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D1 motorway (Slovakia)

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D1 Motorway
Diaľnica D1
     Completed        Under construction        Planned
Route information
Part of E50 E58 E75 E571
Length512 km (318 mi)
Completed: 402 km (250 mi)
Under Construction: 28.4 km (17.6 mi)
Planned: 87.7 km (54.5 mi)
Major junctions
From D2 Bratislava - Pečna
Major intersections
To M08 border with Ukraine (planned)
RegionsBratislava Region, Trnava Region, Trenčín Region, Žilina Region, Prešov Region, Košice Region
Major citiesBratislava, Trnava, Trenčín, Žilina, Martin, Poprad, Prešov, Košice
Highway system
D4 D2

The D1 is an east-west motorway (Slovak: diaľnica) in Slovakia. Its route is Bratislava - Trnava - Trenčín - Púchov - Žilina - Martin - Ružomberok - Poprad - Prešov - Košice - Michalovce - SK/UA border. It is the main, longest and busiest motorway in Slovakia.

It forms part of the following European routes: E50, E58, E75, E571 and of the V.A Pan-European corridor (Trieste) - Bratislava - Žilina - Košice - Uzhhorod - Lviv

With the exception of sections in Bratislava a vignette is required to use the motorway.

Junction Trnava with R1
Junction Spišské Podhradie


The first plans to connect Prague to Slovakia and Mukachevo in today's Zakarpattia Oblast in Ukraine, which was part of Czechoslovakia at that time, were in the 1930s. The construction of the motorway (freeway) began in the Czech part in the late 1930s, but in the Slovak part nothing was built. After the end of World War II, highway construction was abandoned, due to post-war reconstruction. But in the 1960s, traffic was growing very fast, and a new plan for a D1 highway was available soon, without the part in Zakarpattia Oblast, which became part of the USSR in 1945.

In the Czech part of Czechoslovakia construction work began in 1967. In the Slovak part it began in 1973 by the construction of the part Ivachnová - Liptovský Mikuláš, a 14 km long section in northern Slovakia, along with the construction of the Liptovská Mara dam. In 1972 construction of section from Bratislava to Senec began (it was D61 at that time) and in the 1970s extended to Trnava (total 36 km). The 19 km Prešov - Košice motorway was added in 1980. Until the Dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1993, another 20 km were built - from L. Mikuláš to Hybe -, totalling some 52 km in the Slovak part, contrasting to 224 km in Czech part. D61 was built to the village of Horná Streda few kilometres behind Piešťany in 1988, with the total length of that section 42 km. Further 45 km were built after 1993 on D1, and another 27 km on D61, until D1 and D61 merged with each other to form the current D1 motorway.

In 1999, Dzurinda's government stopped or slowed down construction on unopened sections - around Sverepec, for example and stopped preparation for various others. Construction continued again since 2002. Construction works continue today, and the planned date for finishing the entire motorway from Bratislava to Košice varies. The most difficult section to construct will be between Žilina and Ružomberok, as there will be most of the tunnels on the entire motorway, including the longest one near Višňové. The motorway has also disputed planned section around Prešov, as there are disagreements over the planned routes.

There are plans to "finish" D1 between Bratislava and Košice in 2015 - with several important exceptions. Žilina and Prešov bypasses will be temporarily substituted by four-lane road through these towns and all tunnels between Žilina and Prešov will be opened only as two-lane tunnels with two-way traffic. Four-lane motorway connecting two largest towns in Slovakia will be finished at the earliest in 2018. .

Section at Prešov was opened in late 2021. That also includes a Prešov tunnel with 2240 meters of length.[1]

D1 will be completed around year 2027, as 3+3 lane motorway from Bratislava to Trnava, 2+2 lane motorway from Trnava to Michalovce and 1+1 lane highway from Michalovce to Slovakia/Ukraine border.

Sections of the motorway

Section number Section name in Slovak Section length in km Year of commencement of works on section Year of section completion Exits and junctions (x) with other motorways
1. Bratislava, Viedenská - Bratislava, Prístavný most 3,2 2003 2005 1. Junction D1xD2,

2. Bratislava - Pečňa

3. Bratislava - Viedenská

4. Bratislava - Panónska

2. Bratislava, Prístavný most - Bratislava, Prievoz 3,0 1977 1983, left half

1985, right half

1. Bratislava - Ovsište

2. Bratislava - Prievoz

3. Bratislava, Prievoz - Bratislava, Mierová 2,6 1984 1990 1. Bratislava - Mierová
4. Bratislava, Mierová - Bratislava, Senecká cesta 5,5 1999 2002 1. Bratislava - Galvaniho

