Soviet stamp commemorating the 90th birth anniversary of Vladimir Lenin, 1960. Designed after a drawing of Nikolay Zhukov [Wikidata]
On the stamps of the USSR, Lenin was most frequently portrayed among the Bolsheviks. After 1923, his pictures were present on about 11% of all Soviet stamps. Lenin portrait first appeared on a stamp series that was the Mourning issue [Wikidata] printed immediately after his death in 1924. Images of the first Soviet leader soon became ubiquitous.[3]
Because of various Lenin representations on postage stamps, it is hardly possible to categorise them all. Among different ways and roles in which Lenin was shown, there were:[3]
^[Anon.] (c. 1974). Leniniana: USSR Postage Stamps Commemorating V. I. Lenin. Moscow: Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga. 22 p. Archived from the original on 2015-05-08. Retrieved 2015-05-24. Among the numerous themes to which postage stamps are devoted in the USSR there is one that is particularly close to heart and dear to every Soviet collector. This theme is attracting ever more attention of philatelists in other countries as well. They are putting out catalogues and holding stamp exhibitions. This theme is the Leniniana.
^Владинец, Н. И.; Ильичёв, Л. И.; Левитас, И. Я.; Мазур, П. Ф.; Меркулов, И. Н.; Моросанов, И. А.; Мякота, Ю. К.; Панасян, С. А.; Рудников, Ю. М.; Слуцкий, М. Б.; Якобс, В. А. (1988). "Лениниана" [Leniniana]. In Владинец, Н. И.; Якобс, В. А. (eds.). Большой филателистический словарь [Great Philatelic Dictionary] (in Russian). Moscow: Радио и связь [Radio i svyaz']. 320 p. ISBN5-256-00175-2. Archived from the original on 2015-06-30. Retrieved 2015-05-24.