康沃利斯進佔邦德溪後,派士兵搜掠大陸軍哨站及附近革命派的民居,然後啟程返回不倫瑞克。彌敦內爾·格連得悉邦德溪遇襲後,即率領士兵由北面的巴士京嶺(英语:Basking Ridge, New Jersey)趕往增援,但康沃利斯早已撤離。後來格連派出先鋒前往追擊,並與康沃利斯軍短暫交火。事後大陸軍統計殺死8名英軍,並俘虜16名士兵,而格連則率領士兵返回邦德溪。[7][8]至於北美英軍總司令威廉·何奧爵士則指英軍只有7人受傷,並殺死大陸軍30多人、俘獲80至90多人。林肯則指大陸軍在邦德溪有60多人死傷及被俘。[9]
至於英軍方面,何奧雖然已經部署進攻費城,卻遲遲未能進攻。由於英軍在新澤西州損耗甚多,必須等待倫敦派出的援軍及補給,然而英國艦隊要在4月才能夠出發,並要到5月24日至6月7日期間才抵達新澤西州。[12]故此這段時間,英軍和大陸軍繼續互相埋伏對方巡哨,試探對方部署。[13]兩軍要到6月底才於新澤西州的史考區平原(英语:Scotch Plains, New Jersey)爆發矮山戰役。
Allison, Robert J., The American Revolution: A Concise History, New York: Oxford University Press, 2011, ISBN 978-0-19-531295-9(英语)
Davis, T. E., The Battle of Bound Brook: An Address Delivered Before the Washington Camp Ground Association, Bound Brook, NJ: The Chronicle Steam Printery, 1895 (英语)
Martin, David G, The Philadelphia Campaign: June 1777-July 1778, Conshohocken, PA: Combined Books, 1993, ISBN 0-938289-19-5(英语)
Mattern, David B., Benjamin Lincoln and the American Revolution, Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1995, ISBN 978-1-57003-260-8(英语)
McGuire, Thomas J., The Philadelphia Campaign: Volume One: Brandywine and the Fall of Philadelphia 1, Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2006, ISBN 978-0811701785(英语)
McGuire, Thomas J., The Philadelphia Campaign: Volume Two: Germantown and the Roads to Valley Forge 2, Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2007, ISBN 978-0811702065(英语)
Middleton, Richard, The War of American Independence: 1775-1783, New York: Pearson Education Limited., 2012, ISBN 978-0-582-22942-6(英语)
Reed, John F., Campaign to Valley Forge, July 1, 1777-December 19, 1777, Union City, TN: Pioneer Press, 1980, ISBN 0-913150-42-8(英语)