
This article discusses the issue of the monocultural and hegemony that occur in police forces, especially police women in Indonesia. Monokulturalisme related to the concept of cultural unification (homogentitas). In monokulturalisme, a sign of the assimilation process is a mixture of two or more cultures to form a new culture. As an ideology, monokulturalisme in some countries serve as the basic of government policies and strategies concerning culture and system state.Keyword: Identity, Hegemony, Monokulturalisme

Development activities independently by society Gampong is not a new thing in the country of Indonesia, it's just that more development activities based on the limitations of the use of the resources of the gampong both in terms of both financial resources his human. Therefore, mutual is the main way for people to development Gampong. In tune with the enacted law on Gampong, then mutual culture be reduced, where as the presence of State money in Gampong development in to additional energy from the spirit of Indonesia. The results showed that implementing the construction of Gampong, there are still many obstacles, but the existence of the deliberations conducted by Lord Peuet has been able t…

This research is about Optimalization of District Role in Village Financial Management. The purpose of this study is to optimize the role of sub-districts in village financial management. This study uses normative legal research methods (legal research), ie. studies that refer to the principles, norms contained in laws and regulations, ranging from Laws, Government Regulations, Ministerial Regulations, Regional Regulations/Qanun, Governor Regulations and Regents Regulations relating to the duties of sub-districts in the guidance and supervision village finance. The approach used in this study is the state approach, and the concept approach, by examining the research material consisting of pr…

In this contemporary era, the forms of public service in Indonesia have become increasingly practical and instant. Conditions like this to illustrate how the phenomenon of McDonaldization began to plague into public service systems, one of which is with the public service system e-Filing DJP Online. E-Filing DJP Online is an application of public services based on information and communication technology implemented by the state tax execution agency to provide easy access to services for the Taxpayers in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to see how the principles of McDonaldization are applied in the public service system of tax agencies through the DGT Online e-Filing system. The theo…

The purpose of this study to determine the optimization of the function of mosques in the guidance of morals in Beutong District Nagan Raya District. This research is a type of qualitative research. namely a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or oral words of people and behavior that can be observed. This research will describe and analyze the mosque and its function in moral guidance in Beutong Sub-district, Nagan Raya District. So the specification of this research is through a descriptive research approach that aims to describe the systematic, accurate facts, and characteristics about a particular field. This research was conducted in Beutong Sub-dist…

The purpose of research and study to find out and explain the concept of witness protection in criminal cases under Indonesian criminal law and the criminal law of Islam and to explain the concept of comparative analysis on the protection of witnesses in criminal cases in the criminal law Indonesia.Penelitian this method of normative legal research, the study in the form of legislation, legal principles, norms, and others. In the discussion of this thesis is done through a comparative descriptive approach (comparison), which describe and analyze data on the protection of witnesses, according to the conception of Indonesian criminal law and criminal law of Islam. The results showed that first…

The title of this study is Quo Vadis Rational Choice in the Election Aceh Barat in 2017. The reason for choosing such title was because the election western district of aceh in 2017 so unique and diverse calonnya will start of a candidate backed by national party, local party and the independent. But in this case researchers want to assess fenomen what is mean by quo vadis rational choice in for the section kabupataen aceh barat. Social phenomenon in behavior choose quo vadis rational choice in local election district of aceh western in transition toward democracy in 2017 in determining voting. Methods used in this research is a method of the qualitative study, where needed was an understand…

Social pathology is a social disease suffered by young people today are happening in the land of shari’a. The type of social pathology that is mixing young people who have the freedom, do not appreciate the values and norms, and attitudes of young people who are far from the religious values in the code of conduct rules of Islamic law in Aceh Barat district based on the rule of law. This is a consequence of globalization is a world without borders, so that globalization also transfused to the westernization of Islamic youth in today's world. With the westernization of today's young generation to generation, the social pathology easily occur. The authors of this research focuses on the West…

Objectives: To determine the effect of bone marrow mesenchy-mal stem cells (BMSCs) on BMP-15 expression and Graafian follicle count in endometriosis mice.Material and Methods: This study was a laboratory randomized clinical trial on Mus musculus. The object of the study was 42 mice which were divided into 3 groups, the control, endome-triosis, and endometriosis + BMSCs groups. Comparison of BMP-15 expression and Graafian follicle count between groups was evaluated.Results: Immunohistochemical analysis showed that BMP-15 expression in control, endometriosis, and endometriosis + BMSCs groups had p=0.551, p=0.446 and p=0.917 with ANOVA test p=0.273, indicating no statistically significant diffe…

Objectives: To analyze the influence of 50 percent food restriction during pregnancy to the dendritic density of cerebellum and cerebellum of newborn Rattus norvegicus.Materials and Methods: Laboratory experimental study with single blind randomized post-test only control group design using animal model; pregnant Rattus norvegicus as treatment models. Subjects were divided into two groups: control group and treatment group which was exposed to 50% food restriction (FR 50%). At day 21, both group sacrificed and the cerebrum and cerebelum of the offsprings were prepared and stained with silver impregnation. We used parametric independent t-test in analyzing dendritic density.Results: In the …

Objectives: To analyze the causes of post-caesarean section surgical site infection (SSI) at South Konawe Hospital, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, between February and July 2017.Materials and Methods: Retrospective study using descriptive method with cross-sectional design from February to July 2017 in inpatient and outpatient wards at Obstetrics and Gynecology Outpatient Clinic, South Konawe Hospital. The population was the patients medical records.Results: There were nine cases (7.75%) from totally of 116 cases of caesarean section with SSI. Based on SSI type, there were four cases (44.4%) with superficial SSI and 5 cases (55.5%) with deeper classification of SSI. SSI was dominated by wome…

