末日預言列表 收錄了在預言 中,各種終末事件(如被提 、最後的審判 )、與其他任何會導致人類 、文明 、地球 、甚至全宇宙 之毀滅的發生日期,其中包含了各個知名團體或個人所預測之過去未應驗、以及將來的世界末日時間點。
時間 (公元)
彼得·圖特爾(Peter Tuthill)
約8000光年外的三星系統WR104 會在約300,000年後成為超新星 ,並有機會放出伽瑪射線暴 ;若其自轉軸與地球的夾角在12°內則會威脅到地球上的生命。較新的光譜資料則顯示該夾角很可能在30°至40°間。
[ 97] [ 98]
尼克·博斯特倫 (Nick Bostrom)
[ 99]
倫敦地質學會(Geological Society of London)
地球很可能會在1,000,000年內發生一次與多峇巨災 相當的超級火山 爆發,並噴出3,200立方公里的岩漿。
[ 100]
太陽亮度提高使氣溫升高,使複雜生物無法生存;另外地殼表面亦會加速風化,使大氣中的二氧化碳 濃度急劇下降。植物不能進行光合作用,而缺乏植物亦令大氣失去氧氣和臭氧,使動物滅絕。
[ 101] [ 102]
在太陽 終止了現狀的發展階段之後,將會膨脹成紅巨星 ,可能將會吞噬地球,或將地球呈完全燒灼的狀態,科學界普遍接受屆時地球將會毀滅。然而當太陽(在數百萬年間)逐漸變熱,僅僅10億年內,地球可能會變得太熱而無法孕育生命。
[ 103] [ 104]
大衛·鮑威爾(David Powell)
7,590,000,000年後太陽已成為紅巨星,即將膨脹至原來大小的256倍。月球進入地球的洛希極限 內,被拉扯成碎片並大部分撞擊地球,隨即皆墮入太陽。
[ 105]
大撕裂 理論預示了整個宇宙終究會因空間尺度擴展 而逐漸被扯開。此理論的其中一個推測認為終末大約會在220億。
10100 年
宇宙熱寂說 是一種宇宙終極命運 的假說。屆時宇宙會進入一種沒有熱力學自由能 的狀態,因此再也無法產生運動與維持生命。
^ 1.0 1.1 Thompson, Damian. The End of Time: Faith and Fear in the Shadow of the Millennium . Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England . 2011: 19 . ISBN 978-0874518498 .
^ William Cran; Ben Loeterman. Apocalypse . Frontline . Public Broadcasting Service . November 22, 1998 [2011-09-23 ] . (原始内容存档 于2012-01-04).
^ Evans, Craig A. Messianic Hopes and Messianic Figures in Late Antiquity. Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism. 2006, 3 : 9–40.
^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Boyett, Jason. Pocket Guide to the Apocalypse: The Official Field Manual for the End of the World . Relevant Media Group. 2005 [September 22, 2011] . ISBN 978-0-9760357-1-8 .
^ 5.0 5.1 Lazarus, William P; Sullivan, Mark. Comparative Religion for Dummies. John Wiley & Sons. 2008: 237. ISBN 978-0-470-23065-7 .
^ 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 Richard Abanes, End-Time Visions . Four Walls Eight Windows , New York, 1998.
^ 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 Strandberg, Todd; James, Terry. Are You Rapture Ready . New York City: Dutton. June 2003.
^ 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 Richard Kyle, The Last Days are Here Again. Baker Books, Grand Rapids MI, 1998.
^ 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 Weber, Eugen. Apocalypses . Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. 1999. ISBN 0-7567-5314-7 .
^ 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 10.11 10.12 Randi, James . The Mask of Nostradamus . Prometheus Books . 1993. ISBN 978-0879758301 .
^ A short history of the end of the world . The Independent . December 16, 2012 [January 8, 2013] . (原始内容存档 于2013-01-29).
