Thomas & Friends: Journey Beyond Sodor is a 2017 British animated musicaladventure film and the twelfth feature-length special based on the British television series Thomas & Friends. The film was produced and distributed by Mattel Creations with animation production by Canadian-based Jam Filled Toronto. The movie centres on Thomas being held captive in a Steelworks within the mainland after taking a load meant for his friend James.
The film stars John Hasler (UK) and Joseph May (US) as the voice of Thomas, and guest stars such as Hugh Bonneville who plays the role of Merlin.[2] The film also deals with many traits that children have such as autism, through the Experimental Engines.[3]
On his way to deliver a goods train to Bridlington on the Mainland, Henry the Green Engine collides with another train at Vicarstown due to faulty signal, and has to stay at the Steamworks for repairs. Thomas the Tank Engine is upset that The Fat Controller has chosen James the Red Engine, who has been teasing him, to take the train in Henry's place, thinking that James is Sir Topham Hatt's favourite engine. To prove to James he's Sir Topham Hatt's favourite, Thomas collects the goods train before James does so he can take it to Bridlington himself. However, the Troublesome Trucks distract his driver, causing them to go the wrong way. Along his journey, Thomas meets Beresford, a crane, and two faulty experimental engines, Lexi and Theo, who help him get more coal and water. They also tell him about another engine named Merlin, who believes he has the power to become invisible.
Later, Thomas finds himself at a massive Steelworks factory run by two engines, Hurricane and Frankie, who invite him to stay. The next day, Thomas learns that Hurricane delivered his train to Bridlington overnight and Frankie convinces him to help out at the Steelworks to return the favour. However, they refuse to let Thomas leave and continue to force him to work for them. Thomas escapes during the night and hides with the help of an unseen Merlin. Meanwhile, back on Sodor, James is assigned to work on Thomas' branch line, but he soon grows fed up and decides to go searching for him. He comes across Hurricane, who takes him to the Steelworks.
On his way home the next day, Thomas encounters Beresford again. When he hears Frankie and Hurricane coming, Beresford hides him using his hook, only to see them taking James to the Steelworks. Thomas enlists the help of the experimental engines to rescue James. Theo and Lexi act as a diversion while Thomas and Merlin try to help James escape. The plan goes awry; a chase ensues in the Steelworks in which James is saved but Thomas is almost melted by slag. Hurricane pushes Thomas out of the way, but melts his own wheels. Frankie breaks down crying and explains that she and Hurricane only enslaved Thomas and James because of the overload of work. The experimental engines decide to henceforth join them at the Steelworks.
Afterwards, Thomas and James head back to Sodor and apologise to each other. Hurricane's wheels are replaced, while Henry returns from the Steamworks and asks what he missed in his absence.
Common Sense Media gave it 3/5 stars, calling it a "Suspenseful adventure," that had "positive messages, and the addition of some spirited new characters who add fun to the tale." They however noted it being darker than other Thomas films.[6]