他的著作之中,包括了爭議紛紜的《是與否》(Sic et Non)。它在這本書中提出,公認有權威的基督教神學與哲學著作之間的相反見解,以证明基督教仍有許多尚未解決的問題,有待他以及其他的基督教思想家努力。在寫過《是與否》之後,亞伯拉德立刻撰寫巨著《基督教神學》(Christian Theology)。[5]
亞伯拉德在巴黎主教座堂擔任教師講師時,愛上教士富爾貝爾的17歲侄女埃洛伊斯。這對戀人雙雙逃往布列塔尼並秘密結婚,並生有一子。不久後埃洛伊斯為了阿伯拉的前途(如果结婚就没法当神学院的院长)否認這樁婚姻,此舉遭到局外人誤會,埃洛伊斯的叔父巴黎主教座堂的迦農富勒以為阿伯拉欺騙其姪女感情,於是設計陷害阿伯拉,派僕役對夜寢的阿伯拉施以宮刑,使他無法與埃洛伊斯維持正常家庭,阿伯拉於是力勸埃洛伊斯進入巴黎郊外一所修道院當修女,阿伯拉則前往聖丹尼斯修道院當修士。兩人一直維持書信交流,多年後阿伯拉向埃洛伊斯坦承是因為怕別的男人佔有她才勸其進修道院,但埃洛伊斯卻甘於命運的安排,兩人都投入神職卻依然感情深厚。後來,他又重操舊業─教書的工作,不久之後又牽涉了一次劇烈的爭論。於1121年的斯瓦松會議(Council of Soissons)上,未經聆訊就把他對三位一體的主張大加譴責。1136年,他最後一次回到巴黎,重新受到歡迎,寫了幾部重要的著作。亞伯拉德是當時基督教時代的重要思想家,當他做了修士以後,試圖解決了許多問題,這些問題後來都成為後幾個世紀的主要神學問題。[12] 阿伯拉死後,1164年埃洛伊斯的遺骨也被葬於其側。
《高階邏輯》(Logica ingredientibus),1121年
《皮埃尔·阿伯拉尔注波愛修斯》(Petri Abaelardi Glossae in Porphyrium),1120年
Abelard, Peter; Heloise; Héloïse; Lombardo, Stanley. Abelard & Héloïse: The Letters and other Writings. 由Levitan, William翻译 introduction and notes by William Levitan. 2007. ISBN 978-0-87220-875-9.
Abelard, Peter and Heloise. (2009) The Letters of Heloise and Abelard. Translated by Mary McGlaughlin and Bonnie Wheeler.
Planctus. Consolatoria, Confessio fidei, by M. Sannelli, La Finestra editrice, Lavis 2013, ISBN978-8895925-47-9
Carmen Ad Astralabium, in: Ruys J.F. (2014) Carmen ad Astralabium—English Translation. The Repentant Abelard. The New Middle Ages. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137051875_5
The letter collection of Peter Abaelard and Heloise. (2017) Edited and translated by Peter Luscombe. Oxford Medieval Texts
Abelard, Peter. Engels, L. J.; Veire, Christine Vande , 编. Petri Abaelardi Sermones. Turnhout: Brepols. 2020. ISBN 978-2-503-57701-2.
其作品譯入漢語者寥寥,僅有和埃洛伊斯的書信集被翻譯出版,且不翻譯自法語或拉丁語,而是轉譯自由貝蒂·拉迪斯(Betty Radice)編輯的英譯本《The Letters of Abelard and Heloise》 :
^Weaver, J. Denny, The Nonviolent Atonement, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2001
^Beilby, James K.; Eddy, Paul R., The Nature of the Atonement: Four Views, InterVarsity Press, 2009
^Guilfoy, Kevin, "John of Salisbury"互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2019-03-18., The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2015 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.).
^Peter King, Andrew Arlig. Peter Abelard. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Stanford University. 2018 [2019-10-10]. (原始内容存档于2008-05-14). This source has a detailed description of his philosophical work.
^Latin text in L. M. De Rijk, ed, Petrus Abaelardus: Dialectica, 2nd edn, (Assen: Van Gorcum, 1970)
^English translation in Peter King, Peter Abailard and the Problem of Universals in the Twelfth Century, (Princeton, 1982)
^The Latin text is printed in Blanche Boyer and Richard McKeon, eds, Peter Abailard: Sic et Non. A Critical Edition, (University of Chicago Press 1977).
^ 16.016.1Latin text in Eligius M. Buytaert and Constant Mews, eds, Petri Abaelardi opera theologica. CCCM13, (Brepols: Turnholt, 1987).
^Latin text in Eligius M. Buytaert, ed, Petri Abaelardi opera theologica. CCCM12, (Brepols: Turnholt 1969). Substantial portions are translated into English in James Ramsay McCallum, Abelard's Christian Theology, (Oxford: Blackwell, 1948).
^English translations in Pierre Payer, Peter Abelard: A Dialogue of a Philosopher with aJew and a Christian, (Toronto: The Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies Publications, 1979), and Paul Spade, Peter Abelard: Ethical Writings, (Indianapolis: HackettPublishing Company, 1995).
^English translations in David Luscombe, Ethics, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971), and in Paul Spade, Peter Abelard: Ethical Writings, (Indianapolis: HackettPublishing Company, 1995).