Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalya (JNV), Jaipur (जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय, जयपुर) is a Central Board for Secondary Education affiliated school in the district of Jaipur, in the Jaipur region of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti. It is located near Kotputali on NH 8 Paota (Jaipur-Delhi Highway), 75 Kms from Jaipur.
The school is located near the village of Paota in Jaipur district. The school is residential and all facilities are free of cost from everyday needs to all educational needs. The school was established on a temporary site in 1986. The school now has buildings for classrooms, hostels, staff quarters, and a multi-purpose hall. There is a Rajiv Smriti Van in the very center of the school which adds to its bio-diversity. A local seasonal river passes through Rajiv Smriti Van.
The elliptical area of Rajiv Smriti Van is surrounded by a road with two bridges to cross the river. The road connects all the buildings with each other.
JNV Jaipur have awarded the status of Smart School in Jaipur Region[citation needed]. The status is given to the Top Ten Schools of India.
The entrance test for admission into 6th and 9th class of the school is conducted by the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti. The school syllabus is Central Board of Secondary Education pattern. There are classes from 6th standard to 12th standard.
Music, Computer science and SUPW are taught as optional subjects. The school has a computer room equipped with internet and a music room with instruments available.
The Navodaya Vidyalaya comes under Sawaimadhopur 1st cluster in Jaipur region of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti.
Under migration scheme, 30% students of 9th class migrated to Jamnagar, Gujarat. Third language is accordingly Gujarati.