Alì Vefa is a young doctor with autism spectrum disorders associated with savant syndrome. As a child he was bullied by his classmates and socially ignored by his peers, because due to his condition he was introverted and refused physical contact. The only person to be close to him is his brother, with whom he creates a bond of trust. His brother believes in him a lot, especially when his father kills his pet rabbit, which he takes to a private clinic in vain. It is there that Alì meets Doctor Adil, who will later become his legal guardian. Alì will fall in love with surgical medicine. His brother has a lot of faith in him in this regard, and after a tragic event, Ali sets himself the goal of becoming a surgeon. He is hired on a trial basis at the Berhayat hospital, where he finds himself facing resistance from the other doctors, especially that of Doctor Ferman, who does not consider him suitable for the role. Alì, despite the initial difficulties, manages to be accepted by many members of the Berhayat hospital, including Ferman, with whom he forms a bond of brotherhood, and Nazlı, the only one who initially tries to understand him and establish a relationship within the hospital. a bond of friendship with him.
Filming took place at the Medical Park Hospital in Istanbul's Pendik district, while other scenes were filmed in Bilecik and the villages of Küplü, Başköy, Dereköy and Gülümbe.[4][5]