海牙事件、法國駐荷蘭大使館遇襲事件(ハーグ事件,Prise d'otages de l'ambassade de France à La Haye,Gijzeling in de Franse ambassade in Den Haag)是1974年9月14日(当地时间9月13日)荷兰海牙发生的人质事件。这次事件中,日本赤军的奥平纯三(日语:奥平純三)、西川纯(日语:西川純_(日本赤軍))、和光晴生(日语:和光晴生)等三名成员封锁了法国驻荷兰大使馆并劫持大使为人质,要求法国政府释放日本赤军成员山田义昭。双方相持5天后,荷兰和法国政府答应了绑架犯的大部分要求。该犯罪团伙在当局满足他们的要求后,释放人质并坐飞机逃离荷兰前往南也门。
^"Those named by Lebanese officials as having been arrested included at least three Red Army members who have been wanted for years by Japanese authorities, most notably Kōzō Okamoto, 49, the only member of the attacking group who survived the Lod Airport massacre." "Lebanon Seizes Japanese Radicals Sought in Terror Attacks" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), The New York Times, 19 February 1997.