1948年,杰弗里斯的父亲亚瑟·杰弗里斯(Arthur Jeffreys)是驻莱茵河英国陆军的一名上尉,其所在部队当时驻扎在德国明斯特,杰弗里斯之后便出生在当地的一间军事医院。[8]在她3岁时,全家搬回了英国,但很快又因为部队调动,他们一家去了马耳他居住。直到她10岁时,全家才回到英国本土稳定下来。[9]她在11岁时进入特威克纳姆的一所女子文法学校就读,然后在18岁时进入曼彻斯特大学攻读历史,在获得文学硕士学位后,她进入唐屋女子中学(英语:Downe House School)任教。[10]在唐屋女子中学的3年(1971年-1973年)教师生涯中,她开始阅读女性主义有关的书籍,成为她个人女性主义的起点。[11]杰弗里斯在她于2005年出版的《美丽与厌女症》一书中这样描述当时的自己:
1979年,杰弗里斯同利兹革命女性主义团体(英语:Leeds Revolutionary Feminist Group)的其他成员一起撰写了《爱你的敌人?异性恋女性主义和政治女同性恋主义之间的辩论(Love Your Enemy? The Debate Between Heterosexual Feminism and Political Lesbianism)》。作者们这样写到:「我们确实认为……所有女性主义者都可以而且应该是女同性恋者。我们对政治女同性恋者的定义是不与男人做爱的女性身份女性。这并不意味着必须与女性产生性行为。」 [13]
杰弗里斯是《历史的性动力:男性的力量,女性的抵抗(The Sexual Dynamics of History: Men's Power, Women's Resistance)》的共同撰稿人之一,这是一部由伦敦女性主义历史团体于1983年出版的关于性别关系的女性主义著作选集。 杰弗里斯撰写了「1920年代的性改革和反女权主义」一章。 [14]
《老处女和她的敌人:女性主义和性 1880–1930》
在1985年出版的《老处女和她的敌人:女性主义和性 1880–1930(The Spinster and Her Enemies: Feminism and Sexuality 1880–1930)》中,杰弗里斯探讨了世纪之交女性主义者在社会纯洁运动中的参与。而在她1990年的作品《反高潮:女性主义视角下的性革命(Anticlimax: A Feminist Perspective on the Sexual Revolution)》中,杰弗里斯对1960年代的性革命提出了批评。 [5]
由杰弗里斯和罗琳·戈特沙尔克(Lorene Gottschalk)合著的《性别伤害:对变性政治的女性主义分析(Gender Hurts: A Feminist Analysis of the Politics of Transgenderism)》于2014年4月出版。蒂莫西·劳里(Timothy Laurie)认为,男女之间在性别方面的社会动态的正式化在「战略」和「红利」方面造成了伤害,有「将不平等经济交换的持续存在与不太可预测但同样重要的关于什么被标记为『男性』和『女性』以及为了什么集体目的的斗争混淆起来的风险。」 [20]
Jeffreys, Sheila. Man's dominion: religion and the eclipse of women's rights in world politics. Abingdon, Oxfordshire New York: Routledge. 2012. ISBN 9780415596749.
Jeffreys, Sheila. Gender hurts: a feminist analysis of the politics of transgenderism. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2014. ISBN 9780415539401.
Jeffreys, Sheila. Pornography: creating the sexual future. Hornsby, Jennifer; Frazer, Elizabeth; Lovibond, Sabina (编). Ethics: a feminist reader. Oxford, UK Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Blackwell. 1992. ISBN 9780631178316.
Jeffreys, Sheila. Women's friendships and lesbianism. Jackson, Stevi; Scott, Sue (编). Feminism and sexuality: a reader. New York: Columbia University Press. 1996: 46–56. ISBN 9780231107082.
Jeffreys, Sheila. Sadomasochism. Jackson, Stevi; Scott, Sue (编). Feminism and sexuality: a reader. New York: Columbia University Press. 1996: 238–244. ISBN 9780231107082.
Jeffreys, Sheila. Heterosexuality and the desire for gender. Richardson, Diane (编). Theorising heterosexuality: telling it straight. Buckingham Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Open University Press. 1996. ISBN 9780335195046.
Jeffreys, Sheila. Live pornography: strip clubs in the international political economy of prostitution. Tankard Reist, Melinda; Bray, Abigail (编). Big Porn Inc.: exposing the harms of the global pornography industry. North Melbourne, Victoria: Spinifex Press. 2011: 136–143. ISBN 9781876756895.
Jeffreys, Sheila. Beyond 'agency' and 'choice' in theorizing prostitution. Coy, Maddy (编). Prostitution, harm and gender inequality: theory, research and policy. Farnham, Surrey, England Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate. 2012: 69–86. ISBN 9781409405450.
^Denfeld, Rene, The antiphallic campaign: male bashing and sexual politics, Denfeld, Rene (编), The new Victorians: a young woman's challenge to the old feminist order, St Leonards, New South Wales: Allen & Unwin: 35, 1995, ISBN 9781863737890.
^Jeffreys, Sheila, Sex reform and anti-feminism in the 1920s, London Feminist History Group (编), The Sexual dynamics of history: men's power, women's resistance, London: Pluto Press: vi, 1983, ISBN 9780861047116.
^Stein, Atara, 'Without contraries is no progression': S/M bi-nary thinking, and the lesbian purity test, Atkins, Dawn (编), Lesbian sex scandals: sexual practices, identities, and politics, New York: Haworth Press: 53, 1999, ISBN 9780789005489.Preview
^Jeffreys, Sheila. Gender Hurts: A Feminist Analysis of the Politics of Transgenderism 1st. Abingdon-on-Thames, UK: Routledge. 2014: 5. ISBN 978-0415539401.