The Pandrah Irrigation Area is a technical irrigation network whose water source comes from the Krueng Pandrah river. Pandrah Weir was built in 1987 located in Samagadeng Village, Pandrah District, Bireuen Regency. It has an area of 1,203 hectares of irrigated rice fields. In its development, the damage that occurs in the Pandrah irrigation area also cannot be ignored. It is necessary to review it by assessing the performance of the irrigation system. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance index of the Pandrah irrigation system using the MASSCOTE (Mapping System and Service for Canal Operation Technique) method approach. The assessment of the performance index of the Pandrah irrigation system using the MASSCOTE method approach is carried out by evaluating the Rapid Appraisal Procedure (RAP) on four main indicators, namely service indicators, indicators for Farmers Using Water (P3A), indicators for the operator's Human Resources (HR). In the evaluation of the RAP, it is the value of observations of the respondents of OP officers and P3A farmers who are presented in a questionnaire to cross-assess each respondent in irrigation management. The results of the research on the performance appraisal of the Pandrah irrigation system based on the MASSCOTE method with RAP evaluation showed that the performance index of the absolute value (Level of Service) was 3.05. Hence, the performance index of the Pandrah irrigation system in the existing conditions was in the Good classification. This index and classification value shows the value of irrigation operations in fulfilling services from irrigation management carried out by operators / OP officers and felt by irrigation service beneficiaries, namely P3A farmers.
Journal Name | The Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan (Journal of Archive in Civil Engineering and Planning) |
Published by | Universitas Syiah Kuala |
Contact Email | [email protected] |
Contact Phone | +62811680041 |
Contact Name | Sugiarto |
Location | Kab. aceh besar, Aceh INDONESIA |
Website | JARSP|| |
ISSN | ISSN : 26207567, EISSN : 26151340, DOI : 10.24815/jarsp.v3i1.16372, |
Core Subject | Engineering, |
Meta Subject | Civil Engineering, Building, Construction & Architecture, Transportation, |
Meta Desc | The Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan (Journal of Archive in Civil Engineering and Planning) is a peer-reviewed journal published four times a year (March, June, September, and December) that publishes reviewed articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Civil Engineering and Planning. The journal is devoted to the publication of high quality papers on theoretical and practical aspects of Civil Engineering and Planning. The aim of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on Civil Engineering and Planning advancements and establishing new collaborations in these areas. Theoretical papers, practice-oriented papers including case studies, state-of-the-art reviews are all welcomed and encouraged for the advance of science and engineering in Civil Engineering and Planning. All submissions must describe original research, currently under review or not published for another conference or journal. |
Penulis | Winardi, Winardi , Azmeri, Azmeri , Masimin, Masimin |
Subtitle Article | Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan |
Publisher Article | Prodi Magister Teknik Sipil Unsyiah |
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DOI Number | DOI: 10.24815/jarsp.v3i2.16566 |
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