The Law No. 8 of 1999 about Consumer Protection Article 4 letter b said that one of consumer rights, namely the right to select and obtain goods in accordance with the exchange rate. Not found in authentic explanation regarding this exchange rate, if the exchange rate is the exchange rate that is in accordance with the agreement between the seller and the buyer, or in accordance with the production values or the exchange rate that corresponds to the price market, this then raises the question of free interpretation among the businessmen that the exchange rate is determined only by the desire of businessmen and weighing of benefits desired by businesses alone, so that entrepreneurs are allowed to set the exchange rate goods many times from the value of its production. In Islamic law is not found the rules regarding the determination of the limits of this exchange rate, but Islam is a tolerant religion, including in determining the exchange rate as the words of the Prophet Muhammad: "May Allah have mercy to a tolerant person (easy) when it sells, tolerant when buying, tolerant when fulfilling the obligation and tolerant when claiming its rightsâ€. (HR. Bukhari from Jabir)
Journal Name | DE JURE |
Published by | Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang |
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Contact Name | Ramadhita |
Location | Kota malang, Jawa timur INDONESIA |
Website | syariah|| |
ISSN | ISSN : -, EISSN : -, DOI : -, |
Core Subject | Social, |
Meta Subject | Law, Crime, Criminology & Criminal Justice, |
Meta Desc | de Jure adalah jurnal yang mengkaji permasalahan syariah dan hukum baik hasil penelitian atau artikel telaah. Terbit dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan Mei dan November. de Jure diterbitkan oleh unit Penelitian, Penerbitan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (P3M) Fakultas Syariah Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Penyunting menerima naskah yang belum pernah diterbitkan dalam media lain. |
Penulis | Nasyiah, Iffaty |
Subtitle Article | De Jure: Jurnal Hukum dan Syari'ah Vol 6, No 2: Desember 2014 |
Publisher Article | Fakultas Syariah |
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DOI Number | DOI: 10.18860/j-fsh.v6i2.3205 |
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