
Background: Exclusive breastfeeding is breast milk was given to infants until the age of 6 months without any food additives. Based on a preliminary study by interviews conducted by researchers on December 12 to 26, 2014 in Bulu Lor Public health center there are 7 out of 10 working primigravida women who donât know about exclusive breastfeeding. Aims: This study aimed to determine the effect of health education on the attitude of working primigravida women in second-trimester toward exclusive breastfeeding. Methods: This research uses a quantitative research with a quasi-experimental method with pre- experimental research design using one group pretest-posttest design. The population i…

Background: Along with the progress of time, hospital as service provider is required to provide better services. The challange for hospitals is to fulfill the expectations of society for better health care. Patient satisfaction is a comparison between the perceptions care received by expectations before getting treatment. Aims: This is to evaluate patient satisfaction as an effort to see the levelof success of the hospital. Methods: The method was a systematic review by using the search facility online. Only research in english language and describe factors that influence patient satisfaction is maintained. The results of this study were 565 journals found at early stage and at the end we f…

Background: Thick Slab is a technique used in the MRCP examination to acquire the image of the biliary system by using oblique slices in taking some parts of the image at different angles. Image quality with a thick slab technique is considered better than the thin slice since the image visualization of the bile ducts system in various parts appear more clearly. Aims: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of variation in the number of thick slab on the scan time and image information on the MRCP and determine the most informative image with the most effective scan time as possible. Methods: This study type was an experimental study conducted in St. Elisabeth hospital Semarang.…

The aim of the content analysis is to construct social network terminology inentrepreneurship journal. There are 97 journal abstracts that analyzed from six keyword search query in Proquest, the queries are “Entrepreneur & Behavior”, “Entrepreneurship & Creativity & Innovation”, “Entrepreneurship & Social Network”, “Entrepreneurship & Culture”, “Entrepreneurship & Marketing” and “Global Entrepreneurship Monitor”. All the abstracts analyzed with Provalis Research QDA Miner, a Qualitative Quantitative Data Analysis software. QDA miner identified relevant keyword, relate keywords with jaggard coeffic…

The purpose of this study is to know the effect of Earning Per Share (EPS), Price Earning Ratio (PER), Dividend Policy, Firms Size (SIZE), and Book Value (BV) on stock price with partially and simultaneously. Dividend policy is measured by Dividend Per Share (DPS). And firm size is measured by sales company. The research model in this study used panel data analysis. The samples are 51 firms listed on Index LQ-45 in 2007- 2010 selected by purposive sampling method. The empirical results partially show that Earning Per Share (EPS), Price Earning Ratio (PER), and Book Value (BV) have positive significant effect on stock price. Further, dividend policy and firm size do not have positive signific…

This Research Entitlethe Effect Of Compensation And Motivation On Employee Performance. The Data Obtained Through The Survey By Distributing Questionnaires To 69 Respondents At Pt. Bank Ekonomi Raharja, Tbk Area Jakarta 5. The Sampling Technique Use Dissaturated Sampling, Whereas The Method Of Analysis Used Is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis And Hypothesis Testusing The T-Testfor Testing The Partiallyand F-Testfor Testing The Effect Of Simultaneously Using Spss Software Version 20. The Result Of The Research Showed That Compensation And Motivation Has Influence On Employee Performance Simultaneously. Partially, Compensation Has Influence On Employee Performance Whereas Motivation Han&rsq…

Creative industry is becoming competitive advantages to Indonesia. It has huge potency of intellectual capital around islands. Creative business aim to creating innovative business model and open absorb labor force. The objective of this study is to examine and analyze the relationships between strategic orientation (in this research consist of three dimensions; customer orientation, competitor orientation and cost orientation)and service innovation capability. Object of this study was Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) that operates in one of creative subsector industry and located at in Bandung, Denpasar, Jakarta or Yogyakarta. By using quantitative analysis, this study analyzed t…

The purposes of this study are: First, to explore the effect among service fairness, empathy and physical environment on customer loyalty. Second, to explore the effect among service fairness, empathy and physical environment on satisfaction. Third, to explore the effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty. Fourth, to find out if customer satisfaction is able to mediate service fairness, empathy and physical environment toward customer loyalty.The population of this research are all customers from one of the coffee shopsin Jakarta.The samples are collected from one of coffee shops customers in West Jakarta. The method of data collection is purposive sampling with250 respondents. The…