^ Browne, Silvia. End of Days: Predictions and Prophecies About the End of the World . Dutton Penguin. 2008 [January 8, 2013] . ISBN 0525950672 . (原始内容存档 于2014-08-10). Many authorities who had loudly proclaimed that the world would definitely end in the year 1000 explained their obvious miscalculation by "realising" they should have added Jesus' life span to their prediction. As a result, the world would now reliably end in 1033
^ 13.00 13.01 13.02 13.03 13.04 13.05 13.06 13.07 13.08 13.09 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 Tom McIver, The End of the World: An Annotated Bibliography. McFarlane & Co., Jefferson NC, 1999.
^ Byrne, Joseph Patrick. Encyclopedia of Pestilence, Pandemics, and Plagues, Volume 1 . Greenwood Publishing Group . 2008: 67 [January 8, 2013] . ISBN 978-0313341014 . [永久失效連結 ]
^ 15.0 15.1 Ashe, Gregory. Encyclopedia of Prophecy . ABC-CLIO . 2001: 79 [January 8, 2013] . ISBN 978-1576070796 . (原始内容存档 于2014-04-08).
^ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Stephen Jay Gould, Questioning the Millennium. Harmony Books, New York, 1997.
^ Servetus, Michael . The Restoration of Christianity. Baltasar Arnoullet. 1553.
^ McGovern, James R. The World of Columbus . Mercer University Press . 1992: 17 [2013-06-25 ] . (原始内容存档 于2015-01-08).
^ Stackhouse, Reginald. The End of the World?: A New Look at an Old Belief . Paulist Press . 1997: 50 [2013-06-25 ] . (原始内容存档 于2015-01-08).
^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 Schwartz, Hillel, Century's End: An orientation manual toward the Year 2000, New York: Doubleday, 1995, ISBN 0-385-47981-6
^ 21.0 21.1 21.2 Daniel Cohen, Prophets of Doom. The Millbrook Press, Inc., Brookfield CT, 1999.
^ Brady, David. The Contribution of British Writers Between 1560 and 1830 to the Interpretation of Revelation 13.16-18 . Mohr Siebeck. 1983: 182–183 [2013-06-25 ] . (原始内容存档 于2013-10-31).
^ Modeen, Marvin. Marvin Modeen. pp. 71. ISBN 978-0-615-16500-4 .
^ Miller, Craig. Did Emanuel Swedenborg Influence LDS Doctrine? . [2013-06-25 ] . (原始内容存档 于2011-07-25).
^ John F. Ross, Dark Day of 1780 , American Heritage, Fall 2008, 58 (5) [2012-09-01 ] , (原始内容存档 于2012-11-23)
^ Philips, David E. Legendary Connecticut . ISBN 1-880684-05-5 . (原始内容 存档于2007-09-27).
^ 10 failed doomsday predictions . [2009-11-12 ] . (原始内容存档 于2009-11-16). History has countless examples of people who have proclaimed that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent, but perhaps there has never been a stranger messenger than a hen in the English town of Leeds in 1806. It seems that a hen began laying eggs on which the phrase "Christ is coming" was written. As news of this miracle spread, many people became convinced that doomsday was at hand — until a curious local actually watched the hen laying one of the prophetic eggs and discovered someone had hatched a hoax.
^ Charles Mackay . Extraordinary popular delusions & the madness of crowds . Random House . 1841. ISBN 0-517-88433-X .
^ 29.0 29.1 Stephen Skinner, Millennium Prophecies. Longmeadow Press, Stamford CT, 1994. Page 109.
^ Morris, A. M. The Prophecies Unveiled.
^ 31.0 31.1 31.2 Leon Festinger et al., When Prophecy Fails. University of Minnesota Press, 1956.
^ Sears, Clara Endicott. Days of Delusion–A Strange Bit of History. Houghton Mifflin.
^ Wendell, Jonas . The Present Truth, or Meat in Due Season (PDF) . 1870 [September 22, 2011] . (原始内容 (PDF) 存档于2007-09-27).
