加拿大—日本關係(日语:日加関係、英語:Canada–Japan relations、法語:Relations entre le Canada et le Japon)是指日本與加拿大的外交關係,此二國在各式領域都有良好的合作關係。二國間的外交關係正式始於1950年,日本駐渥太華領事館的開幕。在1929年,加拿大駐東京公使館開幕,是加拿大在亞洲的第一間公使館[1],而在同一年,日本駐渥太華領事館形式上也改成公使館[2]。
Beynon, Robert Arthur. "Decline And Growth: Canadian-Japanese Economic Relations" PhD. Dissertation University of British Columbia, 1990. online
Francoeur, David. Fuelling a War Machine: Canadian Foreign Policy in the Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945 (2011).
Hook, Glenn D., et al. Japan's international relations: politics, economics and security (Routledge, 2011), comprehensive textbook
Kenna, Nathan Noble. "The Redevelopment of Canada and Japan’s Economic Relationship, 1945-1951: Canadian Perspectives." (2010). online(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
McMillan, Charles J. Bridge Across the Pacific: Canada and Japan in the 1990's (Ottawa: Canada Japan Trade Council, 1988)
Meehan, John D. The Dominion and the Rising Sun: Canada Encounters Japan, 1929-41 (UBC Press, 2005)
Schultz, John. and Kimitada Miwa(eds), "Canada and Japan in the Twentieth Century" (Toronto Oxford University Press Canada, 1991) review[永久失效連結]
Webster, Keith Stuart. "Canada and the Far Eastern Commission" PhD Dissertation. University of Victoria, 2007. on 1945-51
Wilford, Timothy. Canada's Road to the Pacific War: Intelligence, Strategy, and the Far East Crisis (UBC Press, 2011)