The Signature of Power: Buildings, Communication, and Policy, (Transaction Books, 1979).
Essays on the Garrison State, edited and with an introduction by Jay Stanley, (Transaction Publishers, 1997).
Labor Attitudes and Problems, with Willard E. Atkins, (Prentice-Hall, 1924).
National Libraries and Foreign Scholarship: Notes on Recent Selections in Social Science, with Douglas Waples, (University of Chicago Press, 1936).
World Revolutionary Propaganda: A Chicago Study, with Dorothy Blumenstock, (Alfred A. Knopf, 1939).
Propaganda, Communication, and Public Opinion: A Comprehensive Reference Guide, with Bruce Lannes Smith and Ralph D. Casey, (Princeton University Press, 1947).
Language of Politics: Studies in Quantitative Semantics, with Nathan Leites and associates, (G.W. Stewart, 1949).
Power and Society: A Framework for Political Inquiry, with Abraham Kaplan, (Yale University Press, 1950).
The Comparative Study of Symbols: An Introduction, with Daniel Lerner and Ithiel de Sola Pool, (Stanford University Press, 1952).
The Comparative Study of Elites: An Introduction and Bibliography, with Daniel Lerner and C. Easton Rothwell, (Stanford University Press, 1952).
In Defense of Public Order: the Emerging Field of Sanction Law, with Richard Arens, (Greenwood Press, 1961).
Power, Corruption, and Rectitude, with Arnold A. Rogow, (Greenwood Press, 1963).
Law and Public Order in Space, with Myres S. McDougal and Ivan A. Vlasic, (Yale University Press, 1963).
The Sharing of Power in a Psychiatric Hospital, with Robert Rubenstein, (Yale University Press, 1966).
The Interpretation of Agreements and World Public Order: Principles of Content and Procedure, with Myres S. McDougal and James C. Miller, (Yale University Press, 1967).
Formosa, China, and the United Nations: Formosa in the World Community, with Lung-chu Chen, (St. Martin's Press, 1967).
Political Communication: the Public Language of Political Elites in India and the United States, with Satish K. Arora, (Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969).
Human Rights and World Public Order: the Basic Policies of an International Law of Human Dignity, with Myres S. McDougal and Lung-chu Chen, (Yale University Press, 1980).
Jurisprudence for a Free Society: Studies in Law, Science and Policy, with Myres S. McDougal, (New Haven Press. , 1992).
Propaganda and Promotional Activities: An Annotated Bibliography, co-edited with Ralph D. Casey and Bruce Lannes Smith, (University of Minnesota Press, 1935).
The Policy Sciences: Recent Developments in Scope and Method, co-edited with Daniel Lerner, (Stanford University Press, 1951).
The Ethic of Power: the Interplay of Religion, Philosophy, and Politics, co-edited with Harlan Cleveland, (Harper, 1962).
Ethics and Bigness: Scientific, Academic, Religious, Political, and Military, co-edited with Harlan Cleveland, (Harper, 1962).
World Revolutionary Elites: Studies in Coercive Ideological Movements, co-edited with Daniel Lerner, (Greenwood Press, 1965).
The Search for World Order: Studies by Students and Colleagues of Quincy Wright, co-edited with Albert Lepawsky and Edward H. Buehrig, (Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971).
Values and Development: Appraising Asian Experience, co-edited with Daniel Lerner and John D. Montgomery, (MIT Press, 1976).
Patterns of Policy: Comparative and Longitudinal Studies of Population Events, co-edited with John D. Montgomery and Joel S. Migdal, (Transaction Books, 1979).
The Symbolic Instrument in Early Times, co-edited with Daniel Lerner and Hans Speier, (University Press of Hawaii, 1979).
Emergence of Public Opinion in the West, co-edited with Daniel Lerner and Hans Speier, (University Press of Hawaii, 1980).
A Pluralizing World in Formation, co-edited with Daniel Lerner and Hans Speier, (University Press of Hawaii, 1980).