Written and illustrated by Tsuya Tsuya [ja], Shiori's Diary was serialized in Nihon Bungeisha's Manga Goraku Special [ja] magazine from February 15, 2019,[2] to December 15, 2020.[3][4] Nihon Bungeisha collected its chapters in three tankōbon volumes, released from November 9, 2019,[1] to January 29, 2021.[5]
In North America, the manga was licensed for English release by Seven Seas Entertainment and released under its Ghost Ship mature imprint.[6] The three volume were released from August 17, 2021,[7] to April 26, 2022.[8]
^Tsuya Tsuya (December 14, 2020). 「しおりの日記」最終回がゴラクスペシャル5月号に!. sitomi.net (in Japanese). Studio Sitomi. Archived from the original on December 1, 2021. Retrieved December 1, 2021.