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Gender bender

"Sister Trystina T. Rhume" of the genderbend group Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Photo from San Francisco, 2012.

A gender bender is a person who dresses up and presents themselves in a way that defies societal expectations of their gender, especially as the opposite sex.[1] Bending expected gender roles may also be called a genderfuck.[2]

The concept of gender bending may have political origins, stemming from movements in the 1960s and 1970s, a guiding principle of which is the idea that the personal is political.[3] Some individuals may choose to engage in gender bending as a form of self-expression or to challenge societal norms; in his 1974 article, Genderfuck and Its Delights,[4] Christopher Lonc explained his motivation for performing genderfuck: "I want to criticize and poke fun at the roles of women and of men too. I want to try [to] show how not-normal I can be. I want to ridicule and destroy the whole cosmology of restrictive sex roles and sexual identification."[5]

The term genderfuck has long been part of the gay vernacular, and started to appear in written documents in the 1970s. Sheidlower cites the definition of the term gender fuck in L Humphreys' 1972 work Out of the Closets: Sociology of Homosexual Liberation as "a form of extended guerilla theatre". Also quoted is the August 1972 issue of Rolling Stone magazine, in reference to the glam rock style: "The new 'macho' transvestism, called vulgarly 'gender-fuck', a curious satire of female impersonation – dresses, pumps, full make-up and beards – is represented by, among others, three men in WAC uniforms and big moustaches".[6]

Gender binary

Gender bending is commonly used as a rebellion against socially constructed expectations of gender and gender roles, which can vary widely between cultures, though commonly include some variation of the gender binary – the idea that only two genders exist: men and women. In many cultures, it is only acceptable for an individual to embody one of these two gender roles, which often mimic the social expectations of the sexual categories of "male" and "female". Within this cultural expectation, people designated as male are expected to be masculine, while those designated female are expected to be feminine.[7] The belief in and subscription to polar gender roles is known as "gender binarism".

In many cultures, for a person to be seen as belonging to a particular gender category, the individual must not only have a particular anatomical (including genital) makeup, but must conform to that culture's ideas of appropriate sex role stereotypes. These roles are highly influenced by culture and peers.[8] This sex role stereotype includes sexual orientation. To this end, those who go against expected conduct, for example gays and lesbians, may be seen as "less than" or "other".[9]

In Western cultures, gender roles have changed over many centuries, though mainstream Western culture still tends to expect stereotypical "feminine" behaviors from females, and "masculine" sex role stereotypes from males. A study by Princeton University outlined these common, prescriptive gender stereotypes:

  • "Masculine" – acts as a leader, aggressive, ambitious, analytical, assertive, athletic, competitive, defends own beliefs, dominant, forceful, has leadership abilities, independent, individualistic, makes decisions easily, self-reliant, self-sufficient, strong-personality, willing to take a stand, and willing to take risks.
  • "Feminine" sex role stereotypes, as defined by this same study included: affectionate, cheerful, childlike, compassionate, does not use harsh language, eager to soothe hurt feelings, flatterable, gentle, gullible, loves children, loyal, sensitive to the needs of others, shy, soft-spoken, sympathetic, tender, understanding, warm, and yielding.[10]

In Christian and Jewish cultures, gender roles and gender presentation have formed part of scriptural texts and religious teachings for thousands of years: "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment; for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God" (KJV, Deut. 22:5). Crossing these lines has been interpreted by some Christians as a moral transgression.[11] Jewish law, or halacha, recognizes intersex and non-conforming sexes in addition to male and female.[12][13] Rabbinical literature recognizes six different sexes, defined according to the development and presentation of primary and secondary sex characteristics at birth and later in life.[14] Jewish literature describes what today would be referred to as intersex such as the concept of a Tumtum being a person of ambiguous gender and/or sex as is the concept of the androgynos, being a person characterized with elements of both sexes. One aspect of gender and Jewish studies is considering how the ambiguity recognized in Rabbinical literature has been erased and constructed into a binary and how this translates into Jewish practices.[15]

Subsidiary cultures

Other cultures – often indigenous peoples, or subcultures that exist within Western cultures – may conceptualize gender as having more than two options, and even see their people as potentially fulfilling more than one gender role. Some indigenous peoples of North America have historically had more than two gender roles as part of their social structure,[16] while others, who may or may not have embraced this diversity historically, may accept modern two spirit people as part of their communities now.[17] Other cultures may see people as being capable of embodying more than one gender role at different times,[16] or of being "in the middle", "embracing both male and female spirit".[18] One such example is the Bugis people of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. People of the Bugis society have a total of five genders. These genders include what would traditionally be seen as cisgender man and woman, as well as transgender men and women, and the androgynous Bissu shamans.[19]

