
The more advanced and growing community or consumers in Indonesia,the more consumer demands will be things practical. In eraglobal the easier thecirculation of food products from within and abroad that enter the domesticmarket so as to avoid the possibility of expired food products, and containing orcontaminated with hazardous substances and prohibited food additives such asformalin, borax, rodhamin B, methanyl yellow or processed food originating fromthe import of substandard waste food.As for the purpose of writing this thesis is To know the Legal Protectionfor Consumers Against Circulation of Wet Noodles Containing DangerousSubstance By Business Executors In Pekanbaru City, as well as obs…

Corporate social responsibility is in a moral and moral dilemma, where companies are unethical when enjoying substantial profits, while environment is damaged and society is disregarded or harmed by its rights. In accordance with the core of moral strength is the awareness that is present in the company, it was not able to create awareness of the company to care about the community and the environment, therefore the law entered and made CSR as a mandatory for companies, especially PT. Anugerah Niaga Sawindo which is located in Rokan Timur Village Rokan IV Koto District Rokan Hulu District that existed since 2005. As for the purpose of writing this thesis, namely: First, to find out how the i…

The criminal defamation is a crime caused by the advancement of computer technology. Defamation is a lawless act that attacks the honor or reputation of others. The application of law against defamation offenders is regulated in Law Number 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transaction Article 45 paragraph (1): "Any person who meets the elements as referred to in Article 27 paragraph (1), paragraph (2), paragraph (3), or paragraph (4) shall be punished with a maximum imprisonment of 6 (six) years and/or a fine of not more than Rp 1,000,000,000.00 (one billion rupiah).The type of research or approach done by the author is the study of socio-legal law. This research conducted in Medan …

Micro Business Loan (KUR) Micro is a credit or working capital financing aimed at business actors who do not have additional collateral, but in the implementation the dealer still requested additional collateral to the prospective customer.The purpose of writing this thesis, namely: first, to know the implementation process of Micro Business Loans (KUR) at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Unit Tuanku Tambusai Pekanbaru. Second, knowing the reason of PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Unit Tuanku Tambusai Pekanbaru requested additional collateral to prospective customers in Micro Small Business Credit (KUR) process. The type of this research is sociological research, that is research obtained dir…

Wages in practice must be in accordance with the provisions of applicablelegislation that is based on Law No. 13 of 2003 on Employment and also based onthe government's determination of provincial minimum wage and city minimumwage, namely Decree of Governor of Riau No. 11735 / XI / 2016. Application ofwages made by employers should not be lower than the applicable provisions. Iflower than the applicable provisions then null and void. In many cases there arestill many entrepreneurs who have not been able to pay wages based onPekanbaru City minimum wage in Sail District. The purpose of writing thesisnamely; First, the application of standardization of minimum wage of Pekanbarucity to workshop …
Domestic violence is not a new thing, but it is a crime that has long been rooted in the culture of society. As set forth in Article 51 to Article 53 of Law Number 23 Year 2004 on the Elimination of Domestic Violence is a complaint offense, in which the victim can determine whether the case has been reported to be terminated and revoked by his complaint or will continue until before the demand is read out at Court. In some cases of domestic violence that often ends in the settlement of cases Domestic Violence ends a verdict for the imposition of a prison sentence to the perpetrator.Based on the background of the problems that the authors describe above, the authors are interested to conduct …

Employment protection against working time at PT. Quality Solution needs supervision, this is caused because there are still many entrepreneurs who violate the rules about working time for their workers, the working time arrangements that apply resulted in losses for the workers in due to non-fulfillment of the right workers. Due to the improper application of working time, the Entrepreneur shall be liable for losses suffered by the employee.The issues discussed are Firstly, on how the implementation of labor protection whose working time exceeds working hours is reviewed from Law Number 13 Year 2003 on Labor Affairs, and Secondly how the responsibility of PT. Quality Solution on the rights …
One of the products of technological sophistication is plastic packaging,packaging often used by business actors to pack food. The advantages of plasticpackaging itself is impressed practical, simple, and clean. However, the actual plasticpackaging can endanger health if used in hot temperatures is to pack lontong whoparticipated in the manufacturing process (boiling / steaming). This is very consumerhealth and has violated Article 4 Letter (a) Law Number 8 Year 1999 on ConsumerProtection namely: Right to comfort, safety, and safety in consuming goods andservices. The purpose of writing this thesis, namely: First, consumer protectionplastic food lontong in Kecamatan Tampan. Secondly, the res…

The rural banks industry occupies a very important role in the economic sector, especially in supporting the development of small and medium enterprises. The more intense competition among rural banks, the services that rural banks provide must be more optimal so that the company is able to win the competition. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty at PT BPR Saraswati Ekabumi in Badung regency. Respondents in this research are credit, deposit and savings customers in BPR Saraswati Ekabumi. The number of respondents in this study was determined 124 respondents by using accidental sampling technique.This study uses Partial …

