Bonfinópolis is a municipality in central Goiás state, Brazil. It is located a short distance east of Goiânia and is part of the Goiânia metropolitan area.
The distance to Goiânia is 33 km. and connections are made by BR-457 / GO-010.
City government: mayor (Antônio das Graças Filho), vice-mayor (Lázaro da Silva Borges), and 09 councilpersons
The economy is based on cattle raising (11800 head in 2006), milk production, agriculture, commerce, public administration, and small transformation industries. There was modest production of oranges, coffee, manioc, rice, and tomatoes.
(IBGE 2006)
infant mortality in 2000: 27.7
infant mortality in 1990: 28.5
hospitals: 01 (2007)
hospital beds: 20
doctors / nurses / dentists in the public system: 08 / 01 / 0 (2002)
literacy rate in 2000: 85.5
literacy rate in 1991: 74.0
school enrollment in 2006: 2,016 in 4 schools
(IBGE 2006)
HDI: 0.723
State ranking: 163 out of 242 municipalities
National ranking: 2,557 out of 5,507 municipalities