自911事件以來新納粹運動逐漸復甦,而2015年起川普在總統競選時期的偏頗言論也讓這些分子支持川普,2016年11月19日,另类右派在华盛顿特区的一次集会中行纳粹礼祝贺川普当选,斯宾塞(英语:Richard B. Spencer)在会上说出:“川普万岁,我们的民族万岁,胜利万岁”。但川普随后对其提出谴责,表示和这一派别没有关联,不愿鼓励其行为,其团队也声明“谴责种族主义”。[30][31]新闻评论杂志《国家评论》认为另类右派思想在川普胜选之后得到进一步推广,甚至可能从边缘日趋主流。[32]但新闻杂志网站《连线》对另类右派前景并不看好,认为历史上极端思想的兴衰十分常见,另类右派思想和其他极端思想一样,也会很快衰落。
^Gay, Kathlyn (1997) Neo-Nazis: A Growing Threat. Enslow. p. 114. ISBN978-0894909016. Quote: "Neo-Nazis ... use fear and violence in their efforts to destroy minorities. Their goal is to establish a "superior" society."(emphasis added) [新纳粹……试图利用恐惧和暴力摧毁青少年。他们的目标是建立一个“优越”的社会。]
^Staff (ndg) "Ideologies: Neo Nazi" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Southern Poverty Law Center. Quote: "While some neo-Nazi groups emphasize simple hatred, others are more focused on the revolutionary creation of a fascist political state." (emphasis added)[虽然一些新纳粹组织单纯是强调仇恨,但也有新纳粹组织聚焦于革命的建立一个法西斯国家。]
Martin Polley. A–Z of Modern Europe Since 1789. Routledge. 2000: 103. ISBN 978-0-415-18597-4. OCLC 49569961. Neo-Nazism, drawing heavily both on the ideology and aesthetics of the NSDAP, emerged in many parts of Europe and elsewhere in the economic crises of the 1970s, and has continued to influence a number of small political groups.
Neo-Nazism. ApologeticsIndex. 2005-12-16 [2021-06-02]. (原始内容存档于2006-01-03). The term Neo-Nazism refers to any social, political and/or (quasi) religious movement seeking to revive Nazism. Neo-Nazi groups are racist hate groups that pattern themselves after Hitler’s philosophies. Examples include: Aryan Nations, National Alliance
Brigitte Bailer-Galanda; Wolfgang Neugebauer. Right-Wing Extremism in Austria: History, Organisations, Ideology. (原始内容存档于17 January 2012). Right-wing extremism can be equated neither with Nazism nor with neo-Fascism or neo-Nazism. Neo-Nazism, a legal term, is understood as the attempt to propagate, in direct defiance of the law (Verbotsgesetz), Nazi ideology or measures such as the denial, playing-down, approval or justification of Nazi mass murder, especially the Holocaust.
Martin Frost. Neo Nazism. (原始内容存档于27 October 2007). The term neo-Nazism refers to any social or political movement seeking to revive National Socialism, and which postdates the Second World War. Often, especially internationally, those who are part of such movements do not use the term to describe themselves.
Lee, Martin A. 1997. The Beast Reawakens. Boston: Little, Brown and Co, pp. 85–118, 214–34, 277–81, 287–330, 333–78. On Volk concept, and a discussion of ethnonationalist integralism, see pp. 215–18
^* Peter Vogelsang; Brian B. M. Larsen. Neo-Nazism. The Danish Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies. 2002 [2007-12-08]. (原始内容存档于9 November 2007). Neo-Nazism is the name for a modern offshoot of Nazism. It is a radically right-wing ideology, whose main characteristics are extreme nationalism and violent xenophobia. Neo-Nazism is, as the word suggests, a modern version of Nazism. In general, it is an incoherent right-extremist ideology, which is characterised by 'borrowing' many of the elements that constituted traditional Nazism.
Ondřej Cakl; Klára Kalibová. Neo-Nazism. Faculty of Humanities at Charles University in Prague, Department of Civil Society Studies. 2002 [2007-12-08]. (原始内容存档于26 December 2018). Neo-Nazism: An ideology which draws upon the legacy of the Nazi Third Reich, the main pillars of which are an admiration for Adolf Hitler, aggressive nationalism ("nothing but the nation"), and hatred of Jews, foreigners, ethnic minorities, homosexuals and everyone who is different in some way.
^Jobbik confident of winning EP seat, party leader says. politics.hu (source: MTI). 2009-05-13. (原始内容存档于2011-08-10). Jobbik describes itself as “a principled, conservative and radically patriotic Christian party. Its fundamental purpose is protecting Hungarian values and interests.”
^Altsech, Moses, Anti-Semitism in Greece: Embedded in Society, Post-Holocaust and Anti-Semitism, August 2004, (23): 12, On 12 March 2004, Chrysi Avghi (Golden Dawn), the new weekly newspaper of the Neo-Nazi organization of that name, cited another survey indicating that the percentage of Greeks who view immigrants unfavorably is 89 percent.