「重浸派」,這一字的字面意義是「再洗者」的意思。它又被稱為「徹底宗教改革」,會有此稱號,起因是由於這一派的人主張凡物公用、強調和平主義、堅持不抵抗的原則,此外,他們對於外來的權威一概採取普遍懷疑、不信任的態度[來源請求],拒絕接受承認嬰孩的受浸禮,只認同信徒成年的浸禮,他們又常常被視為「宗教改革運動的左翼」,意思就是他們強調與路德宗、加爾文宗的改教運動內容不同。[2]但,也有人認為與宗教改革運動無關,而是起源於另外的運動[3][4],現今的阿米希人、胡特爾派及門諾會三個教派被認為直接起源於此運動,而 Brethren, Bruderhof, 及 the Apostolic Christian Church 則是重洗派後續所發展出來的教派。這些忠於聖經的基督徒卻拒絕接受這個名稱,稱自己為「真正基督徒」,彼此互稱為「弟兄們」,因為他們認為「重浸派」是反對者存惡意給他們冠上的稱號,故意使人以為這是一個新教派。這名稱在後來也使用在一些實行共產主義激烈的顛覆份子身上,叫那些迫害重洗派的反對者更容易博得其他人的同情,以為他們正在鎮壓危險的顛覆國家份子。有關16世紀重浸派的文獻,也一如早期的信徒史料一般,遭受到毀滅的命運,反而是由那些迫害他們的敵人把當時的事記載下來。但在宗教糾紛中寫下來的資料,不免滿紙讒罵攻擊,因此翻查資料的人,就要格外審慎,纔能探索出事實真相。科倫大主教寫給查理士五世有關“重浸派運動”的報告中,指出重浸派自稱為“真正基督徒”,實行凡物公用,“二千多年以來,都是這樣的,有舊史料和國家法律記錄為證。”在斯拜爾舉行的國會會議休會的時候,曾宣稱這“新的宗派為重浸派”,但其實早在好幾百年前天主教帝國時代,這些團體已經存在,並“受法律所禁制”。由此可見,依照新約原則的浸禮,雖經過了十二個世紀之久,卻一直被認為是違法的,犯法者均會被處以死刑。[5]
^Since the middle of the 20th century, the German-speaking world no longer uses the term Wiedertäufer (translation: "Re-baptizers"), considering it biased. The term Täufer (translation: "Baptizers") is now used, which is considered more impartial. From the perspective of their persecutors, the "Baptizers" baptized for the second time those "who as infants had already been baptized". The denigrative term Anabaptist, given to them by others, signifies rebaptizing and is considered a polemical term, so it has been dropped from use in modern German. However, in the English-speaking world, it is still used to distinguish the Baptizers more clearly from the Baptists, a Protestant sect that developed later in England. Compare their self-designation as "Brethren in Christ" or "Church of God": Stayer, James M. Täufer. Theologische Realenzyklopädie (TRE) 32. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter: 597–617. 2001. ISBN 3-11-016712-3(德语). Brüder in Christo", "Gemeinde Gottes.
Carroll, J.M. (1931). The Trail of Blood: Following the Christians Down through the Ages, or, the history of Baptist Churches from the Time of Christ, Their Founder, to the Present Day. Lexington, Ky.: Ashland Avenue Baptist Church. 56 p. + fold. chart. Without ISBN
Knox, Ronald. Enthusiasm: a Chapter in the History of Religion, with Special Reference to the XVII and XVIII Centuries. Oxford, Eng.: Oxford University Press, 1950. viii, 622 p.