前哈加納成員,巴魯克凱汀克(Baruch Katinke)表示:“當時,上級要我們派10到12個戰士去保護希伯倫的猶太人。”8月20日半夜,一組人馬前往希伯倫會見猶太社區領袖-以利以謝丹斯洛寧(Eliezer Dan Slonim)。凱汀克說:“斯洛寧堅持他們不需要任何保護,因為他與當地阿拉伯人的關係非常良好,並且他相信a'yan(阿拉伯名人)會保護猶太人,哈加納的出現反而會被阿拉伯人視為一種挑釁。”哈加納小組的到來很快就被警方發現,警司雷蒙卡費拉塔(Raymond Cafferata)[25]命令他們回去耶路撒冷。小組留了兩個人在斯洛寧家,但隔天他們也被斯洛寧要求回去耶路撒冷。[26]
在第一個受害者的消息傳出不久後,40人躲到以利以謝丹斯洛寧(Eliezer Dan Slonim)家。他是希伯倫拉比的兒子,同時是市議會成員及盎格魯-巴勒斯坦銀行的董事,與英國和阿拉伯人有非常良好的關係,避難者相信斯洛寧家是安全的。暴徒說,只要斯洛寧交出阿什肯納茲猶太人的神學院學生,他們可以放過塞法迪猶太人。斯洛寧拒絕,並說:“我們都是一家人”,於是他與妻子及4歲的兒子立刻被槍殺。[29]
拉比雅各約瑟夫斯洛寧(Jacob Joseph Slonim)是希伯倫阿什肯納茲猶太人的首席拉比。有個阿拉伯熟人告訴他暴民即將去攻擊學校,他尋求區民政事務官阿杜拉卡度的保護,但事務官拒絕見他。在街上的攻擊事件發生後,他轉向警察局長求助,但警司卡費拉塔拒絕幫忙,並告訴他:“這是猶太人應得的,誰叫你們是所有麻煩的源頭。”隔天早上,斯洛寧再次要求區民政事務官採取預防措施,但他們說,“沒什麼好擔心的,有大量的警力在待命。去安撫猶太居民吧。“兩個小時後,被煽動的暴徒開始闖入猶太人的家並大喊“殺死猶太人”。大屠殺持續了一個半小時,在人都死光了警方才開始採取行動,警察對空鳴槍後立即驅散了人群。而斯洛寧被一個友善的阿拉伯人所救。 [32]
這次攻擊伴隨著破壞和掠奪。一個為阿拉伯人提供治療的猶太醫院,遭到襲擊和洗劫。許多猶太會堂被破壞和褻瀆。[33]據一個陳述指出,以金銀裝飾的妥拉捲軸在猶太會堂裡被洗劫一空,一些非常古老的珍貴手稿從拉比猶大畢柏斯圖書館(library of Rabbi Judah Bibas)[34]中被偷走。這個建於1852年的圖書館,被部分破壞及燒毀。[35]一個拉比從起火的會堂中搶救出許多妥拉捲軸,但最後死於嚴重燒傷。[36]
Sheik Taleb Markah被指控為希伯倫屠殺事件的主要策劃者之一。[48]判決時,法官表示證據無法證明被告指使阿拉伯人謀殺希伯倫的猶太人,但能證明他曾策使攻擊耶路撒冷的猶太人。[49]他被判處罰金與兩年徒刑。[49]在拉比雅各斯洛寧(Rabbi Jacob Slonim)的家殺死24個猶太人的4個阿拉伯人,其中2位被判處死刑。[50]
在《我在希伯倫看到的》(What I Saw in Hebron)[59]影片中,倖存者(現在已經很老了)說大屠殺前的希伯倫是被葡萄園環繞的天堂,賽法迪猶太人和阿拉伯人像在田園般愜意的和平共存。他們對已經在當地立足的阿什肯納茲猶太人也非常友善,直到耶路撒冷穆夫提的追隨者和阿拉伯人的穆斯林-基督徒協會地方分會挑起阿拉伯人的憤怒情緒。
^Great Britain, 1930: Report of the Commission on the disturbances of August 1929, Command paper 3530 (Shaw Commission report), p. 65.
^Newberg, Eric Nelson. The Pentecostal Mission in Palestine, 1906--1948: A Postcolonial Assessment of Pentecostal Zionism. Proquest LLC. 2008: 265. ISBN 0549517383.
