對於建築理論,解構主義哲學的主要渠道是通過哲學家雅克·德希達與彼得·艾森曼的影響力。艾森曼從解構文藝運動和根據Chora L Works記載的在维莱特公园競選項目與德希達的合作中悟出了一套哲學。德希達、艾森曼和丹尼爾·李伯斯金都關心在場形上學。[3]這也成了建築理論解構主義哲學的主要課題。「此在」與「不此在」的辯證或者「實在」與「空虛」都常見於艾森曼的建築項目。德希達和艾森曼都相信所在地就是建築,而「此在」與「不此在」的辯證則存在於建構與解構之中。[4]
^The projects in this exhibition mark a different sensibility, one in which the dream of pure form has been disturbed.It is the ability to disturb our thinking about form that makes these projects deconstructive. The show examines an episode, a point of intersection between several architects where each constructs an unsettling building by exploiting the hidden potential of modernism.
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