This is a list of Massachusetts amphibians. It includes all amphibians currently found in Massachusetts. It does not include species found only in captivity. One species is identified as indicated below:
Common; Introduced to the Connecticut River in 1936; However, there are records from the Connecticut River in Connecticut as early as 1875; The mudpuppy has also been reported from lakes in Berkshire County which probably means it is native to Western Massachusetts
Uncommon; Found mainly throughout Western Massachusetts; This amphibians range includes the blue spotted/Jefferson salamander hybrid, where both species interbreed and creates hybrids; It is a species of special concern in the Commonwealth due to habitat loss
Uncommon; Reported from Bristol County, Essex County, Middlesex County, Eastern Worcester County, and Norfolk County; Distinguished from most salamanders by its blue spots; Reports of Western Worcester county may represent the Jefferson salamander; Listed as special concern due to habitat loss
Rare; Statewide except Cape Cod, Nantucket, and Dukes County; Threatened in the Commonwealth; There are old records from Plymouth and Essex counties; This species is difficult to locate, making it rare; The fact that Massachusetts is its almost northernmost limit of its range (it is also found in southern New Hampshire) makes it clear why its rare in the state
Rare; Threatened in the Commonwealth; Most populations are found in Cape Cod and coastal Essex county, but it is also found in the Connecticut River Valley; Due to habitat loss, it is extirpated from inland Essex county, most of Martha Vineyard, and most of the Connecticut River
Common; Statewide except Dukes County and Nantucket
Massachusetts Reptiles and Amphibians List J.E. Cardoza and P.G. Mirick USGS Online Guide to the amphibians of North America. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center. 1997. Checklist of Amphibian Species and Identification Guide: An Online Guide for the Identification of Amphibians in North America north of Mexico. Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online.