The governments policy to open up global markets will affect the level of competition is going to SMEs. One industry that is affected is the batik industry in Pekalongan. Government policies to free markets will increase competitive pressures that occur in the market. SMEs indusrtri batik is one that will have an impact of this policy. The purpose of this study was to examine how the effect of competitive pressure on the creativity and innovation of SMEs competitive advantage batik in Pekalongan Central Java Province. Intense competition encourages employers continue to innovate both product innovation, design, staining methods, technology and service innovations in the batik industry that a…

The lack of human resources is one of the problem that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) has faced. Human resources in SMEs dont have sufficient knowledge and information and it effects the performances of SMEs. Dealing with people of ASEAN Economic Community will effect the resistance of SMEs in Bogor, due to the competitive and making an increase in quality of human resources towards SMEs in Bogor. This research was to analyze the effect of the learning organization and innovation towards performance of SMEs in Bogor. This research was conducted in Bogor with 46 samples for SMEs and 149 for respondent samples. The technique of sampling was conducted by using multi stage sampling namely t…

This research attempted to analyse and explain whether brand awamesswould have signifant impact on product quality, brand loyalty, and also upon buyerpurchasing decision. It also would investigate the effects of quality perception onpurchasing behavior as well as on purchasing decision of the customers itself. The thirdobjective was to study if there were impacts of the intermediary factors on quality andbrand loyalty upon brand awareness and decision making activities. This study usedTeh Botol Sosro as object of analysis with survey method distributing questionnaires to250 respondents of the Teh Botol Sosro consumers at Pasar Festival Kuningan, JakartaJanuary 2012. The sampling method used …
This study was conducted to examine the effect of self-efficacy and environmental on entrepreneurial intention of student. This study uses a quantitative approach. Samples taken in this study were 50 students of Management Department Faculty of Economics Universitas Tarumanagara with purposive sampling method with sample criteria that students are following courses of entrepreneurship specialization. Analytical technique used in this study is multiple regression. The study findings showed that (1) self-efficacy and the environment together significantly influence entrepreneurial intention of students (2) self-efficacy partially significant effect on entrepreneurial intention in college stude…

The recent development in marketing strategy is changing from satisfaction to loyalty of consumers orientation because satisfying customer is not enough to reveal profit in the long term. Another consequence of th loyal consumers is heir social identity that will promote corporates product. So, it is important to define satisfaction, loyalty and socal identity and to identify their relationships.

Penyakit rebah kecambah yang disebabkan oleh Rhizoctonia solani Kühn merupakan salah satu penyakit me-rugikan pada tanaman kapas. Jamur ini dapat bertahan sebagai saprofit di tanah dengan bahan organik se-bagai sumber energinya, sehingga keberadaan bahan organik terkadang dapat meningkatkan populasi R. solani meskipun aktivitas mikroba di sekitarnya juga meningkat. Namun penambahan bahan organik yang mengan-dung senyawa fungisidal seperti mimba diharapkan mampu menekan populasi R. solani. Penelitian ini ber-tujuan mengevaluasi pengaruh inkubasi bahan organik yang berasal dari pupuk kandang atau serbuk rajungan yang diperkaya dengan mimba terhadap keparahan penyakit rebah kecambah akibat R…

Tembakau virginia fc varietas NC 100 diimpor dari ProfiGen do Brasil Ltda. dan diuji potensi hasil dan mutunyadi Pringga Jurang, Kopang Rembiga, dan Semaya, Lombok pada musim tembakau tahun 2006. Sebagaipembanding digunakan PVH 09. Pengujian dilakukan pada dua waktu tanam, yaitu akhir bulan Juli dan akhirbulan Agustus 2006. Untuk membandingkan kedua varietas, pada setiap unit pengujian digunakan uji t.Hasil pengujian menunjukkan NC 100 dapat menghasilkan 1,932 ton/ha kerosok, indeks mutu 48,08, danindeks tanaman 94,01. Produktivitas PVH 09 1,861 ton/ha kerosok dengan indeks mutu dan indeks tanaman45,08 dan 83,97. Ketahanan lapangan NC 100 terhadap penyakit lanas dan layu bakteri lebih rendah…