Gender bending in practice

Often, parody and exaggeration are used to transgress gender roles, usually to expose them as artificial.[20] For example, a person who engages in gender bending may purposefully exaggerate conventional notions of femininity, or masculinity. Gender bending can also be achieved through cross-dressing and androgyny, both of which challenge and contribute to dismantling the gender binary by separating expression or performance of gender from perceptions of biological or physiological sex. Thus, gender bending protests gender essentialism. This concept is protested not only through non-normative appearance, but by challenging normative gender roles, characteristics, or behaviors as well – for example, a female-bodied individual who is purposefully assertive and nondomestic in order to challenge the notion of essential femininity. Gender bending is based in gender performativity: the concept of gender as a performance. It can be achieved through physical presentation (e.g. clothing, hair, makeup, and secondary sex characteristics), as well as behavior. Because much of gender performance is expressed through clothing, in societies where a gender binary can be observed, there is an established, widespread notion that some clothes are "masculine" and should be worn only by male-bodied individuals, and others are "feminine" and should be worn only by female-bodied individuals. Hawkes, sociologist and author, addresses this "dress code" and the opportunity for a resistance: "The universality of [dress] codes and their meanings allows for the [subversion of] the mainstream 'messages' they convey and through this to illuminate the existence of alternative [gender] identities."[21]

Cross-dressing and androgyny

A photo of a Mad Hatter cosplayer posing with a tea cup.
A mad hatter cosplayer at the 2016 Romics convention

Cross-dressing would be a form of gender bending because the purpose is to "fuck with gender" roles and presentation. Androgyny is not specifically gender bending, but it can be considered as such if someone is being androgynous on purpose.[citation needed] The origin of the word "androgynous" is from the Greek androgynos: "male and female in one; womanish man; common to men and women".[22] Androgyny as a form of gender expression may present as a blended unification of masculine and feminine traits, with the goal of making one's sex indiscernible, or as a dichotomous mix juxtaposing male and female phenotypes, with the goal of transgressing gender norms.[23]

There have been many famous people who have cross-dressed and many famous people now who are androgynous. The rock star Prince was very well known for his cross-dressing or androgynous look. Eddie Izzard started to freely talk about her cross-dressing as early as 1992.[24]

Shakespeare used cross-dressing in his performances. Over the centuries some readers have posited that Shakespeare's sonnets are autobiographical, and point to them as evidence of his love for a young man.[citation needed] Shakespeare had characters in his writings that were considered cross-dressers. The four of the five main female characters in his plays were seen as women who cross-dress as men or boys: Cleopatra in Antony and Cleopatra, Portia in The Merchant of Venice, Rosalind in As You Like It, Viola in Twelfth Night.[25]


The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston hosted an exhibit called Gender Bending Fashion.[26] One of the main goals was to explore fashion in a way that confronted gender-norms relating to dress. Gender bending design within this exhibition included clothes traditionally worn by women tailored for men, traditionally men's clothes tailored for women, clothes designed to be gender-ambiguous, and agender clothes designed to be worn by anyone.[26]


Drag shows are stage performances where people perform in drag. Drag costuming and makeup may in some cases simply involve an actor portraying a character of a sex or gender different from their own, or the performance itself may be a parody or critique of gender and gender roles. Often "feminine" or "masculine" gender stereotypes of the person's culture are exaggerated for comic or satirical effect. Performers may call themselves drag kings or drag queens. Drag revues typically involve elaborate, glamorous costumes and musical performances. The entertainers may sing, dance, or lip sync.[27]

A faux drag performer is a person who performs as the gender they identify as in day-to-day life, albeit in a usually exaggerated form. For instance a cisgender woman who performs as a drag queen is a faux queen.[28]

Rupp et al. noted in 2010 that "In order to understand the differences and similarities between gay male drag queens and female-bodied and transgender drag kings and bio queens, we consider how the personal gender and sexual identities of drag performers affect and are affected by their gender performances in drag."[29][further explanation needed]


Literature, in particular erotica, is another method that has been used to explore genderfuck scenarios. The basis of the literary genre of genderfuck is that it is unimportant whether someone is a man or a woman during the sex act, an idea which challenges for example the Catholic theology of sexuality. Doris Libetseder points to Carol Queen's short story The Leather Daddy and the Femme, where a lesbian femme uses a strap-on dildo to have sex with a gay leather daddy as a fitting example of the genderfuck genre.[30]


