There are many useful of aloe vera plant such as traditional medicine,cosmetics,foods and beverage industry .the study of aloe vera in syrup production has been conducted. time of steaming process (a)and sugar adding (b) were used as factor treatment .the variation of those factors was 5minutes (a1),10 minutes (a2) and 15 minutes (a3) for time of steaming proces while 20% (b1),25%(b2)and 30%(b3) of sugar adding .the result of panel test showed that the best treatment which had the highest score in taste (600),appearance (642) and elasticity (6.20) was a2b2 treatment product,which conducted on 10 minutes steaming process and 25% of sugar adding .the product was analyzed in accordance contaminat,presrvative agent,total plate count (TPC)colifrom and mould after 12 weeks storage ,the product in ambient as well as in cooling temperature still met SNI of product in syrup.the result of techno-economic showed that the small industry of 1000-1500 cup per day capasity was feasible financially with pay back period in 3-4 years.Â
Journal Name | Jurnal Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian |
Published by | Kementerian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia |
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Location | Kota adm. jakarta selatan, Dki jakarta INDONESIA |
Website | ihp|| |
ISSN | ISSN : 02151243, EISSN : 26544075, DOI : -, |
Core Subject | Agriculture, Engineering, |
Meta Subject | Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering, |
Meta Desc | Warta IHP (Industri Hasil Pertanian) is a Scientific Journal which is sourced from research papers, new theoretical/interpretive findings, and critical studies or reviews (by invitation) in the agro-based industry scope that cover any discipline such as: food science and technology, agricultural industry technology, chemistry and essential oils, agricultural products processing machinery, food microbiology, renewable energy, chemical analysis, and food engineering. |
Penulis | Sapto Hartanto, Eddy Sapto Hartanto , Djubaedah, Endah , Hawani Lubis, Enny |
Subtitle Article | Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 20, No 1-2 (2003) |
Publisher Article | Balai Besar Industri Agro |
View Article | http://ejournal.kemenperin.go.… |
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