
Persepsi merupakan seluruh proses akal manusia mengenai suatu cara pandang dan pemahaman ataupun pemberian makna seseorang mengenai suatu objek yang ada di sekitar lingkungannya melalui pengamatan, pengetahuan dan pengalamannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana persepsi orang tua terhadap lembaga pendidikan anak usia dini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah orangtua yang memiliki anak usia 1-5 tahun di Kecamatan Sebangau. Lokasi pengambilan data dilakukan di posyandu abadi dan posyandu kuntum mekar yang berada di kelurahan kereng bangkirai. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket…
Menyimak adalah kegiatan mendengarkan secara aktif dan kreatif untuk memperoleh informasi, menangkap isi cerita atau pesan serta memahami makna komunikasi yang disampaikan secara lisan. Manfaat kegiatan metode bercerita menggunakan panggung boneka yang merupakan persiapan awal atau pengenalan kemampuan mendengar anak. Kegiatan bercerita menggunakan panggung boneka bermanfaat untuk mengembangkan kemampuan menyimak anak dalam keterampilan mendengar anak. Penelitian ini melibatkan 18 orang anak di kelompok B1 TK Negeri pembina hanau di pembuang hulu kecamatan hanau kabupaten seruyan. Data dijaring menggunakan observasi dalam bentuk penilaian, dan dukomentasi, serta dianalisis dengan teknik stat…

Berdasarkan hasil observasi dilapangan oleh mahasiswa dan dosen pada saat pelaksaaan PPL II di lembaga PAUD yang ada diwilayah kota Palangka Raya masih banyak ditemukan guru-guru PAUD, dimana dalam proses pembelajaran guru mengalami kesulitan dalam menyampaikan hasil perkembangan peserta didiknya kepada orang tua secara akurat. Maka dari itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan Guru melakukan Penilaian Pembelajaran PAUD di Gugus Mangga di Palangka Raya. Penelitian ini mengunakan pendekatan triangulasi teknik ini, dimana data penelitian ini di peroleh dari wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa masih banyak guru yang belum mampu memb…

Playgroup adalah salah satu bentuk layanan pendidikan bagi anak usia tiga sampai enam tahun yang berfungsi untuk meletakkan dasar-dasar ke arah perkembangan, sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang di perlukan bagi anak usia dini dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungannya dan untuk pertumbuhan serta perkembangan selanjutnya, sehingga siap memasuki pendidikan dasar (Direktorat Paud, Menu Pembelajaran Generik, 2002 : 3). Rentang usia anak yang bersekolah di Playgroup yakni usia 2-4 tahun. Dengan bermain, anak akan belajar mengenal aturan, disiplin, tanggung jawab, dan kemandirian serta belajar menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungannya. Di tahun 2019 ini yang terdata di Dinas Pendidikan Kota Pa…

Anak Usia Dini berada pada tahap tumbuh kembang yang merupakan masa keemasan dimana stimulasi yang tepat di masa ini dapat membantu aspek-aspek perkembangan bertumbuh secara optimal. PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini) merupakan Pendidikan formal di luar keluarga sebagai peletak dasar, yang mampu memfasilitasi perkembangan anak. PAUD memerlukan bimbingan dan kosneling sebagai salah satu layanan di sekolah sebagai salah satu upaya pembentukan perilaku dalam proses penyesuaian anak yang berada dalam lingkungan sosial agar dapat berkembang sesuai minat, bakat dan potensinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat pelaksanaan layanan bimbingan dan konseling di PAUD TK Parentas II kota Palangka Raya. Hasi…

Kompetensi secara sederhana dapat diartikan sebagai kemampuan dalam melakukan suatu pekerjaan. Jadi kompetensi pendidik PAUD adalah sebagai kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh pendidik PAUD dalam melakukan pekerjaannya sebagai pendidik, pengajar, pembimbing, pelatih, dan pengevaluasi anak usia dini baik PAUD jalur formal maupun nonformal. Kompetensi profesional adalah kemampuan seseorang dalam penguasaan materi pembelajaran secara luas dan mendalam yang memungkinkan membimbing peserta didik, memenuhi standar kompetensi yang ditetapkan. ) kompetensi profesional terkait dengan kemampuan pendidik PAUD dalam menguasai bidang pengembangan. Kompetensi profesional pendidik PAUD antara lain: (1) Menguasai …