Objectives: Surgical wound metastases in stage 1 endometrial cancer are possible, with a variety of different pathophysiological possibilities. Comprehensive management is needed to keep the patient on the possibility of a good prognosis.Cases Report: During January 2015 – January 2018 at dr. Soetomo Hospital, there were 2 cases of metastatic endometrial cancer in the laparotomy wounds by which the condition is very rare. Case 1, The patient was diagnosed with endometrial carcinoma following the results of curettage. Anatomical pathology examination was done and obtained grade 2 endometrioid adenocarcinoma. In Case 2, the patient underwent Total Abdominal Hysterectomy and Bilateral Salping…

Objectives: Cesarean delivery rates have increased remarkably and cause a major public health concern. This study aims to evaluate the feasibility of using the Robson Ten Group Classification System (TGCS) for cesarean delivery (CD) indications at institutional level.Materials and Methods: Database of all women delivering at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia were analayzed. The CD rates overall and in each Robson group were calculated, as was the contribution of each group to the overall CD rate. In addition, the CD indications in each group were analyzed.Results: Approximately almost half (48.04%) of women delivered by CS in our study. Groups 10 was the largest groups represen…

Objective: To analyze the effect of sitting and soaking therapy with the decoction of Anredera cordifolia on the perineal wound healing in postpartum period mothers.Materials and Methods: The research method used is the Quasi-Experiment with pretest-posttest control group design, a sample of 62 primiparous postpartum period mothers with 2nd-grade perineal rupture. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling to obtain 31 respondents treated by 31 respondents. The wound healing variable was observed using the REEDA scale. The characteristic analysis is tested using Mann-Whitney statistical test, while to test the effect analysis is tested using the Wilcoxon test.Results: The results of t…

South East Asia (SEA) is made up of 11 countries (Viet-nam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Philippines, Indonesia and Timor Leste) from Myanmar in the northwest to Timor Leste in the far south east. It is one of the most far flung region in Asia, with a land mass of 4.5 million km2 and theitspopulation of 641 million makes it the third most populous geographical region in the world after South Asia and East Asia. Asia is the world’s largest most populous continent stretching from the Middle East in the west to Japan in the east with a population of 4.567 billion.

Objectives: to report the case of Krukenberg tumor in 57 years old woman, with complaints of abdominal enlargement since the last 10 months.Case Report: a 57 years old woman, multipara, post menopause, came to our hospital with complaints of enlarging abdomen. Abdominal physical examination showed enlarging abdomen, hard palpable mass, measured 17 cm in diameter, and limited mobility. Abdominal CT result showed solid mass of the right adnexal, expanding to upper right abdomen, omental cake, ascites, and left pleural effusion, right lobe hepatic cyst and multiple bilateral renal cysts. Patient was diagnosed as solid ovarian tumor, suspicious of malignancy. Colonoscopy revealed hemorrhoid inte…

Objectives: This study aim to determine sequence of Mozart songs in the analyzing differences in dendritic density of cerebellum and cerebellum of new born Rattus novergicusMaterials and Methods: Experimental study randomized post test only control group design using Rattus norvegicus. Animal subjects were divided into three groups which were control group, and the treatment group that were given exposure to default sequence and reversed sequence of Mozart's music from gestation day 10. We used a comparison test in the analysis expression of BDNF.Results: In the cerebrum there was a significant difference in the Mozart group in reverse rather than with Mozart standard sequence and in standar…

Objectives: to present data on the characteristics of pregnancy with PPCM and PE. Management of patients with PPCM is almost the same as for patients with acute or chronic heart failure, which uses drug therapy. PPCM and preeclampsia (PE) are two related diseases, although not directly. Both have similar pathophysiological mechanisms.Case Report: We present 25 pregnancy cases with PPCM at Dr. Soetomo Hospital within 3 years. Data were collected from January 2014 to December 2016, consisting of 5 PPCM cases and the other 20 cases were PPCM with PE cases.Conclusion: Pregnancy with PPCM-PE has higher morbidity than PPCM only. The diagnosis of PPCM should be established immediately if heart fail…

Kapuk randu atau kapuk (Ceiba Pentandra) adalah pohon tropis yang tergolong ordo Malvales dan famili Malvaceae (sebelumnya dikelompokkan ke dalam famili terpisah Bombacaceae), berasal dari bagian utara dari Amerika Selatan, Amerika Tengah dan Karibia. Kata "kapuk" atau "kapok" juga digunakan untuk menyebut serat yang dihasilkan dari bijinya. Pohon ini juga dikenal sebagai kapas Jawa atau kapok Jawa, atau pohon kapas-sutra. Daerah penghasil kapuk di Indonesia meliputi daerah DI.Aceh, Jambi, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, dan Sumatera Utara. Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) sebagai salah satu bahan baku oleokimia dan bahan bakar alternatif yang dikenal sebagai biodiesel. Pemanfaatan min…

Sarana transportasi di Indonesia semakin meningkat, hal ini memicu bertambahnya penggunaan bahan bakar minyak dan gas. Indonesia memiliki sumber daya gas yang dapat diolah dan dioptimalkan untuk bahan bakar kendaraan bermotor, salah satunya adalah LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas). LPG diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif pengganti bahan bakar minyak. Di Indonesia, LPG khusus untuk kendaraan bermotor disebut sebagai LGV (Liquified Gas For Vehicle). Penelitian ini bertujuan agar pengguna kendaraan bermotor dapat mengetahui …