It was noted as early as May 2019 that the software product Snapchat had photograph filters that make it easy to perform a gender bender on the subjects of photographs, especially those taken on handheld devices like smartphones.[31]

Non-political gender bending

Gender bending is not always a purposeful political standpoint. According to Butler, gender is something that is performed; it only holds cultural significance to the extent that this is ascribed to it. Despite the gender binary roles society imposes, there are many ways for individuals to express gender variation and not all of them are intentionally political radicalism.[32] Further, in 1995 Tamsin Wilton argued that:

Gender-fuck is not intrinsically radical – otherwise gender-benders such as Boy George, Prince, Annie Lennox, David Bowie etc. would not get away with it to the extent that they do. A politically aware gender-fuck – such as that of RuPaul or (to a limited extent) Madonna – gets much closer to radicalism, but it is only by incorporating a critique of gender as an axis of power that playing about with gender signifiers can be more than wickedly entertaining.[33]

Judith Butler and gender as performance

Judith Butler is a theorist who believes the idea that gender is something that is performed by individuals. Their concept of "gender performativity" is the idea that people choose to perform gender in a context in which we are given very few socially acceptable choices, but can be explained as being similar to what actors do in front of the camera. Due to the importance we place on the belief that men need to act like men and women need to behave like women, it is often believed that gender is an innate attribute and not a social construct. In their article Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory, Butler explains that if gender is something that sexed bodies assimilate to in order to follow the societal codes of what is appropriate behavior, then those actions can be conceptualized in different ways to allow more flexibility for individuals. In the same article, they assert that in American culture, there is a gender binary along with strict social repercussions against those that act against the "normal" script. This script is policed by harassment, parental pressures to fill expectations, and peer influence. All of these are ways to guarantee that the culture will repeat itself from generation to generation.[32]

Butler's theory about gender roles and their social implications and need for reconstruction is developed in their book, Gender Trouble (1990) in which they argue that the limited acceptance of variation in gender roles does great harm to individual expression. With the limited options for both men and women, there is little room for their combined forces, because men are constantly focused on becoming the financial supporters of their families which leaves women with the sole option of being the maternal experts they is expected to be. This idea excludes the masculine women or feminine men from being acceptable parental figures for their children because it may lead to a child growing up and conceptualizing the world differently.[32]

Gender and child raising

According to Susan Witt's 1997 study, children generally come to their first conclusions about being male or female from their parents since typically they are the first people the child relates to and the nature of the relationship is intense. Besides parents giving children gender specific clothing, toys, and expectations, there are often many subtle messages about what is acceptable or not regarding gender. Witt's study showed that children that grow up with more androgynous gendered parents are more focused on achievements and typically have a better sense of self.[34] Conversely, in cases of gender nonconformity, when a child exhibits gender performances that are atypical of their prescribed gender role, Kerry Robinson and Cristyn Davies report that a parental figure may respond with hostility.[35] According to Roberts et al. in Pediatrics, people who do not conform to the gender binary are often subject to abuse from society, from within the family and within their community. Types of abuse range from physical and sexual to psychological abuse.[36]


The Cockettes

The Cockettes were a psychedelic drag queen troupe, founded in San Francisco in the late 1960s. According to the journal Maledicta in 1987: "Real transvestites and transsexuals are... embarrassed... [by]... The genderfuck Cockettes and such (in dresses and beards)."[6]

Marc Bolan

Credited as one of the innovators of the early 70's glam rock era, lead singer and guitarist Marc Bolan of rock band T. Rex was dubbed 'feminine looking'. He was known for his volumized curly hair, vibrant wardrobe and experimentation with glittery make-up and eyeliner. As well as this, he wore platform boots and feather boas during his performances.[37]

David Bowie and Lou Reed

Exploiting his androgynous appearance, rock star David Bowie wore a dress on the UK cover of his 1970 album, The Man Who Sold the World, and often wore dresses, makeup and leotards both onstage and while doing interviews. In a time when very few people were out, he announced he and his wife were both bisexual.[38][39] In 1972 Bowie co-produced Lou Reed's album Transformer, which includes several gender bending songs, notably the classic, "Walk on the Wild Side".

New York Dolls

The New York Dolls are a protopunk band, formed in 1971 and who were very influential in the early New York City punk rock scene. They broke up in 1977 but reformed in 2004. While they often performed in dresses, long hair and glitter/glam makeup, at least one reviewers called their genderfuck "quite subtle".[6]

Rocky Horror (Picture) Show

Dr. Frank-N-Furter from the 1973 musical, The Rocky Horror Show, and later the cult film / midnight movie, Rocky Horror Picture Show, is a male bodied person but wears lingerie, clothing, and accessories considered feminine in the English and American culture of the era. The character also wears heavy make-up influenced by 1940s female film stars like Joan Crawford. In one of the songs featured in the musical Dr. Frank-N-Furter sings, "I'm just a sweet transvestite from Transsexual, Transylvania."