2. Bratislava - Airport

3. Bratislava - Zlaté piesky

5. Bratislava, Senecká cesta - Senec 13,0 1972 1975 10. Bratislava - Vajnory

12. Triblavina

13. Senec

5. Bratislava, Vajnory - Senec, expansion to 3 + 3 lanes in the section Bratislava, Vajnory - Senec, east (Blatné) - I. stage (Section Bratislava, Vajnory - Triblavina) 3,6 2022 2025 10. Bratislava - Vajnory, reconstruction

11. Bratislava, exit II, intersection D1xD4

12. Triblavina, opened on October 29, 2021

5. Bratislava, Vajnory - Senec, expansion to 4 + 4 lanes in the section Bratislava, Vajnory - Senec, east (Blatné) - II. stage (Section Triblavina - Senec, east) 10,5 2023 2026 13. Senec, reconstruction
6. Senec - Trnava 23,1 1975 1978 1. Senec - Východ (East)

2. Voderady

16. Križovatka D1xR1, Trnava

6. Senec - Trnava, expansion to 3 + 3 lanes in the section Senec, east - Trnava, intersection D1xR1 19,9 2025 2030 14. Senec - exit (Blatné) reconstruction finished in 2017

15. Voderady, reconstruction

16. Intersection D1xR1, Trnava, reconstruction

7. Trnava - Hlohovec 15,9 1978 1982 1. Hlohovec
8. Hlohovec - Piešťany 17,7 1980 1985 1. Červeník

2. Piešťany

9. Piešťany - Horná Streda 8,1 1984 1988 1. Horná Streda
10. Horná Streda - Nové Mesto nad Váhom 14,4 1997 1998, left half

2000, right half

1. Lúka
11. Nové Mesto nad Váhom - Chocholná 13,1 1996 1998, left half

2000, right half

1. Rakoľuby
12. Chocholná - Skala 10,3 1991 1996 1. Chocholná, Trenčín - Juh (South)

2. Trenčín

3. Exit for official use only

13. Skala - Nemšová 7,6 1994 1996 1. Nemšová
14. Nemšová - Ladce 15,5 1996 1998, left half

2000, right half

1. Ilava

2. Ladce

15. Ladce - Sverepec 11,3 1998 2004, subsection Ladce - Beluša

2005, rest of section

1. Beluša
16. Sverepec - Vrtižer 9,8 2007, II.subsection

2008, I. subsection

2010, I. subsection

2010, II. subsection

1. Považská Bystrica - Juh (South)

2. Považská Bystrica - Centrum (Center)

17. Vrtižer - Hričovské Podhradie 12,9 1998 2007 1. Považská Bystrica - Sever (North)

2. Bytča

3. Junction D1xD3, Hričovské Podhradie

18. Hričovské Podhradie - Lietavská Lúčka 11,3 2014 2021 1. Junction D1xD3 Hričovské Podhradie
19. Lietavská Lúčka - Dubná Skala 13,5 2014

2021 - Exit Lietavská Lúčka (already open ahead of the rest of the section, so as to provide exit and entry to the Hričovské Podhradie - Lietavská Lúčka section)

