Thirty-two teams qualify for the men's provincial championship in Manitoba. Berths 1–14 represent the rural zones, and berths 15–21 represent the Winnipeg zones. There were two separate bonspiels played earlier in the year, the Northern and Southern Bonspiels, representing the north and south; these represent berths 22 and 23. Berth 24 goes to the winner of the Brandon Bonspiel played around the same time of fall as the Northern and Southern floating bonspiels. Berth 25 goes to the prior year's Manitoban champion, assuming the team meets the requirements to represent themselves. The same goes for berths 26 and 27, which go to the Manitoba Curling Tour champion and the top Manitoban team on the Canadian Team Ranking System, respectively. Berth 27 must be declared by November 1, 2010. Numbers 28–32 are qualifiers from the MCA Bonspiel, also subject to subset rules and requirements.[4]
Once all 32 teams have been qualified, they will be seeded respectively and slotted into the draw format of 1 vs 32, 2 vs 31, and so on.[4]