Prince wrote many songs that dealt with ambiguity – of gender, of sexuality, and of race.[40] A charismatic entertainer and prolific songwriter, his songs with bisexual content have also been recorded by artists such as Cyndi Lauper, who in "When You Were Mine", sang about sharing a lover with another man, who was in bed with them, "sleeping in between the two of us".

Grace Jones

According to SheWired, Grace Jones laughs at outside attempts to define her gender identity.[41] Jones herself has said of her gender ambiguity that she feels her masculine side is "a bit stronger".[42] NPR cites her as an influence on Madonna and Lady Gaga.[43]

Annie Lennox

Singer-songwriter and political activist Annie Lennox began her career as lead singer with The Tourists in the late 1970s. In the 1980s she fronted synthpop band the Eurythmics but has focused on solo work since the 1990s with the exception of an album and tour with Eurythmics in 1999. The Spin Alternative Record Guide described her in 1995 as "Gender-fuck goddess Annie Lennox".[6]


The American singer-songwriter and artist Phranc began her career in 1978 with punk band Nervous Gender. In 1985 Village Voice wrote: "Part of Phranc's appeal is the genderfuck of her sweet feminine voice coming from such a masculine frame."[6] She later worked with queercore band Team Dresch.

Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

The charity, protest and street performance organization Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence was formed by gay men in 1979, originally using nuns' attire and high camp to draw attention to social conflicts in the Castro, San Francisco. Currently they fundraise for AIDS and other LGBT causes and promote and educate on safer sex issues. The Cambridge Guide to American Theater identified them as one of the "more anarchic uses of "gender-fuck"... [which]... "parodied traditional drag".[44]

Boy George

Boy George of the 1980s band Culture Club, has cultivated an androgynous style, and was part of the English New Romantic movement which emerged in the early 1980s. He famously stated, "I can do anything. In GQ, I appeared as a man."[citation needed]


American drag queen, singer, actor, and host/star of RuPaul's Drag Race, RuPaul got his start by performing in genderfuck, performance art, music videos and punk bands in Atlanta in the late 1980s and early 1990s.[citation needed]

It's Pat

Pat, a character from the television show Saturday Night Live, served as the basis for the movie It's Pat. The sketches and film feature an androgynous main character, Pat. People are unable to determine Pat's sex, including one male who cannot determine their gender after having sex with Pat while stranded on a deserted island.[citation needed]

Marilyn Manson

At least one writer says Marilyn Manson's gender-bending rock act "shows trans identities can resonate with the public in a way that cannot be ghettoised".[45] Manson's gender-bending has been compared to that of Alice Cooper[46] and Bowie.[47]

Eddie Izzard

Eddie Izzard started to freely talk about her transvestism in venues like Edinburgh Festival as early as 1992. Her stance is that cross-dressing is neither part of her performance nor a sexual fetish. She remarks in her show Unrepeatable, "Women wear what they want and so do I." According to Izzard, "Most transvestites fancy women." She identifies as "a straight transvestite or a male lesbian". She has also described herself as "a lesbian trapped in a man's body",[48] transgender, and "a complete boy plus half girl".[49]

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is very specific in what she wears and even states that, "But in a sense, I portray myself in a very androgynous way, and I love androgyny."[50]

In visual arts media

Some films including gender-fuck characters or drag characters are:




