Lahirnya hak kebendaan akan melahirkan kreditor, kreditor yang terlahir akibat dari adanya jaminan kebendaan adalah kreditor preferen dimana kreditor preferen itu mempunyai berbagai ciri-ciri unggulan, antara lain yaitu didahulukannya pelunasan hutangnya daripada kreditor-kreditor lain. Namun ciri istimewa ini akan tampak kabur saat berbenturan dengan kreditor privilege yang eksistensinya juga diatur dalam undang-undang. Benturan antara kreditor privilege dengan kreditor preferen ini melemahkan posisi kreditor preferen, hal ini terutama terkait dengan pelunasan hutang karena terjadinya force majeure, dan pembayaran jaminan oleh pihak asuransi. Hal ini dikarenakan pada saat terjadi force majeure, kreditor preferen sudah seyogyanya menjadi kreditor konkuren namun tetap memegang karakter sebagai kreditor preferen karena janji-janji dalam pembebanan hipotek kapal laut.Property rights will engender creditors, creditors which are produced due to the existence of zakelijke zekerheid (property guarantee) are preferred creditors who has various superior characteristics, including the payment will be prioritized than other concurrent creditors. But the superior characteristics of the preferred creditors will looks weak when it crashed with privilege creditors which the existence are regulated in Law. The conflict between preferred creditors and privilege creditors makes the preferred creditors character become so weak, it is related to debt fulfillment because of force majeure and guarantee payment by the insurance company. This situation happened because when there was a force majeure, then the preferred creditors now should be just a concurrent creditors but they still hold the characters of preferred creditors because of the implication of the promises when the ship mortgage agreement made.
Journal Name | Perspektif |
Published by | Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya |
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Location | Kota surabaya, Jawa timur INDONESIA |
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ISSN | ISSN : -, EISSN : -, DOI : -, |
Core Subject | Education, |
Meta Subject | Education, |
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Penulis | Putra, Fani Martiawan Kumara |
Subtitle Article | Perspektif Vol 18, No 1 (2013): Edisi Januari |
Publisher Article | Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya |
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DOI | http://download.garuda.ristekdikti.… |
DOI Number | Full PDF (575.352 KB) |
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