Municipality in Central-West, Brazil
Itaguaru is a municipality in central Goiás state, Brazil .
The distance to the regional center of (Anápolis ) is 127 km.
Highway connections are made by GO-070 / Goianira / Inhumas / Itauçu / GO-154 / Taquaral de Goiás / Itaguari . For a complete list of distances in the state of Goiás see Seplan
Neighboring municipalities are Jaraguá , Itaguari , Itaberaí and Uruana
Demographic Density: 22.79 inhabitants/km2 (2007)
Number of voters: 4,924 (December/2007)
Population growth rate: 0.12% 1996/2007
Total population (2007): 5,467
Total population (1980): 7,130
Urban population (2007): 4,288
Rural population (2007): 1,179
The economy
The economy is based on services, small industries, cattle raising (32,000 head in 2004), and modest agriculture.
Number of industrial establishments: 15
Number of retail establishments: 50
Banking establishments: Banco do Brasil S.A. (August/2007)
Dairies: Divino Cézar Ribeiro e Cia Ltda. (22/05/2006)
Number of automobiles: 582
Agricultural data 2006
Farms: 489
Total area: 12,133 ha.
Area of permanent crops: 3,530 ha. (bananas with 1,100 ha. hearts of palm, and coffee)
Area of perennial crops: 431 ha.
Area of natural pasture: 7,323 ha.
Area of woodland and forests: 652 ha.
Persons dependent on farming: 1,200
Farms with tractors: 25
Number of tractors: 34
Cattle herd: 32,000 head IBGE
Health and education
Hospitals: 2 (2007)
Hospital beds: 40
Health clinics (Sistema Único de Saúde): 1
Schools: 5 (2006)
Classrooms: 34
Teachers: 80
Number of students: 1,540
Infant mortality rate: 26.30
Literacy rate: 86.0
Itaguaru had a ranking of 0.746 (2000) on the Municipal Human Development Index , giving it a state ranking of 90 (out of 242 municipalities)
and a national ranking of 1,997 (out of 5,505 municipalities). For the complete list see
See also
Mesoregion Centro Goiano
Anapolis Anicuns Ceres Goiania Ipora
Mesoregion Leste Goiano
Entorno do Distrito Federal Vão do Paranã
Mesoregion Noroeste Goiano
Aragarcas Rio Vermelho Sao Miguel do Araguaia
Mesoregion Norte Goiano
Chapada dos Veadeiros Porangatu
Mesoregion Sul Goiano
Catalao Meia Ponte Pires do Rio Quirinopolis Sudoeste de Goias Vale do Rio dos Bois