter Goullart. River of the White Lily: Life in Sarawak. John Murray. 1965. ISBN 0-7195-0542-9.
Raymond Corbey. Of Jars and Gongs: Two Keys to Ot Danum Dayak Cosmology. C. Zwartenkot Art Books. 2016. ISBN 9789054500162.
Syamsuddin Haris. Desentralisasi dan Otonomi Daerah: Desentralisasi, Demokratisasi & Akuntabilitas Pemerintahan Daerah. Yayasan Obor Indonesia. 2005. ISBN 9789799801418.