Par la suite, Hind se spécialise dans les estampes et les dessins et étudie l'histoire de la gravure à Dresde sous l'autorité de Max Lehrs. Il s'intéresse plus particulièrement aux estampes et aux dessins italiens.
De 1933 à 1945, il est conservateur au Département des estampes du British Museum[1], où il travaille déjà depuis 1903[2].
A short history of engraving & etching for the use of collectors and students, with full bibliography, classified list and index of engravers (Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1911, 508 p.)
Graveurs allemands
Albrecht Dürer, his engravings and woodcuts (Londres, John Lane, 1922, 244 p.)
Hans Holbein the younger; his Old Testament illustrations, Dance of death, and other woodcuts (New York, Fredk. A. Stokes Company, 1912, 158 p.)
Graveurs néerlandais
A Catalogue of Rembrandt's Etchings : chronologically arranged and completely illustrated (Londres, Methuen and co. (2 vol.), 1900, 182 p.)
Etchings of Rembrandt (Londres, G. Newness; New York, C. Scribner, 1907, 148 p.)
Rembrandt, With a Complete List of His Etchings (?)
Rembrandt and his etchings. A compact record of the artist's life, his work and his time (Boston, C.E. Goodspeed & co., 1921, 46 p.)
Van Dyck, his original etchings and his iconography (Boston et New York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1915, 129 p.)
Catalogue of drawings by Dutch and Flemish artists preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum (plusieurs volumes : Londres, sur ordre des Trustees, 1915, env. 450 p.)
Graveurs français
Watteau, Boucher, and the French engravers and etchers of the earlier eighteenth century (New York, F.A.Stokes, 1911, 154 p.)
Fragonard, Moreau le jeune and French engravers, etchers, and illustrators of the later XVIII century (New York : Fredk. A. Stokes Co., 1912, 154 p.)
Graveurs italiens
Andrea Mantegna and the Italian pre-Raphaelite engravers (New York : Frederick A. Stokes company, 1911, 150 p.)
Marcantonio and Italian engravers and etchers of the sixteenth century (New York : Fredk. A. Stokes company, 1912, 156 p.)
Giovanni Battista Piranesi : a critical study, with a list of his published works and detailed catalogues of the prisons and the views of Rome (New York : E. Weyhe 1922, 276)
Graveurs britanniques
William Hogarth; his original engravings and etchings (New York, Fredk. A. Stokes company, 1912, 156)
John Raphael Smith, and the great mezzotinters of the time of Reynolds (Londres, Heinemann, 1911, 154 p.)
Wenceslaus Hollar and his views of London and Windsor in the seventeenth century (Londres, John Lane, 1922, 244 p.)
Bartolozzi and other stipple engravers working in England at the end of the eighteenth century (Londres, Heinemann, 1912, 160 p.)