- I.
- Oh beautiful, for spacious skies,
- For amber waves of grain,
- For purple mountain majesties
- Above the fruited plain!
- 合唱
- America! America! God shed his grace on thee,
- And crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea.
- II.
- Oh beautiful, for pilgrims' feet
- Whose stern, impassioned stress
- A thoroughfare for freedom beat
- Across the wilderness!
- 合唱
- America! America! God mend thine ev'ry flaw;
- Confirm thy soul in self control, thy liberty in law!
- III.
- Oh beautiful, for heroes proved
- In liberating strife,
- Who more than self their country loved
- And mercy more than life!
- 合唱
- America! America! May God thy gold refine,
- Til all success be nobleness, and ev'ry gain divine!
- IV.
- Oh beautiful, for patriot's dream
- That sees, beyond the years,
- Thine alabaster cities gleam
- Undimmed by human tears!
- 合唱
- America! America! God shed his grace on thee,
- And crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea!
- I.
- 美哉此地,天高空廣,
- 糧實如浪金黃;
- 秀美其嶽,朱紫其壑,
- 處碩野豐田曠!
- 合唱
- 阿美利加,阿美利加,受天上澤其恩;
- 再冠爾首,載以良朋,洋迄彼洋碧已!
- II.
- 美哉此地,清者之足,
- 穆性肅心開拓
- 束鬆縛落,新通路廣
- 向邁野推前進!
- 合唱
- 阿美利加,阿美利加,靠天修復其錯;
- 身修穆穆,致以誠服,權利法治相和!
- III.
- 美哉此地,烈英所顯,
- 願奮鬥衛自由,
- 身憂顧國,己身何如,
- 再願獻身贖救!
- 合唱
- 阿美利加,阿美利加,盼天再煉其珍;
- 盼勝所得,皆德所得,存道穀言之聖!
- IV.
- 美哉此地,愛國士言:
- 願此後故土中,
- 州邦耀耀,燦燦城郭,
- 賺淚載多人可!
- 合唱
- 阿美利加,阿美利加,受天上澤其恩;
- 再冠爾首,載以良朋,洋迄彼洋碧已!