受英國神學家托馬斯·伯内特《神聖的地球理論》(Sacred Theory of the Earth)一書的影響,在天文學的領域方面,史威登堡於1734年首次提出了星雲假說[12],1755年伊曼努爾·康德在此基础上發表了《自然史和天空理論》,認為氣體雲星雲緩慢的旋轉、由於重力逐漸崩潰和合併,最終形成恆星和行星[13]。
1735年,他在萊比錫又出版了三卷本的《哲學和礦物學著作集》(Opera philosophica et minalis),試圖將哲學與冶金學結合起來。這部書中對鉄和銅的冶煉分析的章節受到了社會歡迎,從而使史威登堡獲得了國際聲譽[20]。同年,他還出版了小冊子《無限》(“On the Infinite”),試圖解釋有限與無限的關係以及靈魂與肉體之間的聯係。這是他第一次涉及到這個領域,由於他提出了靈魂基於物質的觀點[21][22],他知道這可能會引發與神學界的衝突。除此之外,他還專門研究了當時的時尚哲學家,如:約翰·洛克、克里斯蒂安·馮·沃爾夫、戈特弗里德·莱布尼茨、笛卡爾以及早期古希臘、古羅馬的柏拉圖、亞里士多德、普羅提諾、希波的奥古斯丁的哲學思想[23]。
1743年7月史威登堡啓程周游各地,他隨身携帶旅行日記,詳細記載著沿途旅行的觀感。在這期間史威登堡也做了很多令他感到奇特的夢,所經歷的不同的夢境,對他來説有些非常愉快,有些則忐忑不安[25],除了旅行觀感之外,他也一直幾乎一個不漏地記載所夢見的情景。記述時間從1743年7月至1744年10月。但是這部日記長期以來一直無人知曉,直到1850年在瑞典皇家圖書館才被發現,之後這部游記以《夢幻日記》(瑞典語:Drömboken[26])(英文:Journal of Dreams)[27]的書名出版發行。
^ 3.03.1Grieve, Alexander James (1911). "Swedenborg, Emanuel" . In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. 26 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 221
^Martin Lamm (1978 [1915]; pp.1–19) notes how all Swedenborg biographies at that draw similarities between the beliefs of Jesper and Emanuel. Lamm himself partially agrees with them, but he maintains that there were marked differences between them too
^The meeting between the King, Polhelm and Swedenborg is described in detail in Liljegren, Bengt, Karl XII i Lund : när Sverige styrdes från Skåne, (Historiska media, Lund, 1999). ISBN 91-88930-51-3
^Proposed by Lagercrantz, also mentioned by Bergquist (1999), p. 119
^Swedenborg, Emanuel. (Principia) Opera Philosophica et Mineralia [哲学与矿物学工作] I. 1734 (拉丁语)
^Woolfson, M.M. Solar System – its origin and evolution. Q. J. R. Astr. Soc. 1993, 34: 1–20. Bibcode:1993QJRAS..34....1W. For details of Kant's position, see Stephen Palmquist, "Kant's Cosmogony Re-Evaluated", Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 18:3 (September 1987), pp.255-269
^Fodstad, H. The neuron theory Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 2001;77:20-4
^Gordh, E. et al.Swedenborg, Linnaeus and Brain Research and the Roles of Gustaf Retzius and Alfred Stroh in the Rediscovery of Swedenborg's Manuscripts. Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences 2007; 112:143–164.
^Gross C. G. Emanuel Swedenborg: A neuroscientist before his time. The Neuroscientist 3: 2(1997)
^Gross, C. "Three before their time: neuroscientists whose ideas were ignored by their contemporaries Experimental Brain Research 192:321 2009
^Tubbs RS, Riech S, Verma K, Loukas M, Mortazavi M, Cohen-Gadol A. Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772): pioneer of neuroanatomy. Childs Nervous System 2011 Aug;27(8):1353-5
^Filley CM. Chapter 35: The frontal lobes. Handbook Clinical Neurology 2010;95:557-70
^Lamm (1987), pp. 42–43, notes that by assuming that the soul consists of matter, as Swedenborg did, one becomes a materialist. He further notes that it was also noted by contemporaries
^Jonsson, Inge, Swedenborg och Linné, in Delblanc & Lönnroth, p. 321