IEEE Morris N. Liebmann Memorial Award Der IEEE Morris N. Liebmann Memorial Award ist ein Technik-Preis für neue Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre, der zuerst 1919 vom Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) verliehen wurde und später vom (mit dem IRE fusionierten) IEEE. Zuerst war es ein Preis für Radiotechnik. Er ist nach Oberst Morris N. Liebmann benannt. Er wurde bis 2000 vergeben, danach wurde er vom IEEE Daniel E. Noble Award abgelöst.
Jeweils mit den offiziellen Begründungen
- 1919 Leonard Fuller, For his contributions to long distance radio communication
- 1920 Roy Alexander Weagant, For his experimental researchers and results in the field of the reduction of atmospheric disturbances in radio reception
- 1921 Raymond A. Heising, In recognition of the publication of his basic work in the field of the signal modulation of an oscillator outut, and in particular of his invention and development of constant current modulations as first applied to radiotelephony
- 1922 Charles Samuel Franklin, For his investigations of short wave directional transmission and reception
- 1923 Harold Henry Beverage, for his work on directional antennas
- 1924 John Renshaw Carson, In recognition of his valuable contributions to alternating current circuit theory and, in particular, to his investigations of filter systems and of single side band telephony
- 1925 Frank Conrad, for his research work in the short wave transmitting and receiving field
- 1926 Ralph Bown, For researches and investigations into the more difficult element of wave transmission phenomena which have resulted in extensive and useful additions to existing knowledge
- 1927 Albert H. Taylor, for his work in connection with the investigation of radio transmission phenomena
- 1928 Walter Guyton Cady, for his fundamental investigations in piezoelectric phenomena and their application to radio technique
- 1929 Edward Victor Appleton, for his investigations in the field of wave propagation
- 1930 Albert W. Hull, In recognition of the many advances in vacuum tube development which were due to his fundamental researches in the field of electronics
- 1931 Stuart Ballantine, For his outstanding theoretical and experimental investigations of numerous radio and acoustic devices
- 1932 Edmond Bruce, For his theoretical investigations and field developments in the domain of directional antennas
- 1933 Heinrich Barkhausen, For his work on oscillation circuits and particularly on that type of oscillator which now bears his name
- 1934 Vladimir Zworykin, For his contributions to the development of television
- 1935 Frederick B. Llewellyn, For his analysis and disclosures of the effects and reactions within vacuum tubes at ultra high frequencies
- 1936 Browder J. Thompson, For his contribution to the vacuum tube art in the field of very high frequencies
- 1937 William H. Doherty, For his improvement in the efficiency of radio frequency power amplifiers
- 1938 George C. Southworth, For his theoretical and experimental investigations of the propagation of ultra high frequency waves through confined dielectric channels and the development of a technique for the generation and measurement of such waves
- 1939 Harald Friis, For his investigations in radio transmission including the development of methods of measuring signals and noise and the creation of a receiving system for mitigating selective fading and noise interference
- 1940 Harold Alden Wheeler, For his contributions to the analysis of wide band high frequency circuits particularly suitable for television
- 1941 Philo Farnsworth, For his contributions in the field of applied electronics
- 1942 Sergei Alexander Schelkunoff, For his contributions to the theory of electromagnetic fields in wave transmission and radiation
- 1943 Wilmer L. Barrow, For his theoretical and experimental investigations of ultra high frequency propagation in wave guides and radiation from horns, and the application of these principles to engineering practice
- 1944 William Webster Hansen, For his application of electromagnetic theory in radiation antennas, resonators, and electron bunching, and for the development of practical equipment and measurement techniques in the microwave field
- 1945 Peter Carl Goldmark, For his contributions to the development of television systems, particularly in the field of color
- 1946 Albert Rose, For his contributions to the art of converting optical images to electrical signals, particularly the image orthicon
- 1947 John R. Pierce, For his development of a traveling wave tube having both high gain and very great bandwidth
- 1948 Stuart William Seeley, For his development of ingenious circuits related to frequency modulation
- 1949 Claude Elwood Shannon, For his original and important contributions to the theory of the transmission of information in the presence of noise
- 1950 Otto H. Schade, For outstanding contributions to analysis, measurement technique, and system development in the field of television and related optics
- 1951 Robert B. Dome, For many technical contributions to the profession, but notably his contributions to the inter carrier sound system of television reception, wide band phase shift networks and various simplifying innovations in FM receiver circuits
- 1952 William Bradford Shockley, In recognition of his contributions to the creation and development of the transistor
- 1953 John R. Pierce, For his pioneering and sustained outstanding contributions to radio navigation, and his related fundamental studies of radio wave propagation
- 1954 Robert R. Warnecke, For his many valuable contributions and scientific advancements in the field of electron tubes, and in particular, the magnetron class of traveling wave tubes
- 1955 Arthur V. Loughren, "For his leadership and technical contributions in the formulation of the signal specification for compatible color television
