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Prediction of electrical energy crisis in Indonesia clearly will cause losses for electricity consumers. The impact caused the activities disturb include production systems, loss of business opportunities, and loss of property intellectuals (for example, data lost), especially for the scientists and academics. Customers require backup supply of electricity when PLN have some trouble. However, switching supplies electricity to Genset, if done in a conventional addition that requires the existence of the operator, but also through a complex procedure and takes a long time. Therefore need to use an automation tool that supplies electricity more practical and economical, and can be used as a med…

This study was aimed at comparing the result of the students’ learning motivation by usinginquiry method and direct method and fi nding out the interaction between the learning method andthe goal of learning towards students’ learning motivation. This study used experimental methodwith the factorial design 2 x 2 (ANAVA).The population was consisted of 272 students of 8th gradeof SMP 1 Ngamprah. It was involved 8 classes; each class consisted of 35 students. This study usedpurposive sampling technique with two-way ANAVA. The results shows that the inquiry learningmethod is much better than direct learning method with 31,591 value and there is no correlationbetween learning m…

Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the participation of the counterpart institutions I the implementation of the dual system education of the vocational high schools. The study was conducted at SMKN 7 Yogyakarta (The State Vocational High School 7 of Yogyakarta) . the subject were the school principle, the dual system education field coordinator, the counselor, the students, and the director as well as the instructors of the counterpart institution. The data were collected by the in-depth interview and the documentation sort. The data indicate that the counterpart institution has not been involved actively in the implementation of the dual system education. Keywords: dual s…

This study aims to: (1) to map the problems in the development and implementation of KTSP on basic education units (SD / MI and SMP / MTs) in Mataram, (2) map the resource potential of Mataram city that supports the development and implementation of educational level KTSP bottom. Methodologically, this research conducted eclectic involving teachers and principals as the main subject and the students, supervisors, school committees, and curriculum developers as an informant. The selection of research subjects using the technique of stratified cluster sampling quotas. Data collected by questionnaire, the study documents, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to obtain quantitative and qualitative d…

Abstract A teaching model is a special method, something that lecturers can apply. It may improve the educational quality and satisfaction of both students and lecturers, but what kinds of teaching model  and its alternative should be implied. This research will answer the questions. The study was also aimed to reveal: (1) lecturers’ perception of the transparent teaching model and (2) the contingency correlation between lecturers’ rank and the transparent teaching model to be used. The study was conducted from June to November 2002. The population of the study was all lecturers at the Department of Electronics (18 from the 22 lecturers was the respondents), Faculty of Techn…

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul IPA Terpadu berbasis sains-lingkungan- teknologi-masyarakat (salingtemas) yang dipecahkan dengan penelitian pengembangan model prosedural. Prosedur pengembangan sesuai dengan prosedur Borg dan Gall yang disederhanakan menjadi lima langkah: 1) melakukan analisis produk yang akan dikembangkan; 2) mengembangkan produk awal; 3) validasi ahli dan revisi; 4) uji coba lapangan skala kecil dan revisi produk; 5) uji coba lapangan skala besar dan produk akhir. Berdasarkan penilaian ahli materi, ahli media, dan guru IPA SMP/MTs modul IPA Terpadu yang dikembangkan memiliki kualitas sangat baik dengan rincian 87,69% dari ahli materi, 76,78% dari ahli med…

Abstract This research is aimed at describing the profiles of social motif and work motif of the Junior Secondary School teachers in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. The population is the entire Junior Secondary School teachers in Gunungkidul Yogyakarta, whereas the sample is an intact class of training or 67 teachers, comprising 51 male and 16 female teachers. To reveal the profiles, three variables were measures namely: achievement motif, affection motif, and power motif. Five items on each variable were used to measure the social motif, and eight items of each variable was used to measure the work motif. The result shows that there is no gender difference in social as well as motif levels. Their …


Abstract This study aims to describe the students’ characteristics including the stages and/or degrees of their moral reasoning, existential belief, empathy, and social role taking. This study was categorized as descriptive-correlational research. SLTP and SMU students in Yogyakarta constitute the subject population. Samples were drawn using a stratified random sampling technique. Data gathered using the test technique: (1) Moral Reasoning Test; (2) Existential Belief Test: (3) Empathy Test (4) Social Role Test. The data were collected from 480 students. Data were analyzed using averages and percentages to uncover the students’ characteristics, pearson-correlation technique to …

Abstract: The research was done because low of ability writing poetry study result of the fourth grade students at SDN 06 Kadur, Rupat Utara subdistrict. KKM stated at school was 70. From 20 students, only 8 students that reached KKM (40,00%), whereas student did not still reach KKM yet were 12 students (60,00%). With score mean of class was 62,53. For solving the problem, there for the researcher implement learning model of talking chips type. The goal of research was for increasing ability writing poetry study result of the fourth grade students at SDN 06 Kadur by implementing learning model of talking chips type. The research was classroom action research. The technique of collecting data…

Abstract: The background of this study was a difference between expectations and reality occurred at class XI Accounting in SMK Muhammdiyah 2 Pekanbaru. There is 34,95% students have value under minimum completeness criteria value. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze how the effect of family environment to learning achievement of Accounting subject at class XI in SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru. The population of this study all student who have mid test value under minimum completeness criteria value as many as 43 students. Data collection methods used were questionnaires and documentation. Method of data analysis are descriptive analysis and regressions analysis. Based on th…

Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of eggshell media towards the fine motor skills of children aged 5-6 years in Childhood School Waldha Al-Islamy Pekanbaru. The research used experimental method with one group pre-test post-test design. The population in this study is B1 class children which amounted to 20 children and the sample in this study amounted to 20 children. The Data collection technique used in this study was using observation. The data analysis techniques used in this study using t test analysis. In hypothesis test in this research there is influence of eggshell media on fine motor ability of children aged 5-6 years in Childhood School Waldha Al-Islamy Pekanbaru. …

Abstract: This study aims to determine the increase in moral behavior in children aged 4-5 years through storytelling using the big book In Play Group Kasih Bunda Kemang Indah Village Tambang District Kampar Regency. This study is je nis studies using action research or (PTK) is conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action planning, observation / evaluation and reflection. Subject empirically n are children aged 4-5 years are numbered 13 children in Play Group Kasih Bunda. The research data obtained through observation and data analysis was done by using quantitative descriptive analysis. The research shows that using a big book story-telling method can improve moral beha…

Abstract: The research was conducted because of the low learning achievement of student on the structure of atom and the periodic system of element who has not reached the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) was 75 that have been established in school. The research aimed to improve the achievement of learners on structure of atom and the periodic system of element subject in X class SMAN 12 Pekanbaru. This research was a kind of experimental research with pretest-posttest design. The research was conducted in SMAN 12 Pekanbaru the samples of the research were the students of X MIPA1 class as the experimental class and students of X class MIPA4 as the control class which were determined rando…

Abstract: How high is foster child confidence in the Puteri Aisyiyah orphanage in Kampung Melayu Village of Sukajadi Pekanbaru, is there a variation in the level of foster child confidence based on education level, age, origin and status, how contributing aspects of foster care trust in the Puteri Orphanage Aisyiyah Kelurahan Kampung Melayu Sukajadi Pekanbaru. This research is descriptive with a quantitative approach. The population in this study consisted of 33 people. Sampling in this study uses saturated sampling. The instrument used was a questionnaire with 37 article overviews. The confidence of foster children in the Puteri Aisyiyah Orphanage Kampung Melayu Village Sukajadi Pekanbaru w…

Abstract : Research using batik activities conducted in TK Al Rashid Pekanbaru city. The study lasted for 2 months and consists of 2 cycles. In conducting the study, researchers helped by colleagues elected observer in kindergarten Al Rashid. That is the subject of this study is that children in group A were 18 children ranging from 7 boys - men and 11 daughters. Class Action Research was conducted from April to May 2016. The average value of 51.5 in the first cycle, it can be said that the fine motor skills of children in the position of the new criteria or start to grow, so it is necessary to continue to the next cycle (Cycle II ). In the second cycle of fine motor skills of children throu…

Abtract: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between leg muscle explosive power and waist flexion with the results of heading towards the goal on the SSB Rumbai Junior U - 14 Pekanbaru. This type of research conducted in this study is to use a correlational research design. The population in this study were 16 people, in this study researchers used a saturated sampling technique. Saturated sampling is a sampling technique when all members of the population are used as samples. From the results obtained there is a relationship of leg muscle explosive power and waist flexion with the results heading towards the goal on the SSB Rumbai Junior U - 14 Pekanbaru. Based on th…

Abstrac : This research is a classroom action research that aims to improve the learning outcomes of fourth grade elementary school IPA siswa 010 Semelinang Darat Kecamatan Peranap of Indragiri Hulu through the application of guided inquiry learning model. This research was conducted on March 9, 2015 until April 6, 2015. The subjects were fourth grade students of SD Negeri 010 Semelinang Army totaling 30 people comprising 13 men and 17 women. This study aims to determine the thoroughness of science student learning outcomes in improving the quality of science teaching by guided inquiry learning model application. This thesis presents the results of student learning gained through daily test …

Abstract: The problem of this research is the weakness of the student’s long jump result at second grade of TSM 1 SMKN 5 Pekanbaru. The cause of this condition is the student’s weakness in sprint. The purpose of this research is to find the relationship between sprint and the student’s long jump result of the second grade students at TSM 1 SMKN 5 Pekanabaru. The population is boys’ entire student of second grade TSM 1 SMKN 5 Pekanbaru. The sample of this research is 28 boys’ students of TSM 1 SMKN 5 Pekanbaru. The data was analyzed by using correlatin product moment. Besaides the result of data, there is a significant relationship between spreint 50 meters …

The term ‘reading garden’ refers to a dynamic and creative conceptual on reading place. The development of reading garden in Makassar city began since the beginning of 2000. There were three kinds of reading gardens; reading gardens built by the government, reading gardens established by social communities, and reading gardens maintained by individuals. The one that was built by the government increased in numbers since the government launched GMGM (Gerakan Makassar Gemar Membaca) or Makassar Love Reading Program. The presence of TBK (Reading Gardens built by the Government) is just about place for reading, the ratio between the total of reading gardens and Makassar population i…

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