^ Neusner, Jacob. World Religions in America: An Introduction . Westminster John Knox . 2009: 242 [2013-06-25 ] . (原始内容存档 于2015-01-08).
^ Stone, Jon R. Expecting Armageddon: Essential Reading in Failed Prophecy . Routledge . 2000: 56.
^ Paul Boyer, When Time Shall Be No More. Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA, 1992.
^ 37.0 37.1 Ten Notable Apocalypses That (Obviously) Didn't Happen . Smithsonian . 2009-11-12 [2009-11-14 ] . (原始内容存档 于2017-08-06).
^ Zion's Watch Tower: 23. 15 January 1892.
^ Penton, James. Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses . University of Toronto Press . 1997: 46 . ISBN 978-0802079732 .
^ The Finished Mystery , 1917, p. 398, 64
^ The Finished Mystery , 1917, p. 485, 258, as cited by Raymond Franz, Crisis of Conscience , pages 206–211.
^ 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 42.5 Eva Shaw, Eve of Destruction. Lowell House, Los Angeles, 1995.
^ Alex Heard, Apocalypse Pretty Soon. W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 1999. Pages 46–48.
^ Waco: The Rules of Engagement , 1997 film.
^ 45.0 45.1 45.2 William M. Alnor, UFO Cults and the New Millennium. Baker Books, Grand Rapids MI, 1998.
^ 46.0 46.1 46.2 Thomas Robbins et al, Millennium, Messiahs and Mayhem. Routledge, New York, 1997.
^ The Closing Argument... . 2violent.com. [September 22, 2011] . (原始内容存档 于2013-09-21).
^ David, Moses. THE CHRISTMAS MONSTER . September 8, 1973 [2011-10-03 ] . (原始内容存档 于2011-09-27). ML#269 – The Children of God
^ " 40 DAYS!" — And Nineveh Shall Be Destroyed! (Jonah 3:4) — MO . November 12, 1973 [2011-10-03 ] . (原始内容存档 于2011-09-27). ML#280 – The Children of God
^ Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God (PDF) . Watch Tower Society: 29–35. 1966 [2013-06-25 ] . (原始内容存档 (PDF) 于2012-02-20).
^ The Watchtower March 15, 1980. Pages 17-18
^ Edward T. Babinski, Leaving the Fold. Prometheus Books, Amherst NY, 1995. Page 277.
^ Stone 2000, p. 269.
^ End Times by Chuck Smith, 1978
^ Arellano, Gustavo. Remembering When Chuck Smith Predicted the End Times–And They Didn't Happen . OC Weekly . May 7, 2011 [March 18, 2012] . (原始内容 存档于2013年10月4日).
^ Michael Grosso, Millennium Myth: Love and Death at the End of Time. Quest Books, Wheaton IL, 1995. Page 7.
^ Harold Camping, Ig Nobel Prize-winning mathematician, explains his mistake . improbable.com. [January 8, 2013] . (原始内容存档 于2013-06-25).
^ Restall, Matthew; Solari, Amara. 2012 and the End of the World: The Western Roots of the Maya Apocalypse . Rowman & Littlefield . 2011: 121 [January 8, 2013] . ISBN 978-1442206090 . (原始内容存档 于2015-01-08).
^ Michael Shermer, How We Believe. W.H. Freeman and Co., New York, 1999
^ Pamela Starr Dewey. Edgar Whisenant's 88 Reasons . isitso.org. [September 30, 2011] . (原始内容存档 于2013-04-03).
^ Snow, Robert L. Deadly Cults: The Crimes of True Believers . Praeger/Greenwood. 2003: 70 , 79, 108, 111. ISBN 0-275-98052-9 .
^ Cecil Adams, Triumph of the Straight Dope. Ballantine Books, NY, 1999. Pages 18–20.
