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ABSTRAKPare (Momordica charantia) adalah salah satu sayuran yang telah dikenal oleh masyarakat. Sampai saat ini pare hanya digunakan sebagai sayuran. Penelitian ini dirancang untuk mengetahui penganrh penyimpanan dalam kondisi normal terhadap kadar an dan uji organoleptik manisan pare koing. Penelitian dilakukan pada manisar pare kering yang direndam dalam sirup dengan 50% gula selama 2 hari. Manisan kemudian disirirpan selama 2 minggu dan 4 minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan kadar air selama penyimpanan sebesar 2%. Uji organoleptik menuqiukkan bahwa setelah disimpan manisan pare terlihat sedikit berair dan memiliki bau kfias sama dengan aslinya.Keywords: manisan pare kering, p…

ABSTRAKUsia sekolah dasar termasuk golongan masyarakat yang berada pada masa perrumbuhan yang cepat dan aktif. Anak harus mendapatkan asupan gizr dalarr kuantitas dan kualitas yang cukup. Hal ini penting untuk menjadi kesadaran bersama karena anak adalah salah satu aset sumber daya manusia dan sebagai generasi penerus bangsa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui kesadaran untuk pola konsumsi pangan yang baik khususnya kebiasaan sarapan pagi di SDN Nayu II Surakarta telah baik. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa status gzi untuk siswa Sekolah Dasar di SDN Nayu II Surakarta mulai dari kelas satu sampai kelas enam sudah baik. Kesimpulan ini ditunjukkan dari nilai indek anropometri untuk …

ABSTRAKBerdasarkan survey yang telah dilakukaD, jenis beras berwama yang beredar di DIY dan sekitarnya adalah: beras merah lx sosoh, beras meratr 2x sosoh, beras merah putih, beras ketan hitam lokal, dan beras hitam. Berdasarkan uji aktivitas antioksidan, beras merah lx sosoh mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan yang paling besar, yaitu 68,30% RSA DPPH (radical scavenging activity terhadap DPPH). Sedangkan yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk menangkap radikal berupa logamberat Fe adalah beras hitam, yaitu sebesar 2,42 o/oFRAP (Fenous radical activrty power). Kadar antosianin terbesar adalah beras ketan hitam varietas Setail, yaitu sebesar 11,23 mglg sampel dengan pH larutan ekstraksi 1,0.Kata unci: an…

ABSTRAKKulit buah jengkol dapat digunakan sebagai bioherbisida pada pertanaman padi sawah. Penelitian ini betujuan unark menennrkan takaran kulit buah jengkol yang efektif menghambat pertumbuhan guhna padi sawah. Perilaku terdiri bebas gulma, bergulma, penyiangan umur 21 dan 42 hari setelatr tanam (hst), aplikasi kulit buah jengkol 10 dan 15 ton. ha-1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aplikasi kulit buah jengkol 10 dan 15 ton.ha-1 dapat menggantikan penyiangan pada umur 21 dan 42 hst dan secara nyata dapat menekan pertumbuhan gulma daun lebar dan sempit pada 6 dan 9 mst bila dibandingkan dengan bergulma. Penekanan tertinggi sebesar 90% jika kulit buah jengkol diaplikasikan pada takaran 15 ton.ha…

ABSTRACTLately, we occured food product like tofu, meat ball, noodle and other junkfood for children with chemicals dangeruos, so people must be carefull toconsume that food. The food ubtainable sorrounding in schoolchild by grocer.That food was not durable, so we must add food preservative. A kind of foodpreservative is formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is a chemichal, but is’t in use forfood.This research to obtain qualitative utilization formaldehyde, on junk foodfor schoolchild on Elementary school in Tasikmadu district, Karanganyar.Sample comprised chicken nougat, meat ball, noodle, meat sausage and fish ball.Chemical for analysis are Kalium Permanganat (PK).Result shown that 45% junk f…

