William Becket (1684–1738) was an English surgeon and antiquary.
Becket was born at Abingdon, Berkshire. In the early years of the eighteenth century he was well known in London as a surgeon and an enthusiastic antiquary. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society on 11 December 1718, and read three papers on The Antiquity of the Venereal Disease at its meetings during the same year (Philosophical Transactions. vi. 368, 467, 492), and one on another subject in 1724 (Philosophical Transactions vii. 25).
An Enquiry into the Antiquity and Efficacy of Touching for the King's Evil, with a Collection of Records, 1722. John Anstis the elder gave Becket some assistance in this work.
Practical Surgery, illustrated and improved, with remarks on the most remarkable Cases, Cures, and Discussions in St. Thomas's Hospital, 1740.
A Collection of Chirurgical Tracts, 1740.
DNB references
These references are found in the DNB article referred to above.