^ Watanabe, Teresa. No Doomsday Rapture for S. Korea Sect . Los Angeles Times. 1992-10-29 [May 20, 2011] . (原始内容存档 于2012-05-26).
^ Harold Camping, 1994?. Vantage Press, New York, 1992. Pages 526, 527, 531
^ Jones, Ian. Apocalypse ... Not Just Yet . MSN News. MSN UK News. [27 February 2012] . (原始内容 存档于2012-07-13).
^ Mass suicide involved sedatives, vodka and careful planning . CNN. [September 22, 2011] . (原始内容存档 于2012-05-26).
^ Lois H. Gresh, The Hunger Games Companion: The Unauthorized Guide to the Series, Macmillan, 2009. Page 207.
^ The New York Times. 1998-03-04.
^ The 100 Most Entertaining Predictions about the 21st Century By William Ray, Lynette Ray. 2000. Page 89
^ Umar Ibrahim Vadillo, The Esoteric Deviation in Islam , pgs. 450-451. Madinah Press, 2011. ISBN 062030569X
^ Fisher, Ian. Uganda Survivor Tells of Questions When World Didn't End. The New York Times . Apr 3, 2000.
^ Twesigye, Emmanuel K. Religion, Politics and Cults in East Africa: God's Warriors and Mary's Saints . Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. 2010 [June 24, 2013] . ISBN 1433111128 . (原始内容存档 于2015-01-08).
^ Kellner, Mark A. The Coming Secular Apocalypse . Christianity Today . January 11, 1999 [October 9, 2011] . (原始内容存档 于2012-05-26).
^ Rosin, Hanna. The Apocalypse Is Still Coming—Later. The Washington Post . December 27, 1999: A01.
^ Nick Hanna, The Millennium: A Rough Guide to the Year 2000. Rough Guides, London, 1998. Page 219.
^ The End: Why Jesus Could Return by A.D. 2000. Ed Dobson. 1997. Zondervan.
^ George Johnson. Comets Breed Fear, Fascination and websites . The New York Times. March 28, 1997 [September 30, 2011] . (原始内容存档 于2013-05-18).
^ Hawkins, Yisrayl. The House Of Yahweh Special Newsletter . pdf. House of Yaweh. [30 October 2012] . (原始内容 存档于2012年9月26日).
^ "Some fear debut of powerful atom-smasher (页面存档备份 ,存于互联网档案馆 )" CNN.com . 30 June 2008.
^ 蕭靄君. 台灣當局調查「世界末日」預言 . BBC中文網 . 2011-05-01 [2013-06-29 ] . (原始内容存档 于2011-05-13).
^ 陳方瑩; 張勵德. 埔里恐慌避難潮 511末日 貨櫃屋 瘋建200個 . 台灣蘋果日報 . 2011-04-30 [2013-06-29 ] .
^ Ronald Weinland. Moving Forward Rapidly, February 7, 2008 . [May 5, 2008] . (原始内容 存档于2008年5月9日).
^ Ronald Weinland. New Truth, June 18, 2008 . [May 5, 2008] . (原始内容 存档于2008年12月5日).
^ Ronald Weinland. 1260 Days, December 13, 2008 . [Dec 17, 2008] . (原始内容 存档于2008年12月17日).
^ Nancy Atkinson. Worried About Comet Elenin? FAQs from Ian Musgrave . Universe Today. July 20, 2011 [October 8, 2011] . (原始内容存档 于2012-05-26).
^ Kissick, Peter. Eurovision 2012: a sign of the apocalypse? . thephonograph.co.uk. May 26, 2012 [June 6, 2012] . (原始内容 存档于2013-01-14).
^ Ligaya, Armina. ‘The time is finished’: Religious sect erects billboards in Toronto ahead of the ‘transformation’ . nationalpost.com. May 1, 2012. (原始内容 存档于2013年1月29日).
^ Cotroneo, Christian. Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda: End Of The World Is Nigh (Again) . The Huffington Post . May 2, 2012 [December 6, 2012] . (原始内容存档 于2013-01-15).