This research raised the title of the influence of organizational culture, organizational communication and task conflict on employee performance at PT. Astra Honda Motor in Denpasar. The formulation of the problem from this research is whether organizational culture, organizational communication and task conflict have significant effect simultaneously and individually to employees performance at PT. Astra Honda Motor in Denpasar and Among the variables of organizational culture, organizational communication and conflict of which task dominant influence on employee performance at PT. Astra Honda Motor in Denpasar. The purpose of this study is to test the significance of the effect simultaneo…

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Capital Adequacy Ratio, Operating Revenue Operating Expense, Loan to Deposit Ratio, and Net Interest Margin to Return On Assets and Profit Change. This research was conducted on Rural Banks in Bali. To answer the hypothesis proposed in this study, the data were analyzed using path analysis with AMOS program 16. The results showed that Capital Adequacy Ratio has a positive influence on Return On Assets. Operational Revenue Operating Expense (BOPO) has a negative effect on Return On Assets. Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) has a positive effect on Return On Assets (ROA). Net Interest Margin (NIM) has a positive influence on Return On Assets (R…

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to explain the role of competitive advantage mediate the influence of product innovation on marketing performance at endow mnkm in Denpasar City This research was conducted in Denpasar City. The population used is the owner or manager of endek product MSEs. Sampling method used is purposive sampling. Data analysis used is path analysis and Sobel Test. Based on the analysis result found that product innovation have positive and significant effect to competitive advantage, product innovation have positive and significant effect to marketing performance, competitive advantage have positive and significant influence to marketing performance and competitive a…

This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of profitability, solvency, liquidity ratios and corporate value to stock return, either simultaneously or partially. Profitability uses the proxy of return on assets (ROA), liquidity uses the proxy of debt to equity (DER), solvency using current ratio(CR), and firm value usingprice to book value (PBV). This study was conducted at companies indexed LQ45 at Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). Determination of samples with porposive sampling obtained 13 companies for three years, so the number of observations to 39 companies. The model feasibility test uses the classical assumption test. Data analysis techniques use multiple linear regression …

Profitability as the company's ability to obtain profit in relation to sales, total assets and equity are often used to measure the efficiency of the use of capital in a company by comparing the income with capital employed in operations. Negative profitability due to the company's profit or loss is negative, it indicates the ability of the invested capital as a whole has not been able to generate profits. and vice versa, positive profitability due to the company's profit is positive, it means investing in assets has been able to generate profits or gains. PT.Quiksilver Indonesia is a company that sells surfing products, accessories, shoes, bags and etc. In this study, using a variable Recei…

The purpose of this study is to examine the infuence of transformational leadership to perceptional justice. Beside that it also indicated the relationship between perceptional justice to unethical behavioral. The respondence of this study was employee in hotel industries, which located in Nusa Dua area. SPSS version 20.0 was used to test the proposed hypothesis. The results showed transformational leadership can directly affect perceptional justice. However, perceptional justice had a negative effect on unethical behavioral. Discussion and limitation for future research is presented.

There is intense competition between local and foreign cosmetic industry in Indonesia. Imported cosmetics dominate the business market by 80%, while only 20% for local cosmetics. Theconceptof consumen ethnocentrismand country of originis considered as one way to help the local cosmetic industry to face competition from imported cosmetics. The purpose of this study is to determine 1) Theeffectof demographic characteristics (age, income, education) to consumer ethnocentrism; 2) Theeffectof consumer ethnocentrismand countryof origin to the consumer purchase intentions; 3) The influence of country of originas a mediation of consumer ethnocentrism and purchase intention. The samples used were 125…

Japan has developed a new security policy against China in East China Sea, which has increased tension in that region. Japan’s new leadership under Shinzo Abe, who has conservative political view, has unbeatable policy against China’s hegemony. Abe revised Japan Self-Defence Forces role in the Japanese Constitution by making critical amendments on particular articles, which should be seen as Japan’s bargaining power against China. The two major powers in East China Sea can be seen as security dilemma of other states. Pursuit of power and hegemony will influence other major actors in the global world system and also small states. Japan’s new security policy is as a…

Education plays a significant role in all of the strategies made and initiatives taken to achieve various outcomes of ASEAN. One of the core strategies which engage the Higher Education sector to meet the ASEAN Community in 2015 was “Crossâ€border mobility and internationalisation of education—to promote regional sharing, cultivate a regional perspective among member states and contribute to the spirit of regional unity and excellence.†The purpose of this practice note is to find and analyse initiatives taken by the Government and Higher Education institutions focussing in Indonesia, the largest population and largest economy country in ASEAN and how the initiatives …

Besides businessmen and workers, Indonesian students have become one of the recent important actors in Indonesia - Taiwan bilateral relations. Currently, Taiwan became one of the popular destinations among Indonesians to pursue their highest degree. In 2013, the numbers of Indonesian students has reached 3000 persons, made them the third largest group of Southeast Asian students in Taiwan after Vietnamese and Malaysians. The Indonesian students are quite organized and active. Giving the lack of diplomatic relations between both countries, these students are potential to be one of the significant actors to bridge Indonesia - Taiwan relations. However, they have some limitations on conduct…