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasimengenai Standar Pengelolaan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini di TKMuslimat NU-1 Palangka Raya. Penelitian ini merupakanpenelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitianini adalah Kepala Sekolah TK dan guru di TK Muslimat NU-1Palangka Raya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan triangulasimenggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan di TKMuslimat NU-1 Palangka Raya, memiliki visi yang realistik,visioner, antisipatif, terukur, tidak terlihat singkat dan padat karenamenggunakan kalimat yang terlalu banyak untuk penulisan sebuahvisi, namun bisa disesuaikan lagi dengan rum…

Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of coronary heart disease (CHD), and it is still the primary cause of death in Indonesia and most industrialized countries. The conventional risk factor for atherosclerosis and CHD are diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidemiaand smoking. On the other hand, Lp (a), homocystein and small dense LDL (sd-LDL) have been considered as novel risk factors for CHDLow of high density lipoprotein (HDL), high of low density cholesterol (LDL-c) and high homocystein as part of dyslipidemia, has beenconsidered as independent risk factor for CHD.The principal objective of the present study was to compare between HDL-c, Lp (a), andsd-LDL and homocystein as a risk …

von Willebrand disease (vWD) is an autosomal inherited bleeding disorder caused by a deficiency or abnormality of von Willebrandfactor (vWF). vWF is a large multimeric glycoprotein that mediates platelet adhesion at the site of vessel injury. It also protects factorVIII from proteolytic degradation in the circulation. vWD has a prevalence of about 1% in the general population but less than 10%have bleeding symptoms. Bleeding symptoms are usually mucocutaneous and post surgical with varying severity. This disorder canresult from either a quantitative (types 1 and 3) or qualitative (type 2) defect in vWF. Type 2 vWD has been further classified into fourdistinct subtypes; 2A, 2B, 2M and 2N. The…

DESCRIPTION OF FAECAL CULTURE RESULTS IN DIARRHEA PATIENT DUE TO ANTIBIOTIC USE 1Suci Tresna, IGAA Putri Sri Rejeki1 Puspa Wardhani1 1Clinical Pathology Spesialization Programme, Department of Clinical Pathology Faculty of Medicine Airlangga University-DR Soetomo Hospital Surabaya 2Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine Airlangga UniversityDr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya ABSTRACT Background : Diarrhea infection is common in developing countries and causes death of around 3 million people every year. Diarrhea is also the second leading cause of death in infants. Riskesdas in 2013 showed 30,775 cases of diarrhea. Causes such as bacterial infections Salmonella, sh…

The efficacy of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG), vaccine against tuberculosis (TB), varies widely, from 0 to 90%; and BCG mainly activates CD4+ T cells, but it fails to activate CD8+ T cells. From the previous study, 38-kDa protein is an adhesin protein. CD8+ T cells play the role in controlling Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) infection and contribute to the memory immunity. The objective of this study was to determine effect of oral immunization by 38-kDa adhesin protein of M.tb to increase the level of CD8+ T cells in the lung of BALB/c mice. This study used an experimental with post test control group design. The mice were divided into six groups (each group consist of 4 samples), w…

Myocardial infarction is a necrosis of myocardial cells due to lack of blood and oxygen supply caused by obstruction of coronary arteries, mostly due to atherosclerosis processes. Increased inflammatory marker level is associated with poor cardiovascular prognosis. This study was aimed to know whether leukocytes count, differential cell count and the Ratio of Neutrophils-Lymphocytes (RNL) could distinguish between types of Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) and to evaluate its correlation with mortality. This was a cross-sectional retrospective study using medical records patients which were diagnosed as AMI by clinicians in Cardiac Centre of the Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital during the p…

