第一個教授症狀體溫法的機構是在1971年所建立。比林斯和一名天主教平信徒Sheila Kippleyhe加入Konald Prem醫師的組織,教授以體溫、子宮頸黏液以及子宮頸位置三種症狀的症狀體溫法。此組織在代稱為Couple to Couple League International[46]。一些目前大型的天主教機構也在接下來的十年內建立,例如教授比林斯方式的Family of the Americas(1977年)[49],以及Pope Paul VI Institute(1985年)教授一種只以黏液為基礎的避孕法,稱為基頓模式(Creighton Model)[50]。
在1980年代之前,有關生育意識的資訊只有從天主教機構中取得[51]。第一個教授生育意識的非天主教機構是紐約的Fertility Awareness Center,在1981年成立[52]。Toni Weschler在1982年開始教授生育意識,在1995年出現了暢銷書《Taking Charge of Your Fertility》[53]。加拿大的Justisse是在1987年在加拿大的埃德蒙顿成立[54]。這些機構都教授症狀體溫法。雖然天主教組織比非天主教的生育意識運動要大很多,不過在1990年代起,出現了許多獨立的非天主教生育意識教授者。
^Dunson, D.B.; Baird, D.D.; Wilcox, A.J.; Weinberg, C.R. Day-specific probabilities of clinical pregnancy based on two studies with imperfect measures of ovulation. Human Reproduction. 1999, 14 (7): 1835–1839. ISSN 1460-2350. PMID 10402400. doi:10.1093/humrep/14.7.1835.
^O'Reilly, Andrea. Encyclopedia of Motherhood. SAGE Publications. 6 April 2010: 1056. ISBN 9781452266299(英语). The Roman Catholic church and some Protestant denominations have approved only "natural family planning" methods--including the rhythm method and periodic abstinence.
^Green, Joel B. Dictionary of Scripture and Ethics. Baker Books. 1 November 2011: 303. ISBN 9781441239983(英语). In 1968, Paul VI reiterated the traditional Catholic prohibition against all but "natural family planning" (abstinence during fertile periods), which many Catholics and some Protestants continue to practice.
^ 14.014.1Manhart, MD; Daune, M; Lind, A; Sinai, I; Golden-Tevald, J. Fertility awareness-based methods of family planning: A review of effectiveness for avoiding pregnancy using SORT.. Osteopathic Family Physician. January–February 2013, 5 (1): 2–8. doi:10.1016/j.osfp.2012.09.002.
^Kippley, John; Sheila Kippley. The Art of Natural Family Planning 4th addition. Cincinnati, OH: The Couple to Couple League. 1996: 141. ISBN 0-926412-13-2.
^Wade ME, McCarthy P, Braunstein GD, et al. A randomized prospective study of the use-effectiveness of two methods of natural family planning. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. October 1981, 141 (4): 368–376. PMID 7025639. doi:10.1016/0002-9378(81)90597-4.
^Medina JE, Cifuentes A, Abernathy JR, et al. Comparative evaluation of two methods of natural family planning in Colombia. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. December 1980, 138 (8): 1142–1147. PMID 7446621. doi:10.1016/S0002-9378(16)32781-8.
^ P, Heil J, Gnoth C, et al. The effectiveness of a fertility awareness based method to avoid pregnancy in relation to a couple's sexual behaviour during the fertile time: a prospective longitudinal study. Hum. Reprod. 2007, 22 (5): 1310–9. PMID 17314078. doi:10.1093/humrep/dem003.
^Frank-Herrmann P, Freundl G, Baur S, et al. Effectiveness and acceptability of the sympto-thermal method of natural family planning in Germany. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. December 1991, 165 (6 Pt 2): 2052–2054. PMID 1755469. doi:10.1016/s0002-9378(11)90580-8.
^Frank-Herrmann P, Freundl G, Gnoth C, et al. Natural family planning with and without barrier method use in the fertile phase: efficacy in relation to sexual behavior: a German prospective long-term study. Advances in Contraception. June–September 1997, 13 (2–3): 179–189. PMID 9288336. S2CID 24012887. doi:10.1023/A:1006551921219.
^Ecochard, R.; Pinguet, F.; Ecochard, I.; De Gouvello, R.; Guy, M.; Huy, F. Analysis of natural family planning failures. In 7007 cycles of use. Contraception, Fertilité, Sexualité. 1998, 26 (4): 291–6. PMID 9622963.
^Hilgers, T.W.; Stanford, J.B. Creighton Model NaProEducation Technology for avoiding pregnancy. Use effectiveness. Journal of Reproductive Medicine. 1998, 43 (6): 495–502. PMID 9653695.
^ 27.027.1Howard, M.P.; Stanford, J.B. Pregnancy probabilities during use of the Creighton Model Fertility Care System. Archives of Family Medicine. 1999, 8 (5): 391–402. PMID 10500511. doi:10.1001/archfami.8.5.391.
^James Trussell et al. (2000) "Contraceptive effectiveness rates", Contraceptive Technology — 18th Edition, New York: Ardent Media. On-press.
^Fertility Awareness Method. Brown University Health Education Website. Brown University. 2012 [2012-12-11]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-08).
^James B. Brown. Physiology of Ovulation. Ovarian Activity and Fertility and the Billings Ovulation Method. Ovulation Method Research and Reference Centre of Australia. 2005. (原始内容存档于2005-12-24).
^Evelyn Billings; Ann Westinore. The Billings Method: Controlling Fertility Without Drugs or Devices. Toronto: Life Cycle Books. 1998: 47. ISBN 0-919225-17-9.
^Moral Questions Affecting Married Life: Addresses given October 29, 1951 to the Italian Catholic Union of midwives互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期December 6, 2010,. and November 26, 1951, to the National Congress of the Family Front and the Association of Large Families, National Catholic Welfare Conference, Washington, DC.
John F. Kippley; Sheila K. Kippley. The Art of Natural Family Planning Fourth. Cincinnati, OH: Couple to Couple League International. 1996. ISBN 0-926412-13-2.