Endofit merupakan mikroorganisme (bakteri, jamur, atau aktinomisetes) yang hidup dan berkoloni di dalam jaringan inang tanpa menimbulkan efek negatif, bahkan banyak memberi keuntungan terhadap inangnya. Salah satu keuntungannya adalah sebagai agensia pengendali hayati baik untuk serangga hama maupun pa-togen penyebab penyakit tanaman. Sebagai agensia hayati, endofit dapat mengurangi kerusakan tanaman oleh serangga, nematoda, atau patogen penyebab penyakit melalui induksi ketahanan tanaman. Selain itu endofit juga dapat berfungsi sebagai agensia hayati melalui interaksi antagonis dan kompetisi. Dalam artikel ini akan dibahas kemampuan endofit sebagai agensia hayati serangga hama dan patogen; …

Dalam mendukung pencapaian swasembada gula, Pulau Madura menjadi salah satu sasaran lokasi pengembangan tebu. Di Kabupaten Sampang pengembangan usaha tani tebu dimulai sejak tahun 2009. Program inididukung oleh masuknya perusahaan perkebunan serta bantuan penganggaran dari APBN. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui kelayakan secara sosial dan ekonomi serta potensi pengembangan usaha tani tebu ke depan dan untuk mengetahui peluang dari usaha tani tebu ini bagi masyarakat di Pulau Madura secara umum. Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai September sampai Desember 2013 di lokasi-lokasi kecamatan pengembangan tebu Kabupaten Sampang. Informasi dikumpulkan dengan memanfaatkan data sekunder dan data primer …

Peningkatan hasil dan mutu tembakau temanggung dapat dilakukan bila sudah diketahui karakter tanaman serta keterkaitan antara karakter fisiologi dengan hasil dan mutu tersebut. Karakter fisiologi tanaman temba-kau temanggung (termasuk fotosintesis, respirasi, dan partisi karbohidrat) serta keterkaitan karakter terse-but dengan hasil dan mutu belum banyak diketahui. Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi foto-sintesis, respirasi, partisi karbohidrat, serta kaitannya dengan hasil dan mutu rajangan kering dilakukan di rumah kaca Balittas, Malang pada Maret–Agustus 2008. Sembilan kultivar tembakau temanggung disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok dan diulang tiga kali. Hasil penel…

Akibat dari teknik budi daya yang kurang mengindahkan kaidah konservasi tanah dan air, pada kemiringan berbukit dan curam, serta curah hujan yang tinggi pada usaha tani lahan kering berbasis tembakau di Sub-DAS Progo Hulu telah menyebabkan terjadinya erosi yang parah dan degradasi lahan. Penelitian ini bertuju-an: (1) mengkaji kondisi biofisik lahan dan karakteristik usaha tani lahan kering berbasis tembakau di Sub-DAS Progo hulu; (2) mengkaji pengaruh teknologi konservasi tanah dan air (KTA) spesifik lokasi terhadap limpasan permukaan dan erosi; dan (3) merumuskan perencanaan sistem pertanian konservasi untuk mewu-judkan sistem usaha tani lahan kering berkelanjutan berbasis tembakau di Sub-…

Kapas (Gossypium hirsutum L.) merupakan penghasil serat alam yang digunakan untuk bahan baku tekstil. Pengembangan kapas diarahkan ke lahan-lahan marginal, walaupun sebagian ada yang ditanam pada sawah sesudah padi. Tingkat produktivitas serat kapas, saat ini masih rendah sekitar 0,8 sampai dengan 1 ton per hektar. Usaha peningkatan produksi kapas antara lain dengan pemberian zat stimulan (paclobutrazol), teruta-ma untuk memacu pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatif seperti tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang, jumlah bu-nga, dan jumlah buah. Kedua komponen tersebut menjadi penentu hasil serat. Paclobutrazol adalah zat stimu-lan bagi tanaman. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Sumberrejo, Bojo…