《白酋長(英语:The White Sheik)》(1952年)是費里尼首部單獨執導的電影,由阿尔贝托·索尔迪(Alberto Sordi)所主演。這部電影是根據米開朗基羅·安東尼奧尼於1949年所編寫的劇本所修飾的。安東尼奧尼原先提供這部劇本給亞伯托‧拉陶達,但是拉陶達因為不滿意劇本而作罷。費里尼後來在卡洛·蓬蒂(Carlo Ponti)的支持下,將它搬上大螢幕。
^參見Kezich的《Fellini: His Life and Work》, p.157 及Luigi Titta Benzi在《Fellini: I'm a Born Liar》 (2003)中的電影訪談.
^這些資料是來自Tullio Kezich所著《的Federico Fellini: His Life and Work》(New York: Faber & Faber), 2006, p.114.
^The influence of Jung and Italian popular culture such as the Corriere dei Piccoli on Fellini's style are closely examined in Peter Bondanella, The Cinema of Federico Fellini, (Princeton:Princeton University Press), 1992.
^ Fellini scholar Peter Bondanella argues that although "it is indeed an Italian family name, the word paparazzo is probably a corruption of the word papataceo, a large and bothersome mosquito. Ennio Flaiano, the film's co-screenwriter and creator of Paparazzo, reports that he took the name from a character in a novel by George Gissing." Cited in Bondanella, Peter, The Cinema of Federico Fellini, Princeton: Princeton University Press, p. 136. The title of Gissing's novel is By the Ionian Sea (1901).
^參見Bernardino Zapponi所著的傳記《Il mio Fellini》 (Roma:Marsilio Editori, 1995)與《I'm a Born Liar: A Fellini Lexicon》中相關的章節, ed. Damian Pettigrew (New York: Abrams, 2003).
Panicelli, Ida, and Antonella Soldaini (ed.)(1995). Fellini: Costumes and Fashion. Milan: Edizioni Charta. ISBN 88-86158-82-3
Rohdie, Sam (2002). Fellini Lexicon. London: BFI Publishing.
Tornabuoni, Lietta (1995). Federico Fellini. Preface Martin Scorsese. New York: Rizzoli.
Walter, Eugene (2002). Milking the Moon: A Southerner's Story of Life on This Planet. Ed. Katherine Clark. New York: Three Rivers Press. ISBN 0-609-80965-2
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