See also


  1. ^ "Definition of GENDER BENDER". Retrieved 2021-10-13.
  2. ^ Jonathon Green (2005). Cassell's Dictionary of Slang (2nd ed.). Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. p. 575. ISBN 978-0-304-36636-1.
  3. ^ Glick, Elisa (2000). "Sex Positive: Feminism, Queer Theory, and the Politics of Transgression". Feminist Review. 64 (1): 19–45. doi:10.1080/014177800338936. S2CID 145181041.
  4. ^ Christopher Lonc. Genderfuck and Its Delights. Gay Sunshine 21 (Spring 1974)
  5. ^ Quoted in Bergman, David, ed. (1993). Camp Grounds: Style and Homosexuality. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. p. 7. ISBN 0-87023-878-7. OCLC 28294779.
  6. ^ a b c d e Sheidlower, Jesse (2009). The F-Word. Oxford University Press. pp. 189–190. ISBN 978-0199751556.
  7. ^ Butler, Judith (2006). Gender Trouble: Tenth Anniversary Edition. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 10–11. ISBN 0415389550.
  8. ^ Adler, Patricia A.; Kless, Steven J.; Adler, Peter (1992-01-01). "Socialization to Gender Roles: Popularity among Elementary School Boys and Girls". Sociology of Education. 65 (3): 169–187. doi:10.2307/2112807. JSTOR 2112807.
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  11. ^ Garber, M (1997). Vested Interests: Cross-Dressing and Cultural Anxiety. Psychology Press. ISBN 9780415919517. Retrieved 24 November 2014.
  12. ^ "More than Just Male and Female: The Six Genders in Ancient Jewish Thought." Freidson, Sarah. Sefaria, 10 June 2016. [1]
  13. ^ Irshai, Ronit (2010). "Toward a Gender Critical Approach to the Philosophy of Jewish Law (Halakhah)". Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. 26 (2): 55–77. doi:10.2979/fsr.2010.26.2.55. ISSN 8755-4178. JSTOR 10.2979/fsr.2010.26.2.55. S2CID 144382373.
  14. ^ Adler, Rachel (2016-09-01). "Queer Jews Talking Their Way in". European Judaism. 49 (2): 6–13. doi:10.3167/ej.2016.490203. ISSN 0014-3006.
  15. ^ Irshai, Ronit (2019-04-03). "The construction of gender in halakhic Responsa by the Reform movement: transgender people as a case study". Journal of Modern Jewish Studies. 18 (2): 160–176. doi:10.1080/14725886.2019.1595496. ISSN 1472-5886. S2CID 151081605.
  16. ^ a b Estrada, Gabriel (2011). "Two Spirits, Nádleeh, and LGBTQ2 Navajo Gaze". American Indian Culture and Research Journal. 35 (4): 167–190. doi:10.17953/aicr.35.4.x500172017344j30.
  17. ^ Pember, Mary Annette (Oct 13, 2016). "'Two Spirit' Tradition Far From Ubiquitous Among Tribes". Rewire. Retrieved Oct 17, 2016.
  18. ^ Cleveland International Film Festival, selections; Kumu Hina: A Place in the Middle Archived 2016-06-27 at the Wayback Machine
  19. ^ Graham, Sharyn (2004). "It's Like One of Those Puzzles: Conceptualising Gender among Bugis". Journal of Gender Studies. 13 (2): 107–116. doi:10.1080/0958923042000217800. S2CID 143529152.
  20. ^ Wilkinson, Sue and Celia Kitzinger (1996). "The Queer Backlash". In Bell, Diane; Renate Klein, eds. (1996). Radically Speaking: Feminism Reclaimed. London: Zed Books. pp. 375–382. Quoted in Weedon, Chris (1999). Feminism, Theory, and the Politics of Difference. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers. pp. 74–75. ISBN 0-631-19824-5.
  21. ^ Hawkes, Gail L. (1995). "Dressing-up — cross-dressing and sexual dissonance". Journal of Gender Studies. 4 (3): 261–270. doi:10.1080/09589236.1995.9960612.
  22. ^ "Androgynous". Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved December 21, 2014.
  23. ^ Stitt, Alex (2020). ACT For Gender Identity: The Comprehensive Guide. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. pp. 42–43. ISBN 978-1785927997. OCLC 1089850112.
  24. ^ "Yes, Eddie Izzard is using 'she' and 'her' pronouns. And it's her right to define however she wants". PinkNews. 2020-12-30. Retrieved 2021-12-10.
  25. ^ Hodgdon, Barbara (2001), Leggatt, Alexander (ed.), "Sexual disguise and the theatre of gender", The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy, Cambridge Companions to Literature, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 179–197, doi:10.1017/ccol0521770440.011, ISBN 978-0-521-77044-6, retrieved 2023-10-24
