三相神(梵文:त्रिमूर्तिः trimūrti),在梵文中原意為“有三種形式”,是印度教的一个概念,“将宇宙的创造、维持和毁灭的功能分别人性化为创造者梵天,维护者或保护者毗濕奴,以及毁灭者或转化者濕婆” [1][2]。这三位神灵被认为是“印度教的三合一(the Hindu triad)”[3]或“伟大的三位一体”[4],或称为“梵天-毗濕奴-濕婆”。也有人認為這種三個神靈互相獨立的理論,應該稱之為三位三體論,當三個神都合為一體時,這個化身被稱為Dattatreya(英语:Dattatreya)。
^For quotation defining the trimurti see Matchett, Freda. "The Purāṇas", in: Flood (2003), p. 139.
^For the Trimurti system having Brahma as the creator, Vishnu as the maintainer or preserver, and Shiva as the transformer or destroyer. see Zimmer (1972) p. 124.
^For definition of trimurti as "the unified form" of Brahmā, Viṣṇu and Śiva and use of the phrase "the Hindu triad" see: Apte, p. 485.
^For the term "Great Trinity" in relation to the Trimurti see: Jansen, p. 83.
^Wolfgang Bauer, Irmtraud Dümotz, Sergius Golowin: Lexikon der Symbole. Heyne 2001
^For dating of Puranic period as c. CE 300-1200 and quotation, see: Majumdar, R. C. "Evolution of Religio-Philosophic Culture in India", in: Radhakrishnan(CHI, 1956), volume 4, p. 47.
^For characterization as non-homogeneous and including multiple traditions, see: Majumdar, R. C. "Evolution of Religio-Philosophic Culture in India", in: Radhakrishnan(CHI, 1956), volume 4, p. 49.
^For harmony between orthodox and sectarian groups, see: Majumdar, R. C. "Evolution of Religio-Philosophic Culture in India", in: Radhakrishnan(CHI, 1956), volume 4, p. 49.
^For quotation see: see: Majumdar, R. C. "Evolution of Religio-Philosophic Culture in India", in: Radhakrishnan(CHI, 1956), volume 4, p. 49.
^Matchett, Freda. "The Purāṇas", in Flood (2003), p. 139.
^"Brahma, Rudra and Vishnu are called the supreme forms of him. His portion of darkness is Rudra. His portion of passion is Brahma. His portion of purity is Visnu" Maitri Upanisad [5.2]
Flood, Gavin (Editor). The Blackwell Companion to Hinduism. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2003. ISBN 1-4051-3251-5.
Jansen, Eva Rudy. The Book of Hindu Imagery. Havelte, Holland: Binkey Kok Publications BV. 2003. ISBN 90-74597-07-6. Eighth printing; First published 1993.
Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli (Editorial Chairman). The Cultural Heritage of India. Calcutta: The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture. 1956. Second edition, four volumes, revised and enlarged, 1956 (volume IV).
Winternitz, Maurice. History of Indian Literature. New Delhi: Oriental Books Reprint Corporation. 1972. Second revised reprint edition. Two volumes. First published 1927 by the University of Calcutta.