小大角战役 (英語:Battle of the Little Bighorn )是北美印第安战争 之一場戰役,美國原住民 蘇族人 在此役中全殲進攻的美軍 卡斯特部。
19世紀,美國淘金熱 風潮大起,大批白人拓荒者蜂擁至中西部淘金,卻時常遭到當地蘇族人袭击,在南北戰爭 中聞名的第七騎兵團 團長喬治·阿姆斯壯·卡斯特 中校 奉命進兵綏剿。
1876年6月25日,卡斯特自領兩百餘騎兵 ,與馬庫斯·雷諾少校 、克雷伯格·本廷上尉 分兵三路,進攻蒙大拿州 黑山 山谷。卡斯特的計畫是俘虜原住民的婦女與小孩當成人質,迫使戰士為不傷及家人而投降。不料雷諾與本廷遇阻,自行退卻。卡斯特部孤軍進攻,遭酋長“疯马 ”與薩滿 “坐牛 ”率领的二千名蘇族勇士全殲。
酋長“瘋馬 ”因擊潰名將,一戰成名,但其后美軍立刻大規模迫害蘇族人,並且將大平原上的美洲野牛 趕盡殺絕,斷絕他們的食物來源。為了保全部落,在1877年的五月初,疯马等酋長在內布拉斯加州 羅賓遜堡 投降。其後於1877年九月被指稱有越獄嫌疑,遭美軍處死。薩滿 “坐牛 ”則流亡 加拿大,後投降美軍,獲得特赦 。不久後美國政府以印第安部落特殊宗教儀式“鬼舞 ”有叛亂嫌疑為理由,派遣警察拘捕,於1890年12月15日之槍戰中身亡。
此戰役曾被拍成電影《卡斯特將軍 》《马革裹尸 》,也成為電腦遊戲《世紀帝國III:群酋爭霸 》的戰役「火焰及陰影」章節中的第二幕最終關卡(遊戲中會支援玩家的可操控角色為瘋馬)。美國橄欖球員電影《攻其不備 》亦曾提及。
Barnard, Sandy. Digging into Custer's Last Stand. Huntington Beach, California: Ventana Graphics. 1998. ISBN 0-9618087-5-6 .
Brininstool, E. A. Troopers With Custer . Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania: Stackpole Books. 1994. ISBN 0-8117-1742-9 .
Chamot, Jean-Marc. La Représentation du Général G. A. Custer dans le Cinéma et la Télévision des Etats-Unis (1909–2004)- These Doctorale. Paris/Nanterre France: Université Paris 10 Nanterre – 974 p. (2 volumes). 2005.
Chiaventone, Frederick J. A Road We Do Not Know: A Novel of Custer at the Little Bighorn . New York: Simon & Schuster. 1996. ISBN 0-684-83056-6 .
Connell, Evan S. Son of the Morning Star . New York: North Point Press. 1984. ISBN 0-86547-510-5 .
Cornut, David. Little Big Horn: Autopsie d'une bataille légendaire. Parçay-sur-Vienne: Anovi. 2012. ISBN 978-2-360351-34-3 .
Dickson, Ephriam D. III. Prisoners in the Indian Camp: Kill Eagle's Band at the Little Bighorn (PDF) . Greasy Grass: 3–11. [2020-06-25 ] . OCLC 38114524 . (原始内容存档 (PDF) 于2012-04-26).
Donovan, James. A Terrible Glory: Custer and the Little Bighorn . Little, Brown, and Co. 2008-03-24. ISBN 978-0-316-15578-6 .
Dustin, Fred . The Custer Tragedy: Events Leading Up to and Following the Little Big Horn Campaign of 1876. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Edwards Brothers. 1939. OCLC 4387990 .
Elliot, M.A. Custerology: The Enduring Legacy of the Indian Wars and George Armstrong Custer . University of Chicago Press. 2007. ISBN 978-0-226-20146-7 .
Connell, Evan S. Son of the Morning Star: Custer and The Little Bighorn . New York: North Point Press. 1984. ISBN 0-86547-510-5 .
Evans, Alun. Brassey's Guide to War Films . Brassey's. 2000. ISBN 1-57488-263-5 .
Flaherty, Thomas H. (编). The Wild West . New York: Time-Life Books. 1993. ISBN 0-446-51761-5 .
Fox, Richard Allan, Jr. Archaeology, History, and Custer's Last Battle . Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press. 1993. ISBN 0-8061-2496-2 .
Gallear, Mark. Guns at the Little Bighorn . Custer Association of Great Britain. 2001. (原始内容 存档于2006-09-08).
Goodrich, Thomas. Scalp Dance: Indian Warfare on the High Plains, 1865–1879 . Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books. 1997. ISBN 0-8117-1523-X .
Graham, Col. William A. The Custer Myth: A Source Book for Custeriana . New York: Bonanza Books. 1953. OCLC 944258 .
Gray, John S. Custer's Last Campaign: Mitch Boyer and the Little Bighorn Reconstructed . Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 1991. ISBN 0-8032-7040-2 .
Grinnell, George Bird. The Fighting Cheyennes Reprint. Norman: The University of Oklahoma Press. 1956 [1915]. ISBN 0-7394-0373-7 .
Hammer, Kenneth. Nichols, Ronald H. , 编. Men with Custer: Biographies of the 7th Cavalry: June 25, 1876. Hardin, Montana: Custer Battlefield Historical and Museum Association. 2000. ISBN 1-892258-05-6 .
