奥匈帝国期望也能像德军一样取得一场辉煌的胜利,对俄国发动了进攻。在南線方面,俄軍開始時在加里西亞和布柯維納屢次擊敗奧匈帝國的軍隊,但德國隨後對奧匈提供支援,对俄国西北、西南两个方面军的接合部发动维斯瓦河战役(英语:Battle of the Vistula River),但卻以失败告终。俄军企图乘勝追击攻入德国境内,但在罗兹战役(英语:Battle of Łódź)遭受重大损失,德军也未能取得成果,不过也使得俄军与其保持了一定的安全距离。結果到12月中旬,東線戰事亦進入膠著狀態。
^"Sanitatsbericht fiber das Deutsche Heer... im Weltkriege 1914–1918", Bd. Ill, Berlin, 1934, S. 151. 149,418 casualties in 1914, 663,739 in 1915, 383,505 in 1916, 238,581 in 1917, 33,568 in 1918. Note: the document notes that records for some armies are incomplete.
^Churchill, W. S. (1923–1931). The World Crisis (Odhams 1938 ed.). London: Thornton Butterworth. Page 558. (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Total German casualties for "Russia and all other fronts" (aside from the West) are given as 1,693,000 including 517,000 dead.
^Bodart, Gaston: "Erforschung der Menschenverluste Österreich-Ungarns im Weltkriege 1914–1918", Austrian State Archive, War Archive Vienna, Manuscripts, History of the First World War, in general, A 91. Reports that 60% of Austro-Hungarian killed/wounded were incurred on the Eastern Front (including 312,531 out of 521,146 fatalities). While the casualty records are incomplete (Bodart on the same page estimates the missing war losses and gets a total figure of 1,213,368 deaths rather than 521,146), the proportions are accurate. 60% of casualties equates to 726,000 dead and 2,172,000 wounded.
^Volgyes, Ivan. (1973). "Hungarian Prisoners of War in Russia 1916–1919". Cahiers du Monde Russe et Soviétique, 14(1/2). Page 54. Gives the figure of 1,479,289 prisoners captured in the East, from the Austro-Hungarian Ministry of Defence archives.
^Erickson, Edward J. Ordered to die : a history of the Ottoman army in the first World War, p. 147. Total casualties of 20,000 are given for the VI Army Corps in Romania.
^Atlı, Altay (25 September 2008). "Campaigns, Galicia". turkesywar.com. Archived from the original on 20 July 2011. Total casualties of 25,000 are given for the XV Army Corps in Galicia.
^Министерство на войната (1939), p. 677 (in Bulgarian)
^Симеонов, Радослав, Величка Михайлова и Донка Василева. Добричката епопея. Историко-библиографски справочник, Добрич 2006, с. 181 (in Bulgarian)
^Кривошеев Г.Ф. Россия и СССР в войнах XX века. М., 2001 – Потери русской армии, табл. 52互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2016-11-18., Krivosheeva, G.F. (2001). Rossiia i SSSR v voinakh XX veka : poteri vooruzhennykh sil : statisticheskoe issledovanie / pod obshchei redaktsiei. Moscow: OLMA-Press See Tables 52 & 56. This total of 9,347,269 refers to Russian casualties on all fronts including the Balkans Campaign and the Caucasus Campaign; though the overwhelming majority of these would be suffered on the Eastern Front.
^Cox, Michael; Ellis, John (2001). The World War I Databook: The Essential Facts and Figures for all the Combatants. London: Aurum Press.