Under the provisions of the New York Constitution of 1821, 32 senators were elected on general tickets in eight senatorial districts for four-year terms. They were divided into four classes, and every year eight Senate seats came up for election. Assemblymen were elected countywide on general tickets to a one-year term, the whole Assembly being renewed annually.
State Senator Robert Bogardus resigned on May 4, 1829, leaving a vacancy in the First District.
On January 8, Conklin and Sherman drew lots to decide which one of the two senators elected in the 1st District would serve the short term, and which one the full term. Conklin drew the short term, and Sherman the full term.[1]
On February 12, the legislature re-elected State Treasurer Abraham Keyser, Jr. (J).
On April 13, a caucus of Jacksonian legislators, chaired by President pro tem William M. Oliver, resolved to call a state convention, to meet on September 8 at Herkimer, to nominate candidates for governor and lieutenant governor.[2]
On April 16, a meeting of working men at the Old State Capitol in Albany nominated Speaker Erastus Root for governor. Root did neither accept nor decline the nomination for the time being, expecting either to be nominated by Jacksonians and decline, or to be slighted by the Jacksonians and accept. In June, a meeting of the Workingmen's Party at New York City endorsed the Albany nomination, but asked Root to state his position. Root declined, stating that he would support the Jacksonian nominee. The Workingmen then nominated Ezekiel Williams for governor, and Isaac S. Smith for lieutenant governor.
The Anti-Masonic state convention met in August at Utica, and nominated Assemblyman Francis Granger for governor, and Samuel Stevens, of New York City, for lieutenant governor.
The Jacksonian state convention met on September 8 at Herkimer and nominated Gov. Throop for re-election, and Edward P. Livingston for lieutenant governor.
Note: There are now 62 counties in the State of New York. The counties which are not mentioned in this list had not yet been established, or sufficiently organized, the area being included in one or more of the abovementioned counties.
The asterisk (*) denotes members of the previous Legislature who continued in office as members of this Legislature. Thomas Armstrong changed from the Assembly to the Senate.
Note: There are now 62 counties in the State of New York. The counties which are not mentioned in this list had not yet been established, or sufficiently organized, the area being included in one or more of the abovementioned counties.
The asterisk (*) denotes members of the previous legislature who continued as members of this legislature.
The party affiliations follow the vote on state treasurer on February 12, and the participation in the Jacksonian caucus on April 13.[4]
^Niles Register (issue of April 24, 1830; pg. 170ff; containing a complete list of the attendees, a total of 111 legislators, which is the source for most of the party affiliations given in the list of senators and assemblymen)
^Wheeler had been elected to the State senate as an Adams man, attended the Jacksonian caucus on April 13, but was elected to Congress in November as an Anti-Mason.
^see Assembly Journal (53rd session; pg. 222f); Those who appeared at the caucus are clearly Jacksonians; those who voted for George Merchant as treasurer, are clearly Anti-Masons; the affiliation of the remaining members is difficult to ascertain.
The New York Civil List compiled by Franklin Benjamin Hough (Weed, Parsons and Co., 1858) [pg. 109 and 441 for Senate districts; pg. 128 for senators; pg. 148f for Assembly districts; pg. 209f for assemblymen]