^ G. Jeffrey MacDonald. Does Maya calendar predict 2012 apocalypse? . USA Today. 27 March 2007 [14 October 2009] . (原始内容存档 于2012-07-04).
^ David Stuart, The Order of Days: The Maya World and the Truth about 2012 , Harmony Books, 2011
^ David Webster. The Uses and Abuses of the Ancient Maya (PDF) . The Emergence of the Modern World Conference, Otzenhausen, Germany: Penn State University . 25 September 2007 [14 October 2009] . (原始内容 (PDF) 存档于2009年11月9日).
^ Bennett-Smith. Warren Jeffs, Polygamist FLDS Cult Leader, May Be Directing Doomsday Plot (VIDEO) . The Huffington Post . December 31, 2012 [January 5, 2013] . (原始内容存档 于2013-02-07).
^ Egan, Ladd. FLDS Prepare For End Of World This Sunday . KUTV . December 19, 2012 [January 5, 2013] . (原始内容存档 于2013-01-15).
^ Hall, John. The end of the world...again? Authorities on alert after cult leader paedophile Warren Jeffs warns 10,000 followers to prepare for New Year's Eve apocalypse . The Independent . December 31, 2012 [January 5, 2013] . (原始内容存档 于2013-05-19).
^ Grigory Rasputin predicted end of the world on August 23, 2013 . PravdaReport. [2017-07-30 ] . (原始内容存档 于2017-07-30) (英语) .
^ Snyder, Christopher. Is the cosmos telling us the end is near? . Fox News. 2013-10-16 [2017-07-30 ] . (原始内容存档 于2017-06-12) (美国英语) .
^ Tuthill, Peter; Monnier, John; Lawrance, Nicholas; Danchi, William; Owocki, Stan; Gayley, Kenneth. The Prototype Colliding-Wind Pinwheel WR 104. The Astrophysical Journal. 2008, 675 (1): 698–710. Bibcode:2008ApJ...675..698T . arXiv:0712.2111 . doi:10.1086/527286 .
^ O'Neill, Ian. WR 104 Won’t Kill Us After All . Universe Today. December 24, 2015. (原始内容 存档于September 19, 2012).
^ Bostrom, Nick . Existential Risks: Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios and Related Hazards . Journal of Evolution and Technology. March 2002, 9 (1) [September 10, 2012] . (原始内容存档 于2011-04-27).
^ Super-eruptions: Global effects and future threats . Geological Society of London . [August 6, 2017] . (原始内容存档 于2018-12-23).
^ Franck, S.; Bounama, C.; Von Bloh, W. Causes and timing of future biosphere extinction (PDF) . Biogeosciences Discussions. November 2005, 2 (6): 1665–1679 [October 19, 2011] . Bibcode:2005BGD.....2.1665F . doi:10.5194/bgd-2-1665-2005 . (原始内容存档 (PDF) 于2019-10-29).
^ Ward, Peter Douglas; Brownlee, Donald. The life and death of planet Earth: how the new science of astrobiology charts the ultimate fate of our world. Macmillan. 2003. ISBN 0-8050-7512-7 .
^ Carrington, D. Date set for desert Earth . BBC News. 2000-02-21 [2007-03-31 ] . (原始内容存档 于2012-07-10).
^ Schröder, K.-P.; Smith, R.C. Distant future of the Sun and Earth revisited. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society . 2008, 386 (1): 155. Bibcode:2008MNRAS.386..155S . arXiv:0801.4031 . doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2008.13022.x . See also Palmer, J. Hope dims that Earth will survive Sun's death . New Scientist . 2008 [2008-03-24 ] . (原始内容 存档于2008-03-17).
^ Powell, David. Earth's Moon Destined to Disintegrate . Space.com . Tech Media Network. January 22, 2007. (原始内容 存档于September 6, 2008).
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