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Stuffed bear hasbecome popular culture in Indonesia and this is confusing. Stuffed bear character is inspired by the big and wild American Black Bear that was usually a hunted animal in the United States. Bear is not a familiar animal for Indonesian people, and can only be seen in zoo. This phenomenon motivated researchersto find cuteness factors of stuffed bear that became visual appeal to consumers.Prior to the main research, author did preliminary research by collecting selling records from stores and data from questioners given to stuffed bear collectors to show that stuffed bears have been popular and become a phenomenon in Indonesia. Cuteness factors identified by feature of baby schema of stuffed bear.This research showed that consumers’ interest to stuffed bear is driven by visual display such as the big size for comfort hug, cute shape like baby and brown color tone that is warm and strong. Keywords: Bear Stuffed, Cuteness, Baby Schema___________________________________________________________________Boneka beruang telah menjadi budaya populer yang cukup membingungkan ketika kita menelusuri mengapa boneka ini dapat menjadi fenomena di Indonesia. Berdasarkan asal-usulnya, karakter beruang inspirasi boneka ini berasal dari jenis beruang hitam Amerika yang buas dan besar.Beruang bukan hewan yang akrab bagi masyarakat Indonesia dan hanya bisa dilihat di kebun binatang. Fenomena ini yang mendorong penulis melakukan penelitian untuk menemukan faktor-faktor cutenessapa saja yang menjadi daya tarik konsumen terhadap boneka beruang. Sebelum penelitian utama, dilakukan penelitian pendahuluan dengan mengumpulkan data penjualan dan kuesioner kepemilikan boneka beruang kepada responden untuk menunjukkan bahwa boneka beruang populer dan menjadi fenomena di Indonesia. Identifikasi faktor-faktor yang menjadi daya tarik boneka beruang secara visual, dilakukan analisis terhadap faktor cuteness melalui pendekatan fitur skema bayi terhadap boneka beruang. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil bahwa tampilan visual yang mempengaruhi ketertarikan konsumen pada boneka beruang adalah ukuran besar karena nyaman dipeluk, bentuk yang lucu seperti bayi, dan tone warna coklat yang hangat dan kuat.Kata Kunci: Boneka Beruang, Cuteness, Skema Bayi

Journal Name ATRAT
Published by Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia Bandung
Contact Email [email protected]
Contact Phone+6281222979930
Contact Name Muhammad Shidiq
Location Kota bandung, Jawa barat INDONESIA
Website atrat||
ISSN ISSN : 23391642, EISSN : 27227200, DOI :,
Core Subject Humanities, Education, Art, Social,
Meta Subject Arts, Humanities, Education, Social Sciences,
Meta DescAtrat is a Journal of Visual Arts containing scientific papers which includes Fine Art and Design, publisher by Jurusan Seni Rupa STSI Bandung (p-ISSN 2339-1642 & e-issn 2722-7200). Jurnal Atrat also embodies the results of various forms of scientific research as well as the creation of artworks, which can become new knowledge published in scientific articles, so it is worthy to be read and understood by readers. Atrat aims to give land to Artists, Designers, Art Students, Teachers/ Lecturers, and Fine Arts Society to exchange insights.
PenulisPribadi, Sistha Ayu , Ahmad, Hafiz Aziz , Sudjudi, Iman
Subtitle Article ATRAT: Jurnal Seni Rupa Vol 3, No 3 (2015): DIALEKTIKA RUPA DALAM KEBUDAYAAN KONTEMPORER
Publisher ArticleJurusan Seni Rupa STSI Bandung
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