The most common form of hybrid word in English combines Latin and Greek parts. Since many prefixes and suffixes in English are of Latin or Greek etymology, it is straightforward to add a prefix or suffix from one language to an English word that comes from a different language, thus creating a hybrid word[citation needed].
Hybridisms were formerly often considered to be barbarisms.[1][2]
English examples
Antacid – from Greek ἀντι- (anti-) 'against' and Latin acidus 'acid'; this term dates back to 1732.[3]
Aquaphobia – from Latin aqua 'water' and Greek φοβία (phobia) 'fear'; this term is distinguished from the non-hybrid word hydrophobia, a historical term for rabies and one of its main symptoms.
Automobile – a wheeled passenger vehicle, from Greek αὐτός (autos) 'self' and Latin mobilis 'moveable'
Beatnik – a 1950s counterculture movement centered on jazz music, coffeehouses, marijuana, and a literary movement, from English 'beat' and Russian -nik 'one who does'. The term was coined in 1958 by San Francisco newspaper columnist Herb Caen.[4]
Biathlon – from the Latin bis 'twice' and the Greek ἆθλον (athlon) 'contest'; the non-hybrid word is diathlon
Bigamy – from Latin bis 'twice' and Greek γάμος (gamos) 'wedlock'; this term dates back to the 13th century.[5]
Bigram – from Latin bis 'twice' and Greek γράμμα (gramma); the non-hybrid word is digram
Campanology – from Latin campana 'bell' and Greek -λογία (-logia) 'the study of'[6]
Chiral – from Greek χείρ (kheir) 'hand' and Latin adjectival suffix -ālis. The term was coined in 1894.[7]
Chloroform – from Greek χλωρός (khlōros) 'pale green' (indicating chlorine here) and Latin formica 'ant' (indicating formic acid here). The term first appeared in 1830s.
Claustrophobia – from the Latin claustrum 'confined space' and Greek φόβος (phobos) 'fear'. This term was coined in 1879.[8]
Homosexual – from the Greek ὁμός (homos) 'same' and the Latin sexus 'sex' (This example is remarked on in Tom Stoppard's The Invention of Love, with A. E. Housman's character saying "Homosexuals? Who is responsible for this barbarity?... It's half Greek and half Latin!".)
Hyperextension – from Greek ὑπέρ (hyper) 'over' and Latin extensio 'stretching out'; the non-hybrid word is superextension
Hypervisor – from the Greek ὑπέρ (hyper) 'over' and the Latin visor 'seer'. This word is distinguished from the non-hybrid word supervisor, which is software that manages multiple user programs; a hypervisor is software that manages multiple virtual machines
Monolingual – from the Greek μόνος (monos) 'only' and the Latin lingua 'tongue'; the non-hybrid word is unilingual
Multigraph – from the Latin multus 'many' and the Greek γραφή (graphē); the non-hybrid word would be polygraph, but that is generally used with a different meaning
Neonate – from the Greek νέος (neos), 'new', and the Latin natus 'birth'
Polydeism – from the Greek πολύς (polýs) 'many' and the Latin deus 'god'; compare with the non-hybrid word polytheism
Quadraphonic – from the Latin quattuor meaning four and the Greek φωνικός (phōnikós), from φωνή (phōnḗ) meaning sound; the non-hybrid word is tetraphonic
Quadriplegia – from the Latin quattuor 'four' and the Greek πληγή (plēgḗ) 'stroke', from πλήσσειν (plḗssein) 'to strike'; the non-hybrid word is tetraplegia
Sociology – from the Latin socius, 'comrade', and the Greek λόγος (lógos) 'word', 'reason', 'discourse'
Sociopath – from the Latin socius from sociare 'to associate with', and the Greek (-pathes) 'sufferer' from πάθος (páthos), 'incident, suffering, experience'
Modern Hebrew abounds with non-Semitic derivational affixes, which are applied to words of both Semitic and non-Semitic descent. The following hybrid words consist of a Hebrew-descent word and a non-Semitic descent suffix:[15]
bitkhon-íst (ביטחוניסט) 'one who evaluates everything from the perspective of national security', from bitakhón 'security' + the productive internationalism -ist
khamúda-le (חמודה׳לה) 'cutie (feminine singular)', from khamuda 'cute (feminine singular) + -le, endearment diminutive of Yiddish origin
kiso-lógya (כיסאולוגיה) 'the art of finding a political seat (especially in the Israeli Parliament)', from kisé 'seat' + the productive internationalism -lógya '-logy'
maarav-izátsya (מערביזציה) 'westernization', from maaráv 'west' + the productive internationalism -izátsya '-ization' (itself via Russian from a hybrid of Greek -ιζ- -iz- and Latin -atio)
miluím-nik (מילואימניק) 'reservist, reserve soldier', from miluím 'reserve' (literally 'fill-ins') + -nik, a most productive agent suffix of Yiddish and Russian descent
The following Modern Hebrew hybrid words have an international prefix:
Some hybrid words consist of both a non-Hebrew word and a non-Hebrew suffix of different origins:
shababnik (שבבניק) 'rebel youth of Haredi Judaism', from Arabic shabab (youth) and -nik of Yiddish and Russian descent
Some hybrid words consist of a non-Hebrew word and a Hebrew suffix:
Individuali-ut (אינדיבידואליות) 'Individualism', from English Individual and ut, a productive Hebrew suffix meaning -ism
Modern Hebrew also has a productive derogatory prefixal shm-, which results in an 'echoic expressive'. For example, um shmum (או״ם־שמו״ם), literally 'United Nations shm-United Nations', was a pejorative description by Israel's first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, of the United Nations, called in Modern Hebrew umot meukhadot (אומות מאוחדות) and abbreviated um (או״ם). Thus, when a Hebrew speaker would like to express his impatience with or disdain for philosophy, s/he can say filosófya-shmilosófya (פילוסופיה־שמילוסופיה). Modern Hebrew shm- is traceable back to Yiddish, and is found in English as well as shm-reduplication. This is comparable to the Turkic initial m-segment conveying a sense of 'and so on' as in Turkish dergi mergi okumuyor, literally 'magazine "shmagazine" read:NEGATIVE:PRESENT:3rd.person.singular', i.e. '(He) doesn't read magazine, journals or anything like that'.[15]
In Filipino, hybrid words are called siyokoy (literally "merman"). For example, concernado ("concerned"): "concern-" is from English and "-ado" is from Khoribari
In Japanese, hybrid words are common in kango (words formed from kanji characters) in which some of the characters may be pronounced using Chinese pronunciations (on'yomi, from Chinese morphemes), and others in the same word are pronounced using Japanese pronunciations (kun'yomi, from Japanese morphemes). These words are known as jūbako (重箱) or yutō (湯桶), which are themselves examples of this kind of compound (they are autological words): the first character of jūbako is read using on'yomi, the second kun'yomi, while it is the other way around with yutō. Other examples include 場所 basho "place" (kun-on), 金色 kin'iro "golden" (on-kun) and 合気道 aikidō "the martial art Aikido" (kun-on-on). Some hybrid words are neither jūbako nor yutō (縦中横 tatechūyoko (kun-on-kun)). Foreign words may also be hybridized with Chinese or Japanese readings in slang words such as 高層ビル kōsōbiru "high-rise building" (on-on-katakana) and 飯テロ meshitero "food terrorism" (kun-katakana).