  26. ^ a b Couturier, Myriam (2019). "Exhibition Review: Gender Bending Fashion". Fashion Studies. 2 (2): 1–9. doi:10.38055/FS020202. ISSN 2371-3453.
  27. ^ Bird, Jacob Mallinson (2020). "Haptic Aurality: On Touching the Voice in Drag Lip-Sync Performance". Sound Studies. 6 (1): 45–64. doi:10.1080/20551940.2019.1640512. S2CID 201507478. Retrieved 2021-10-15.
  28. ^ "Faux Queens' bend gender-bending". CNN. Reuters. 2000-11-22. Retrieved 2021-10-15.
  29. ^ Rupp, Leila; Taylor, Verta; Shapiro, Eve (June 8, 2010). "Drag Queens and Drag Kings: The Difference Gender Makes". Sexualities. 13 (275): 278. doi:10.1177/1363460709352725. S2CID 145721360.
  30. ^ Leibetseder, Doris (2013). Queer Tracks: Subversive Strategies in Rock and Pop Music. Ash gate Publishing Ltd. ISBN 978-1409472032.
  31. ^ Conner, Katie (7 June 2019). "Want to try that gender-face-swap thing everyone's doing? Here's how". CBS Interactive. CNet.
  32. ^ a b c Butler, Judith. "Performative Acts and Gender Construction: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 12 January 2012. Retrieved 1 June 2012.
  33. ^ Wilton, Tamsin (1995). Lesbian Studies: Setting an Agenda. Routledge. pp. 109. ISBN 0415086566.
  34. ^ Witt, Susan D. (1997). "Parental Influence on Children's Socialization to Gender Roles". Adolescence. 32 (126). University of Akron School of Home Economics and Family Ecology: 253–259. PMID 9179321. Archived from the original on 20 May 2012. Retrieved 26 May 2012.
  35. ^ Robinson, Kerry; Davies, Cristyn. "Tomboys and Sissy Girls: young girls' negotiations of femininity and masculinity". International Journal of Equity and Innovation in Early Childhood. 5 (7): 17–31. Retrieved 26 May 2012.
  36. ^ Roberts, A. L.; Rosario, M.; Corliss, H. L.; Koenen, K. C.; Austin, S. B. (2012). "Childhood Gender Nonconformity: A Risk Indicator for Childhood Abuse and Posttraumatic Stress in Youth". Pediatrics. 129 (3): 410–417. doi:10.1542/peds.2011-1804. PMC 3289524. PMID 22351893.
  37. ^ Sweeting, Adam (30 August 2007). "Marc Bolan: Why the prettiest star still shines". Archived from the original on 2022-01-12.
  38. ^ Nicholas Pegg (2 December 2011). The Complete David Bowie. Titan Books. pp. 260–65. ISBN 9780857687197.
  39. ^ Sandford, Christopher (1997) [First published 1996]. Bowie: Loving the Alien. Time Warner. pp. 73–74. ISBN 0-306-80854-4.
  40. ^ Kaufman, Scott Barry. "From George and Lennox to Gaga and Lambert: Androgyny, Creativity, and Pop Culture". Psychology Today. Retrieved 7 June 2012.
  41. ^ Berrick, Genevieve (28 September 2015). "Grace Jones Proves Herself a Gender-Bending Icon Once Again at the Hollywood Bowl". SheWired. Retrieved 17 November 2015.
  42. ^ Foreman, Katya (2 October 2015). "Grace Jones: Style, power and in-your-face sexuality". BBC News. Retrieved 17 November 2015.
  43. ^ "Grace Jones: 'I'm A Bit Split Personality'". NPR. 5 October 2015. Retrieved 17 November 2015.
  44. ^ Wilmeth, Don B. (2007). Cambridge Guide to American Theater. Cambridge University Press. p. 254. ISBN 978-0521835381.
  45. ^ Andrews, Charlotte Richardson (9 May 2012). "Sexuality and gender have always been blurred in rock'n'roll". The Guardian. Retrieved 18 November 2015.
  46. ^ Aspray, Benjamin (18 January 2015). "Marilyn Manson: The Pale Emperor". Slant Magazine.
  47. ^ Considine, J. D. (15 September 1998). "Manson: A cry against nature Review: 'Animals' is a gender-bending, genre-borrowing, creepy mix. Sorry, Mom, it's also quite good". The Baltimore Sun. Archived from the original on 19 November 2015. Retrieved 18 November 2015.
  48. ^ "Comic Izzard promoting life story". BBC News. 17 May 2004. Retrieved 14 November 2021.
  49. ^ Rampton, James (23 May 2004). "Eddie Izzard: The tough transvestite who can take care of himself". The Independent. Retrieved 14 November 2021.
  50. ^ Walters, Barbara (2009-12-30). "Lady Gaga: 'I Love Androgyny'". ABC News. Retrieved 2010-05-03.
  51. ^ a b c d Suter, Rebecca (2013-12-01). "Gender Bending and Exoticism in Japanese Girls' Comics". Asian Studies Review. 37 (4): 546–558. doi:10.1080/10357823.2013.832111. ISSN 1035-7823. S2CID 144598084.

