葛丽泰·嘉宝(Greta Garbo,1905年9月18日—1990年4月15日),本名葛麗泰·洛維薩·古斯塔夫松(Greta Lovisa Gustafsson),瑞典国宝级电影女演员,奧斯卡終身成就獎得主,好莱坞星光大道入选者。1999年,美國電影學會评其為百年來最偉大的女演員第5名。几乎任何一部她演过的电影都有这么一句话“请让我一个人待着(I want to be alone.)”,这也是她真实生活的终身写照。2012年瑞典国家银行发行的新版纸币上,嘉宝成为纸币上的人物。
It was eternally gray—those long winter's nights. My father would be sitting in a corner, scribbling figures on a newspaper. On the other side of the room my mother is repairing ragged old clothes, sighing. We children would be talking in very low voices, or just sitting silently. We were filled with anxiety, as if there were danger in the air. Such evenings are unforgettable for a sensitive girl. Where we lived, all the houses and apartments looked alike, their ugliness matched by everything surrounding us.