^Kotzin, Daniel P. Judah L. Magnes: An American Jewish Nonconformist. Syracuse University Press. 2010: 222. ISBN 0815651090.
^Segev, Tom (2000) p. 318...A few dozen Jews lived deep within Hebron, in a kind of ghetto where there were also several synagogues. But the majority lived on the outskirts, along the roads to Be'ersheba and Jerusalem, renting homes owned by Arabs, a number of which were built for the express purpose of housing Jewish tenants.
^Michelle Campos, 'Remembering Jewish-Arab Contact and Conflict,' in Sandra Marlene Sufian, Mark LeVine, (eds.) Reapproaching Borders: New Perspectives on the Study of Israel-Palestine, Rowman & Littlefield 2007 pp.41-65 pp.55-56.
^Henry Laurens, La Question de Palestine, Fayard, Paris, vol.2 2002 p.174
^'Hebron had, until this time, been outwardly peaceful, although tension hid below the surface. The Sephardi Jewish community in Hebron had lived quietly with its Arab neighbors for centuries.' Shira Schoenberg ‘The Hebron Massacre of 1929,’ Jewish Virtual Library (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
^Charles Smith, "Communal conflict and insurrection in Palestine, 1936–1948," in David Anderson, David Killingray (eds.) Policing and Decolonisation: Politics, Nationalism, and the Police, 1917–65, Manchester University Press, 1992 pp. 62–83, p. 79.
^ 28.028.1Michelle Campos, "Remembering Jewish-Arab Contact and Conflict", in Sandra Marlene Sufian, Mark LeVine, (eds.) Reapproaching Borders: New Perspectives on the Study of Israel-Palestine, Rowman & Littlefield 2007 pp.41-65, pp55-56
^The original lists underwritten by rabbis Meir and Slonim attested to 19 rescuer families, which is believed to underestimate the number. Modern historical figures vary. David T.Zabecki, 'The Hebron Massacre' (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) at Spencer C. Tucker, Priscilla Mary Roberts (eds.) The Encyclopedia of the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Political, Social, and Military History , ABC-CLIO 2008 p.437 gives the figure of 28 families who saved their Jewish neighbours.
^Tom Segev (2000) p. 330. The Department of Health report to the Shaw Commission said: "A complete post mortem record of the cause of death in the case of the killed was not obtainable at the time, in view of the large number of wounded that had to be dealt with by the limited medical staff. As a result of external inspection by the Senior Medical Officer and British Police Officer no mutilation of bodies was observed. A subsequent exhumation demanded by the Jewish authorities with the object of proving or disproving deliberate mutilation took place on September 11th. Twenty bodies were exhumed and examined by a specially appointed Committee consisting of the Government Pathologist, Dr. G. Stuart, and two non-official British doctors, Dr. Orr Ewing and Dr. Strathearn. The representatives of the Jewish authorities asked that the remaining bodies not be exhumed. The alleged mutilation of bodies was not confirmed by the Committee." Minutes of Evidence, Exhibit 17 (page 1031).
^"The Hebron Tragedy. Mr. Cafferata's Evidence", From Our Correspondent. The Times, Friday, November 8, 1929; pg. 13; Issue 45355; col D.
^ by his Majesty's Government...to the Council of the League of Nations on the Administration of Palestine and Trans-Jordan for the year 1930. Sections 9–13.
^'The Tangled Truth'The New Republic, by Benny Morris, May 7, 2008, book review of Hillel Cohen's (2008) Army of Shadows: Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917-1948 Translated by Haim Watzman University of California Press, ISBN 0-520-25221-7
^Michelle Campos, "Remembering Jewish-Arab Contact and Conflict", in Sandra Marlene Sufian, Mark LeVine, (eds.) Reapproaching Borders: New Perspectives on the Study of Israel-Palestine, Rowman & Littlefield 2007 pp. 41-65 p. 56.
^"What I Saw in Hebron" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), The National Center for Jewish Film, Israel, 1999, 73 min, color, Hebrew & Arabic w/ English subtitles. Verified 27 April 2008.
Segev, Tom. One Palestine, Complete. Henry Holt and Company. 2000.
Zeitlin, Solomon. The Dead Sea scrolls and modern scholarship. Jewish Quarterly Review. Monograph series (Philadelphia: Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning). 1956, (3).