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Dan RatherLahirDaniel Irvin Rather Jr.31 Oktober 1931 (umur 92)Wharton, Texas, Amerika SerikatPekerjaanwartawanPembawa beritaKarya terkenalJangkar berita CBS Evening News (1981-2005)Koresponden 60 Minutes (1968-1981; 1999-2006) Daniel Irvin Dan Rather, Jr. (lahir 31 Oktober 1931) adalah wartawan dan mantan jangkar berita CBS Evening News. Ia kini menjabat redaktur dan presenter program majalah berita di televisi, Dan Rather Reports di saluran televisi kabel HDNet. Sepanjang kariernya dengan…

Halaman ini berisi artikel tentang Jaksa Agung Amerika Serikat masa lampau. Untuk Sekretaris Negara Bagian Missouri saat ini, lihat Jay Ashcroft. John Ashcroft Jaksa Agung Amerika Serikat ke-79Masa jabatan2 Februari 2001 – 3 Februari 2005PresidenGeorge W. BushWakilRobert Mueller (pelaksana tugas)Larry ThompsonJames Comey PendahuluJanet RenoPenggantiAlberto GonzalesSenator Amerika Serikat dari MissouriMasa jabatan3 Januari 1995 – 3 Januari 2001 PendahuluJohn DanforthPenggant…

Album of the YearAlbum studio karya Faith No MoreDirilis3 Juni 1997Direkam???GenreAlternative metalDurasi43:04LabelSlash RecordsProduserRoli Mosimann, Billy GouldKronologi Faith No More King for a Day... Fool for a Lifetime(1995)King for a Day... Fool for a Lifetime1995 Album of the Year(1997) Who Cares a Lot?(1998)Who Cares a Lot?1998 Album of the Year, diterbitkan pada 1997, adalah album keenam dan terakhir dari kelompok Faith No More. Daftar lagu Collision (Hudson/Patton) Stripsearch (Hud…

Artikel ini sebatang kara, artinya tidak ada artikel lain yang memiliki pranala balik ke halaman ini.Bantulah menambah pranala ke artikel ini dari artikel yang berhubungan atau coba peralatan pencari pranala.Tag ini diberikan pada Oktober 2022. Eparki Zahumlje dan HerzegovinaKatedral Tritunggal Kudus di Mostar,sedang dibangun ulang sejak 2011.LokasiWilayahBosnia dan Herzegovina, Kroasia dan MontenegroKantor pusatMostar, Bosnia dan Herzegovina[1][2]InformasiGereja sui iurisGe…

Artikel ini sebatang kara, artinya tidak ada artikel lain yang memiliki pranala balik ke halaman ini.Bantulah menambah pranala ke artikel ini dari artikel yang berhubungan atau coba peralatan pencari pranala.Tag ini diberikan pada Oktober 2022. John NkengasongNkengasong dalam sebuah diskusi panel tahun 2016 pada Pertemuan Kementerian Agenda Keamanan Kesehatan Global di Kampala, UgandaLahirDouala, KamerunAlmamaterInstitute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp Vrije Universiteit Brussel John F. Kennedy Sc…

Logo Boyd Gaming Kantor Boyd Gaming di Howard Hughes Center Boyd Gaming Corporation (NYSE: BYD) merupakan sebuah perusahaan bisnis yang berbasis di Las Vegas, Nevada yang berpengalaman dalam pembangunan, kepemilikan dan operasi hotel dan kasino di seluruh Amerika Serikat. Perusahaan ini terus dijalankan oleh keluarga pendirinya, Sam Boyd di bawah manajemen anak Sam, Bill Boyd. Perusahaan ini beroperasi di 7 negara bagian dan pada akhir 2005 perusahaan ini memiliki 11.500 kamar hotel. Sejarah Did…

This article may rely excessively on sources too closely associated with the subject, potentially preventing the article from being verifiable and neutral. Please help improve it by replacing them with more appropriate citations to reliable, independent, third-party sources. (February 2013) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Neighbourhood in Toronto, Ontario, CanadaThe KingswayNeighbourhoodEntrance to the Kingsway on Bloor Street WestVicinity of The KingswayLocation within Toro…

Dalam nama Spanyol ini, nama keluarganya adalah Escobar. Roberto EscobarEscobar in 2018LahirRoberto de Jesús Escobar Gaviria13 Januari 1947 (umur 77)Rionegro, ColombiaNama lainEl OsitoWarga negaraKolombiaPekerjaanPedagang dan penyelundup narkoba, salah satu pendiri Kartel Medellín, salah satu pendiri Escobar Inc, Salah satu pendiri dietbitcoinHukuman kriminal14 tahun di penjaraStatus kriminalDirilis tahun 2006AlasanPerdagangan dan penyelundupan narkoba Roberto de Jesús Escobar Gavir…