Hammer, Kenneth (编). Custer in '76: Walter Camp's notes on the Custer Fight. Provo: Brigham Young University. 1976. ISBN 0-8061-2279-X .
Hardorff, R. G. (编). Camp, Custer and the Little Big Horn. El Segundo, California: Upton and Sons. 1997. ISBN 0-912783-25-7 .
Hatch, Thom. Custer and the Little Bighorn: An Encyclopedia. London: McFarland & Company, Inc. 1997. ISBN 0-7864-0154-0 .
Hardorff, R. G. Hokahey! A Good Day to Die! The Indian Casualties of the Custer Fight. University of Nebraska Press. 1993. ISBN 0-8032-7322-3 .
Keegan, John . Warpaths . London: Pimlico. 1996. ISBN 1-55013-621-6 .
Lawson, Michael L. Little Bighorn: Winning the Battle, Losing the War . New York: Chelsea House Publishers. 2007. ISBN 978-0-7910-9347-4 .
Lehman, Tim. Bloodshed at Little Bighorn . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 2010: 219 . ISBN 978-0-8018-9501-2 .
Mails, Thomas E. The Mystic Warriors of the Plains: The Culture, Arts, Crafts and Religion of the Plains Indians. New York: Marlowe & Co. 1996. ISBN 1-56924-538-X .
Michno, Gregory F. The Mystery of E Troop: Custer's Grey Horse Company at the Little Bighorn. Missoula, Montana: Mountain Press Publishing. 1994. ISBN 0-87842-304-4 .
Miller, David, H. Custer's Fall: The Native American Side of the Story . University of Nebraska Press. 1985. ISBN 0-452-01095-0 .
Neihardt, John G. (编). Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux. University of Nebraska Press. 1979. ISBN 0-8032-8359-8 .
Nichols, Ronald H. (编). Reno Court of Inquiry. Hardin, Montana: Custer Battlefield Historical and Museum Association. 1996. OCLC 45499454 .
Panzeri, Peter. Little Big Horn, 1876: Custer's Last Stand . London, UK: Osprey. 1995. ISBN 1-85532-458-X .
Perrett, Bryan. Last Stand!: Famous Battles Against the Odds. London: Arms & Armour. 1993. ISBN 1-85409-188-3 .
Philbrick, Nathaniel . The Last Stand: Custer, Sitting Bull, and The Battle of The Little Bighorn . Viking Press. 2010. ISBN 978-0-14-242769-9 .
Reno, Marcus A. The official record of a court of inquiry convened at Chicago, Illinois, January 13, 1879, by the President of the United States upon the request of Major Marcus A. Reno, 7th U.S. Cavalry, to investigate his conduct at the Battle of the Little Big Horn, June 25–26, 1876 . University of Wisconsin Digital Collections. 1951 [2020-06-25 ] . (原始内容存档 于2008-12-02).
Rice, Earle Jr. The Battle or the Little Bighorn . World History Series. San Diego: Lucent Books. 1998. ISBN 978-1-56006-453-4 .
Sandoz, Mari . The Battle of the Little Bighorn . Lippincott Major Battle Series. Philadelphia: Lippincott. 1966. ISBN 0-8032-9100-0 .
Robbins, James S. The Real Custer; From Boy General to Tragic Hero . Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing. 2014. ISBN 978-1-62157-209-1 .
Robinson, Charles M. III. A Good Year to Die: the story of the great Sioux war . New York: Random House. 1995. ISBN 0-679-43025-3 .
Sarf, Wayne Michael. The Little Bighorn Campaign: March–September 1876 . Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: Combined Books. 1993. ISBN 1-58097-025-7 .
Scott, Douglas D.; Connor, Melissa. Context Delicti: Archaeological Context in Forensic Work . Haglund, W.D.; Sorg, M.H. (编). Forensic Taphonomy: The Postmortem Fate of Human Remains. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 1997: 27–38 . ISBN 978-0-8493-9434-8 .
Sklenar, Larry. To Hell with Honor, General Custer and the Little Big Horn . Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 2000. ISBN 0-8061-3472-0 .
Tucker, Phillip Thomas. Death at the Little Bighorn: A New Look at Custer, His Tactics, and the Tragic Decisions Made at the Last Stand . Skyhorse. 2017. ISBN 978-1-63450-800-1 .
Utley, Robert M. The Lance and the Shield: the life and times of Sitting Bull . New York: Henry Holt & Company. 1993. ISBN 0-8050-1274-5 .
Utley, Robert M. Cavalier in Buckskin: George Armstrong Custer and the Western Military Frontier Revised. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 2001. ISBN 0-8061-2292-7 .
Vestal, Stanley. Warpath: The True Story of the Fighting Sioux Told in a Biography of Chief White Bull . Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 1934. ISBN 0-8032-4653-6 .
Viola, Herman J. Little Bighorn Remembered: The Untold Indian Story of Custer's Last Stand . Westminster, Maryland: Times Books. 1999. ISBN 0-8129-3256-0 .
Welch, James; Stekler, Paul. Killing Custer: The Battle of the Little Bighorn and the Fate of the Plains Indians . New York: Norton. 1994. ISBN 0-393-32939-9 .
Wert, Jeffry D. Custer: The Controversial Life of George Armstrong Custer . New York: Simon & Schuster. 1996. ISBN 0-684-81043-3 .
Information related to 小大角战役