Many mistakes are often made in the laboratory such as: confusing results of specimen examination, wrong process of laboratory services and many problems appearing during services can result in patient?s error. The knowledge management can be a systematically way to capture and communicate knowledge to the laboratory technicians in order to minimize errors made in the laboratory. The purpose of this study is to prove that by implementation of patient?s safety using management strategy of knowledge about patient?s safety can increase the performance of laboratory personnel. The study is carried out pre-experimentally by using a pre-post design in a group without a control group comprisin…

Iron deficiency is the most common nutrional deficiency in the world, mostly in developing and industrial countries. Population with highest risk of iron deficiency generally are reproductive-age women. In Indonesia, the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women is about 50.5%. Anemia due to iron deficiency in pregnancy can affect both mother as well as the foetus. In order to prevent permanent systemic complication, it is important to do early detection before iron deficiency anaemia developes. In the early phase of iron deficiency prior to anaemia, additional tests of ferritin, serum iron and saturation index are needed besides the complete blood count. A new parameter na…

Background: Neutralizing alloantibodies (inhibitors) is one of the complications that affect the morbidity and quality of life of hemophilia patient and can be caused by multifactorials. Genetic and inhibitors examination are not routine and expensive. Therefore, identification of non-genetic factors is important to predict the formation of inhibitors. Objective: To analyze non-genetic risk factors for the formation of factor VIII inhibitors in children with Hemophilia A. Methods: A cross-sectional study of hemophilia children aged 1-18 years at the pediatric hematology oncology outpatient clinic of Dr. Soetomo hospital in March-April 2018. Factors analyzed included the severity of hemophi…

Phytoestrogen is molecularly almost similar with and acts the same as estrogen and is found a lot in several fruits and leaves grown either in tropical or subtropical countries. However, the quantity of molecular contents are not yet known exactly. In menopause and andropause, people need substitution of estrogens as a replacement therapy of sex hormone, due to the significant hormone decline and impacted disturbance of several organ functions and thus progressively causing severe organ dysfunctions. The objective of this study was to know the estrogen content by analyzing extractions of pegaga, green clover leaves, tomato and papaya fruit of which certain communites have overviewed con…

Hariogie Putradi1, Catur Suci Sutrisnani21Resident of Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University Malang/ dr. Saiful Anwar General Hospital, Malang2Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine Brawijaya University Malang/ dr. Saiful Anwar General Hospital, MalangABSTRACTBackgroundHyperglycemia crisis can occur in Diabetes Mellitus (DM). The uncontrolled complications of DM are Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) and Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar State (HHS). Inflammatory response is potentially occur in these condition. Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR) is a new marker of inflammation in which platelet counts tend to increase, whi…

The purpose of the study was to analysis: (1) the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction on PT Asuransi Tri Pakarta Semarang, (2) inflence of product quality for customer satisfaction on PT Asuransi Tri Pakarta Semarang, (3) the effect of price on customer satisfaction on PT Asuransi Tri Pakarta Semarang.The population of this study were customers of 75 employees on PT Asuransi Tri Pakarta Semarang. This study was a population. The Data of this study was collected by using questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted by multiple regression analysis.The result shows that (1) there is influence service quality, product quality and price on customer satisfaction on PT Asuransi Tri…

The most-common real problems encountered by most MSMEs in Indonesia are the low level of productivity, low added value, and low product quality. In order to improve MSME’s competitiveness, there is a need to take common steps to lift its technology capability and innovativeness. The goal of IPTEK Bagi Masyarakat program is to realize an economically independent cake and bakery business group through partner assistance in Besito Village to allow them to manage their finance well, maintain their bookkeeping correctly according to standard, perform various innovation utilizing technology, improve their knowledge of the proper business management so that they would be able to improve producti…

This research aims at investigating the application of the factors in improving the existence effect of students of Accounting Departmentat Economics Faculty, Unissula. The population in this research is all undergraduate (S1) and associate (D3) degree students of Accounting Department at Economics Faculty, Unissula. Meanwhile, the sample used in this research amounts to 169 respondents who are undergraduate (S1) and associate (D3) degree students of Accounting Department at Economics Faculty, Unissula taking such courses as Management Information System, IT Literacy, and Financial Statements Analysis. The hypotheses are tested using analysis of multiple linear regression from SPSS program. …