《生态乌托邦:威廉·韦斯顿的笔记本与报告》(英語:Ecotopia: The Notebooks and Reports of William Weston),是欧内斯特·卡伦巴赫的一部有重大影响的小说。出版于1975年。书中所描述的社会是最初的生态乌托邦之一,深刻影响了反主流文化,与20世纪70年代及其后的绿色运动。
本书的重要性不在于其文学形式,而更多地在于对一种更大尺度范围上可行的、生态上合理的生活方式的丰富想象,并或多或少有所现实性地展现之。它从文字上表达出了20世纪70年代及其后的运动中的许多人所拥有的对于另一个未来的梦想。甚至连两个人物的姓名也差不多反映了他们各自的观点——代表物质主义的美国文化的威廉·韦斯顿“Will West(on)”,以及生态乌托邦的总统和女发言人薇拉·奥尔文“Vera Allwen”(=“Truth for All Time”)——暗示了作者在一定程度上有意使该书成为美国生态与文化上缺陷的反映。
Ernest Callenbach, "Ecotopia in Japan?," in: Communities 132 (Fall 2006), pp. 42–49.
R. Frye, "The Economics of Ecotopia", in: Alternative Futures 3 (1980), pp. 71–81.
K.T. Goldbach, "Utopian Music: Music History of the Future in Novels by Bellamy, Callenbach and Huxley", in: Utopia Matters. Theory, Politics, Literature and the Arts, ed. F. Viera, M. Freitas, Porto 2005, pp. 237–243.
Matthew Hilton, "Consumers and the State Since the Second World War." The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 611, no. 66 (2007): 66-81.
Heather Murray, "Free for All Lesbians: Lesbian Cultural Production and Consumption in the United States during the 1970s." Journal of the History of Sexuality 16, no. 2 (2007): 251-68.
H. Tschachtler, "Despotic Reason in Arcadia. Ernest Callenbach's Ecological Utopias", Science-Fiction Studies 11 (1984), pp. 304–317.
^· Heather Murray. "Free for All Lesbians: Lesbian Cultural Production and Consumption in the United States during the 1970s." Journal of the History of Sexuality 16, no. 2 (2007): 251-68.
^· Ernest Callenbach. Ecotopia. New York: Bantam Books, 1990
^ 4.04.1· Matthew Hilton. "Consumers and the State Since the Second World War." The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 611, no. 66 (2007): 66-81.
^Ernest Callenbach. Ecotopia Emerging. New York: Bantam Books. 1982年5月. ISBN 0-553-20686-9(英语). "None of the happy conditions in Ecotopia are beyond the technical or resource reach of our society."——Ralph Nader
^Ernest Callenbach. Ecotopia Emerging. New York: Bantam Books. 1982年5月. ISBN 0-553-20686-9(英语). "The best integrated positive vision in print of how our civilization might fall into balance."——Next Whole Earth Catalog