- 1956 Kenneth Bullington, For his contributions to the knowledge of tropospheric transmission beyond the horizon, and to the application of the principles of such transmission to practical communications systems
- 1957 Oswald Garrison Villard, Jr., For his contributions in the field of meteor astronomy and ionosphere physics which led to the solution of outstanding problems in radio propagation
- 1958 Edward Ginzton, For his creative contribution to the generation and useful application of high energy at microwave frequencies
- 1959 Nicolaas Bloembergen, Charles Hard Townes, For fundamental and original contributions to the maser
- 1960 Jan A. Rajchman, For contributions to the development of magnetic devices for information processing
- 1961 Leo Esaki, For important contributions to the theory and technology of solid state devices, particularly as embodied in the tunnel diode
- 1962 Victor H. Rumsey, For basic contributions to the development of frequent independent antennas
- 1963 Ian Munro Ross, For contributions to the development of the epitaxial transistor and other semiconductor devices
- 1964 Arthur Leonard Schawlow, "For his pioneering and continuing contributions in the field of optical masers
- 1965 William R. Bennett, erster Gaslaser (Helium-Neon-Laser)
- 1966 Paul K. Weimer, For invention, development and applications of the thin film transistor
- 1967 nicht verliehen
- 1968 Emmett Leith, For establishing the place of coherent optics in radar and communications system and for major advances in modern holography
- 1969 John Battiscombe Gunn, For contributions to solid state microwave power generation
- 1970 John A. Copeland (Bell Laboratories), For the discovery of the limited space-charge accumulation mode of oscillation
- 1971 Martin Ryle, For his contributions in applying aperture synthesis to extend the capabilities of radio telescopes, thereby increasing man's knowledge of the Universe
- 1972 Stewart E. Miller, For pioneering research in guided millimeter wave and optical transmission systems
- 1973 Nick Holonyak, For outstanding contributions to the field of visible light emitting diodes and diode lasers
- 1974 Willard Boyle, George Elwood Smith (Bell Laboratories) For the invention of the charge-coupled device and leadership in the field of MOS device physics
- 1975 Andrew H. Bobeck, Paul Charles Michaelis, Henry Evelyn Derek Scovil (Bell Laboratories), For the concept and development of single-walled magnetic domains (magnetic bubbles), and for recognition of their importance to memory technology
- 1976 Herbert John Shaw, For contributions to the development of acoustics surface wave devices
- 1977 Horst H. Berger, Siegfried K. Wiedmann, For the invention and exploration of the Merged Transistor Logic, MTL
- 1978 Charles Kuen Kao, John B. MacChesney, Robert D. Maurer, For making communication at optical frequencies practical by discovering, inventing and developing the materials, techniques and configurations for glass fiber waveguides
- 1979 Ping King Tien, For contributions to integrated optics technology
- 1980 Anthony J. DeMaria, For contributions to the initiation and demonstration of the first picosecond optical pulse generator
- 1981 Calvin Quate, For development of an acoustic microscope capable of sub-micron resolution
- 1982 John R. Arthur, Alfred Y. Cho, For the development and application of molecular beam epitaxy technology
- 1983 Robert W. Brodersen, Paul R. Gray, David A. Hodges, For pioneering contributions and leadership in research on switched-capacitor circuits for analog-digital conversion and filtering
- 1984 David E. Carlson, Christopher R. Wronski, For crucial contributions to the use of amorphous silicon in low-cost, high-performance photovoltaic solar cells
- 1985 Russell D. Dupuis, Harold M. Manasevit, For pioneering work in metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, epitaxial-crystal reactor design, and demonstration of superior quality semiconductor devices grown by this process
- 1986 Bishnu S. Atal, Fumitada Itakura, For pioneering contributions to linear predictive coding for speech processing
- 1987 nicht verliehen
- 1988 James R. Boddie, Richard A. Pedersen (Bell Laboratories), For contributions to the realization of practical single chip digital signal processors
- 1989 Takanori Okoshi, For leadership in and pioneering contributions to coherent optical fiber communications
- 1990 Satoshi Hiyamizu, Takashi Mimura, For demonstration of the High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT)
- 1991 Morton Panish (Bell Laboratories), For outstanding contributions to the epitaxial growth of compound semiconductor materials and devices
- 1992 Praveen Chaudhari, Jerome J. Cuomo, Richard J. Gambino (IBM), For the discovery of amorphous magnetic films used in magneto-optic data storage systems
- 1993 B. Jayant Baliga, For pioneer ing contributions to the development of advanced power semiconductor devices
- 1994 Lubomyr T. Romankiw, For innovations in thin film fabrication processes to realize inductive and magnetoresistive thin film heads for large scale storage
- 1995 M. George Craford (Hewlett-Packard), For contributions and leadership in the research, development, and manufacturing of visible-spectrum LED materials and devices
- 1996 Seiki Ogura, For contributions to and leadership in the development of the lightly doped drain silicon field effect transistor (LDDFET)
- 1997 Fujio Masuoka, For the development of Flash EEPROM and NAND-type EEPROM technology
- 1998 Naoki Yokoyama, For contributions to and leadership in the development of self-aligned refractory-gate gallium arsenide MESFET integrated circuits
- 1999 nicht verliehen
- 2000 James S. Harris, For contributions to technology enabling commercialization of gallium arsenide devices and circuits
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