《美利堅合眾國憲法》第二十六修正案(英語:Twenty-sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution)簡稱「第二十六修正案」(Amendment XXVI),禁止美國各州和聯邦政府設定比十八歲更年長的投票年齡。
第二十六修正案是因應反越戰學生運動下的產物,並推翻了美國最高法院1970年對奧勒岡訴米契爾案(英语:Oregon v. Mitchell) (Oregon v. Mitchell) 的部分判決。修正案于1971年3月23日由美國國會提出,於同年7月1日获得批准,前后耗时仅100天,是宪法全部27条修正案中最快得到批准的一条。自1972年起,年滿十八歲的美國公民正式享有投票權。
Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.
Despite my misgivings about the constitutionality of this one provision, I have signed the bill. I have directed the Attorney General to cooperate fully in expediting a swift court test of the constitutionality of the 18-year-old provision.[4]
As I meet with this group today, I sense that we can have confidence that America's new voters, America's young generation, will provide what America needs as we approach our 200th birthday, not just strength and not just wealth but the "Spirit of '76'" a spirit of moral courage, a spirit of high idealism in which we believe in the American dream, but in which we realize that the American dream can never be fulfilled until every American has an equal chance to fulfill it in his own life.[11]