ABSTRACT Belut dan lele merupakan jenis ikan yang sudah dikenal luas dan lama oleh rakyat Indonesia, karena terdapat beberapa macam varitas ikan local hidupnya di perairan teruatama air tawar di seluruh wilayah Nusantara, disamping manfaatnya yang banyak untuk peningkatan pendapatan dan gizi masyarakat melalui penjualan berbagai macam bentuk berupa ikan segar, ikan kering, tepung, makanan siap saji, bibit dan lain-lain. Walaupun demikian budidaya dan pemasaran jenis ikan tersebut belum optimal secara ekstensif maupun intensif sehingga produksinya belum mampu mencukupi kebutuhan baik dalam negeri maupun ekspor. Adapun tujuan pelaksanaan program IPTEKS ini adalah untuk mengembangkan teknologi …

ABSTRACT   Human right or emancipation of men and women in Indonesia is the same. But many applicatings often occur many differences. Because many problems or many factors have affected them. Those many factors i.e : gender problem, the employment, social-culture, etc. Although many womans work professional on the job, namely director of many factories, the head of district, many rectors, many vice rectors or many deans of universities, ministry or president on their country , etc. But now everyone still ask about participating many womans to develop on their country or state development ? Or think still low ? Key words : Human right or emancipation, women participating, state development

ABSTRACT Effect the population density in Indonesia to their land reduce until 0,4 ha per person. Because their land is used to develop many factories, offeces, shopping centres, houses, roads, etc. The farmers rising problem about decreasing plant production such as rice, corn, soya bean, peanut, etc. Because they are needed to solve the problem, to give their motivation and the real thing, to improve their economics and their life by using effective land use and agrobussiness modern system. The read forms are : 1) increase self respect and prestige of farmers by land use reform/agrarian reform, 2) by using narrow land in order to increase the effective and sustainable use, 3) to be expects…

ABSTRACT In many instances, using the design approach would be unwarranted and perhaps even inappropriate. This would be particularly true in situations where a firm needs to develop its strategies through a learning process. The SWOT analysis, for example, could become a process dominated by a few individuals in a closed room, similar to a classroom case study discussion. Key Words : The analysis SWOT, strategy, learning process

This study aims to find out: (1) How is the ability of fifth-grade students at Elementary School in Buluri Palu to determine the main ideas of making poetry about  Central Sulawesi disaster (Central Sulawesi), (2) How is the ability of students to use the right choice of words/ diction based on the creativity of the Central Sulawesi disaster theme , (3) How is the ability of students in learning to write free poetry with the theme of Central Sulawesi disaster. The method used in this study was descriptive qualitative, with the subject of the study were all of the fifth-grade students in Buluri Elementary School consisted of 29 students. To measure and assess students' abilities, a poetr…

This research is titled ‘Forming Student Character Based on Cultural Arts Education at MAN 1 Palu’. The problems in this study are (1) What is the strategy of cultural arts-based character education in MAN 1 Palu, (2) What are the supporting and inhibiting factors of cultural arts-based character education at the level of senior high school education, (3) students, students, local education providers about the implementation and benefits of art and culture-based character education. The study was conducted at MAN 1 Palu with consideration (1) MAN 1 Palu was predicated as one of the schools active in the development of art and culture, (2) As an active school it turned out that it had man…

Objectives Writing this article to add insight into Islamic Education shapes the values ​​and character of students who will benefit all parties. This study uses a literature study method with data collection techniques utilizing sources / materials from appropriate books and journals. This article attempts to outline the concept of Islamic education to shape the values ​​and character of students discussing Islamic education in the context of Islamic values ​​and education as a character frame and author's approach to argumentation. Islamic education shapes the values ​​and character of students taught values ​​and characters, taught the Koran and Hadith as a guideline f…

This study aims to describe the application of inquiry methods to improve the ability to write paragraphs of class IV of Laemanta Elementary School 2. In the study carried out two cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II with a target of a minimum average value of 75. The research design model is Kemmis and MC. Tagart, research is carried out through a process of planning, action, observation, and reflection. From the results of the increase in writing paragraphs using the Cycle I inquiry method it is known that the number of class averages of 66.50 and completeness of 30% which are categorized quite good, meanwhile, the average value in cycle II is 84% and completeness 85% is included in very go…