Farm owned or operated by a family Historical farming estate Stoffl in Radenthein, Carinthia, with an 18th-century arrangement of a main building, a granary and two buildings used as stables and barns.[1] Barn of a Wisconsin family farm, inscribed with the foundational year (1911). The Scharmoos estate in Schwarzenberg in the Swiss canton of Lucerne, owned by the Schofer family during c. 1670–1918.[2] Rural Society Rural economics Rural area Rural crafts India Rural develop…

تحوي هذه المقالة أو هذا القسم ترجمة آلية. فضلًا، ساهم في تدقيقها وتحسينها أو إزالتها لأنها تخالف سياسات ويكيبيديا. (نقاش) (ديسمبر 2021) Athletic Bilbao Real Sociedad ديربي الباسك (باللغة الباسكية Euskal Derbia، باللغة الإسبانية derbi Vasco) هو اسم ديربي كرة قدم محلي بين ريال سوسيداد وأتلتيك بيلباو. وهو …

وحدات المظلات الدولة  مصر الإنشاء 1954 النوع قوات خاصة الدور عمليات متعددة المهام والظروف. المقر الرئيسي مناطق العمليات الشرق الأوسط شعار نصي قوة، عزيمة، إيمان.[1] الاشتباكات العدوان الثلاثي، حرب 1967، حرب الاستنزاف، حرب أكتوبر، حرب الخليج الثانية المعارك الشرفية معركة …

Daftar ini belum tentu lengkap. Anda dapat membantu Wikipedia dengan mengembangkannya. Wali Kota BandungPetahanaBambang Tirtoyuliono(Penjabat)sejak 20 September 2023Pemerintah Kota BandungKediamanPendopo Kota Bandung, Balonggede, Regol, Bandung 40251Masa jabatan5 tahun dan dapat dipilih kembali untuk satu kali masa jabatanDibentuk1 Juli 1917; 106 tahun lalu (1917-07-01)Pejabat pertamaBertus Coops (Hindia Belanda, 1917)Ating Atma di Nata (Republik Indonesia, 1945)WakilWakil Wali Kota Ba…

Kantor Walikota Jakarta Selatan, salah satu bangunan yang terletak di Jalan Prapanca, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan. Jalan Prapanca adalah salah satu jalan utama di Jakarta. Nama jalan ini diambil dari nama salah satu nama pujangga sastra Jawa, Empu Prapanca. Jalan ini menghubungkan wilayah Blok M dan wilayah Kemang. Jalan ini membentang sepanjang 1,7 kilometer dari persimpangan Jalan Wijaya I dan Jalan Wijaya II sampai persimpangan Jalan Prapanca dan Jalan Darmawangsa XI. Jalan ini melintasi …

Untuk film, lihat Robert Koch (film). Robert KochLahirRobert Heinrich Herman Koch(1843-12-11)11 Desember 1843Clausthal, Kerajaan HanoverMeninggal27 Mei 1910(1910-05-27) (umur 66)Baden-Baden, Kadipaten Agung BadenKebangsaanJermanAlmamaterUniversitas GöttingenDikenal atasPenemuan bakteriologiTeori kuman postulat KochIsolasi antraks, tuberkulosis, dan koleraSuami/istriEmmy Fraaze (1866), Hedwig Freiberg (1893)Penghargaan ForMemRS (1897)[1] Penghargaan Nobel dalam Fisiologi atau Kedokt…

Helen M. Robertsc. 1945Born(1896-01-20)January 20, 1896Toronto, Ontario, CanadaDiedJune 22, 1983(1983-06-22) (aged 87)Los Angeles, California, U.S.Occupation(s)Multilingual literacy educator, writer, photographerSpouse Jewell A. Roberts ​ ​(m. 1916; died 1952)​ChildrenHoward Emery, Walter Kenneth, Ethel Muriel, Lawrence, Blasing, Donald Van Norman Helen Marguerite (Emery) Roberts (January 20, 1896 – June 22, 1983) was an American writer, pho…

Calcium carbonate based concretion of sediment Caliche fossil forest on San Miguel Island, California Caliche (/kəˈliːtʃiː/) is a sedimentary rock, a hardened natural cement of calcium carbonate that binds other materials—such as gravel, sand, clay, and silt. It occurs worldwide, in aridisol and mollisol soil orders—generally in arid or semiarid regions, including in central and western Australia, in the Kalahari Desert, in the High Plains of the western United States, in the Sonoran De…

Private university in Rhode Island, US This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: New England Institute of Technology – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (August 2012) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) New England Institute of TechnologyMain Campus in East GreenwichOther nameNE…

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