2023 - Rest of section

1. Lietavská Lúčka
20. Dubná Skala - Turany 13,5 + 3,3 spur route 2011 2015 1. Dubná Skala

2. Junction D1xR3, Martin

3. Turany 1

21. Turany - Hubová 13,5 2021 2027 1. Turany 2
22. Hubová - Ivachnová 15,2 2013 2023 1. Hubová

2. Likavka

23. Ivachnová - Liptovský Mikuláš 15 1973 1977 1. Temporary exit to road I/18

2. Ivachnová

24. Liptovský Mikuláš - Liptovský Ján 6,4 1972 1976 1. Liptovský Mikuláš

2. Liptovský Ján

25. Liptovský Ján - Liptovský Hrádok 5,1 1975 1983 1. Liptovský Hrádok
26. Liptovský Hrádok - Hybe 8,2 1983, left half

1987, right half

1986, left half

1990, right half

1. Hybe
27. Hybe - Važec 10,4 1996 1998, left half

2000, right half

1. Východná

2. Važec

28. Važec - Mengusovce 12 1998 2007, left half

2008, right half

1. Štrba

2. Mengusovce

29. Mengusovce - Jánovce 26,4 2005, II.subsection

2005, III. subsection - left half

2006, I.subsection

2007, III. subsection - right half

2008, II. subsection

2008, III. subsection - left half

2009, I. subsection

2009, III. subsection - right half

1. Poprad - Západ (West)

2. Vysoké Tatry

3. Poprad - Východ (East)

4. Jánovce

30. Jánovce - Jablonov 19,2 2011, I. subsection

2012, II. subsection

2015, I. subsection

2015, II. subsection

1. Levoča
31. Jablonov - Studenec 4,6 2009, right half

2010, left half

2010, right half

2012, left half

1. Jablonov
32. Studenec - Beharovce 3,1 2009 2010 1. Beharovce
33. Beharovce - Fričovce 13,7 1996, Široké bypass

1996, tunnel Branisko, right tunnel tube

1997, Beharovce bypass, right half

1997, Fričovce bypass

2001, Široké bypass

2003, tunnel Branisko, right tunnel tube

2003, Beharovce bypass, right half

2003, Fričovce bypass

1. Behárovce

2. Široké

3. Fričovce

33. Beharovce bypass, left half

Tunel Branisko, left tunnel tube

7,6 2023 2028 Section without exits
34. Fričovce - Svinia 10,9 2011 2015 1. Svinia
35. Svinia - Prešov, Západ (Prešov, West) 6,8 2005 2010 1. Junction D1xR4, Prešov - Západ (West)
36. Prešov, Západ (Prešov, West) - Prešov, Juh (Prešov, South) 7,8 2017 2021 1. Junction D1xR4 Prešov - Západ (West)

2. Dostavba výjazdu Prešov - Juh (South)

37. Prešov, Juh (Prešov, South)- Ličartovce 10,6 1978 1982 1. Temporary exit to road I/80

2. Prešov - Juh (South)

3. Lemešany

38. Ličartovce - Budimír 9,1 1983 1988 1. Nová Polhora

2. Košice - Sever (North)

39. Budimír - Bidovce 14,4 2016 2019 1. Košice - Sever (North)

2. Junction D1xR2,

Košické Olšany

3. Bidovce

40. Bidovce - Dargov 12,6 2026 2029 Section without exits
41. Dargov - Pozdišovce 18,2 2026 2029 1. Hriadky

2. Pozdišovce

42. Pozdišovce - Michalovce 12,1 2027 2030 1. Michalovce
43. Michalovce - Sobrance 15,8 2027 2030 1. Sobrance
44. Sobrance - Záhor, štátna hranica Slovensko/Ukrajina 15,5 2027 2030 1. Záhor

2. Border crossing Slovakia (EU) / Ukraine

Bridges and viaducts

This is a list of bridges and viaducts as seen when moving from west to east:

Viaduct Považská Bystrica
Bridge near Podtureň
Location Length (m) Notes
Ovsište 0,567
Prístavný most 1,080
Prievoz 1,756
Horná Streda 0,772
Beckov 0,336
Drietoma 0,238
Súčanka 0,404 / 486
Újazd 0,486 / 490
Kočkovský kanál 0,187
Nosický kanál 0,227
Ladce 0,189 / 186
Pružinka 0,902
Sverepec I 0,443 / 480
Sverepec II 0,315 / 310
Kunovec open July 2010
Galanovec open July 2010
Matúška open July 2010
Považská Bystrica 1,444 open 30 May 2010
Hričovský kanál 1,695 July 2010
Vrtižer open July 2010
Predmier 2 lanes
Dolný Hričov 1,804 planned; open 2012?
Lietavská Lúčka 1,091 planned; open 2012?
Dubná Skala planned
Turčianské Kľačany 0,422 planned
Turany planned
Krpeľany planned
Kraľovany planned
Stankovany planned
Hubová I planned
Hubová II planned
Lisková planned
Podtureň 1,038
Jamníček 0,179
Belá 0,308
Dovalovec 0,534
Hybica 0,571 / 565
Východná 0,380
Jánošiková studnička 0,381
Belianský potok 0,347
Čierny jarok 0,184
Važec 0,638 open 2007?
Štrba 600 open 2007?
Pod Skalkou open 2008
Levoča planned
Spišský Hrhov planned
Beharovce 0,225 2 lanes
Studenec 0,102 2 lanes
Pongrácovce 0,343 2 lanes
Fričovce 0,407
Malá Svinka 0,255 open 2008
Malý Šariš 0,494 open 2008


This is a list of tunnels as seen when moving from west to east:

Location Length (m) Notes
Ovčiarsko 2,275 under construction since Jul 2014, open 2018
Žilina 0,651 under construction since Jul 2014, open 2018
Višňové 7,460 under construction since 2015, open 2019
Korbieľka 5,859 planned, open at first 2024
Havran 2,702 planned, open at first 2024
Čebrať 2,080 works were stopped, open at first 2020
Lučivná 0,250 open Nov/Dec 2007
Bôrik 0,999 open 2009
Šibenik 0,600 open 2015
Branisko 4,975 2 lanes
Prešov 2,244 open 2021
Dargov 1,050 planned

See also

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