This research is a qualitative descriptive study that aims to describe the ability of mathematical representation of high-ability students to solve non-routine problems based on representation indicators. The subjects of this study were students of class XI-IPA Palopo 1 High School. The steps carried out in this study are (1) Observation, (2) Selection of subjects, (3) Non-routine problems, (4) Interviews, (5) Making conclusions on the results of the study. The instrument of this study was the researchers themselves, with the help of several supporting instruments such as (1) diagnostic tests, (2) interview guidelines, and (3) non-routine mathematical tests. The results obtained from this st…

This study aims to determine whether or not there is an influence of student learning styles on learning outcomes of mathematics. In addition, this study aims to determine how much influence students learning styles about the learning outcomes of mathematics in SMK JANUR PERSADA SIGI. This type of research is Expost Facto's research. The population in this study were all students of the SMK JANUR PERSADA SIGI,  the number of students is 80 students consisting, students of class X as many as 25 students, class XI as many as 20 students and class XII as many as 35 students. The sample in this study was all students in the SMK JANUR PERSADA SIGI. The research instruments used were question…

ABSTRACK This study aims to determine (i) The Effect of Parents' Attention on Social Studies Student Achievement at SDN 130 Karambua. (ii) The Effect of Learning Independence on Social Studies Learning Achievement of Students at SDN 130 Karambua. (iii) Effects of Parental Attention and Learning Independence together on Social Studies Achievement of Students at SDN 130 Karambua, Rinjani Village, Wotu District. This type of research is expost facto. Data analysis used was a simple regression analysis technique for the first and second hypotheses and multiple regression analysis for the third hypothesis. Before analyzing the data, an analysis of the requirements for testing is carried out inclu…

Segiempat ialah bangun datar yang memiliki empat sisi. Meskipun kelihatan sederhana dan penggunaannya sering kita jumpai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, namun materi bangun segiempat masih tergolong cukup rumit bagi peserta didik. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut diberikan solusi berupa metode ?satu gambar, seribu kata?. ?Satu Gambar, Seribu Kata? ialah metode yang dibuat dalam bentuk visualisasi yang mengubah konsep abstrak menjadi gambar nyata. Adapun langkah-langkahnya yaitu: (1) Mengidentifikasi topik atau konsep matematika yang diinginkan. (2) Memodelkan cara yang mungkin, dimana konsep matematika dapat diinterpretasikan dan digambarkan secara visual. (3) Mengingatkan peserta didik bahwa g…

Facts that have occurred in the learning process so far that are responsible in class V SDN 9 Labuan stillhave not provided an opportunity for students to develop creativity and critical thinking abilities of students,especially in learning Natural Sciences (IPA) about the subject of "Earth's Gravitational Force". It wasfound that almost all students did not dare to express their questions or opinions during the learningprocess. With the results of teaching experience at SDN Labuan 9 as stated above, especially the motivationand learning achievement of students is too low, so what is expected so far cannot be carried out optimally.Efforts made by the author to overcome this phenomenon, namel…

This research is entitled ?Trauma Recovery in Earthquake Victims in the City of Palu through Storytelling?. The problems in this study are (1) What strategies and techniques are used in storytelling in children affected by the earthquake in Palu, (2) What are the obstacles so far in storytelling activities in Palu City. The study was conducted in Palu City with the following considerations: (1) Palu City was the area most severely affected by the earthquake and many had casualties. (2) Many disaster victims' children need serious treatment in the process of recovering from trauma both those who have dropped out of school or those who have gone to school. The results showed: (1) Sto…

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is as follows. First, describe the interest in reading short story class IX students of SMP N 3 Batusangkar. Second, describe the skills to write a short story class IX students of SMP N 3 Batusangkar. Third, analyze the relationship between interest in reading short stories and short story writing skills class IX students of SMP N 3 Batusangkar. The research data in the form of a score of interest in reading short stories and short story writing skills scores class IX students of SMP N 3 Batusangkar.The results of this study are the following there is a positive and significant relationship between interest in reading short stories and short story writi…

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